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Double Nationality


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Being born British does not mean you want to be British. I don't want to be British which is why I seek the nationality of another country which happens to be an European country because I consider myself European.

There are millions of people throughout the world claiming political asylum. There are charities in the UK that help people. Not all asylum seekers are genuine. There are hundreds of thousands in Europe who claim asylum yet they are in no danger in their own country, they are claiming asylum for financial gain. France does not have the monopoly on asylum seekers.

But then according to a recent article in a UK newspaper some 30 odd people were caught trying to get into France from the UK last week.


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CT says "Being born British does not mean you want to be British. I don't want to be British which is why I seek the nationality of another country which happens to be an European country because I consider myself European"

Now we are getting somewhere.

You want to change your nationality because you don't want to be British. Any European nationality will do then, as long it is not British ?

So changing your nationality won't make you British anymore. Is that right ?

How does that work ? LOL.

Will you give up your your British nationality to acheive your goals CT ?

P.S Are my kids British ?
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Yes I would and will give up my British nationality.

Are your children British, how would I know. Perhaps they are French, British, Nigerian, Swiss, Israeli, Moroccan, American who knows apart from you and your wife. What an absolutely stupid question to ask.

If you go back and read the link I gave you will understand. That's all I have to say, bye.
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Poor ALBF, for your own sake STOP showing your ignorance[:P] 

Don't know NOA, OK then Nouvelle Acquitaine to you!  But do you know PACA?

As for addressing Blodwyn as MISTER Blodwyn.......you obviously don't know Welsh either.  Blodwyn means white flower, fair and blessed and is a girl's name.

Next time you wish to sound off, why not be a bit less insistent and not rub a whole lot of people's backs up?

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Ah the mythical creature that is a european, apart from, one could say, being white or just about

....... that is the classic version of a european.

That, even now, most of us look pretty much the same in that regard, there is one thing for sure we are not all of a like mind.

Look at the 'capitol' of Europe, Belgium, one half of the population detests the other and problems  are on going. The right wingers in Holland, Hungary and Poland, and should we mention Germany.  I mustn't forget Italy with it's north/south divide.

Europe is a rare old hotch potch of peoples and cultures, some of which I find rather barbaric. So what are you, those of you who consider yourself european, or do you rather fancy yourselves as the sort of person who is along the lines of the Brussels Technocrats. I just do not believe in being a european, apart from the classic version, which means sod all and don't the police call it caucasian.

And being white with a typical white morphology would never automatically endear anyone to me. For me a persons values count and the way they want to live.

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Minty said "Next time you wish to sound off, why not be a bit less insistent and not rub a whole lot of people's backs up?"

Yes, yes yes,.....but unless I got involved this thread would have achieved about 10 views....and died a horrible death.

Just a debate. LOL...I like debates.

I could tell you instead what I am doing today. Watching today, listening to today, eating today, sleeping with today....lol
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I wasn't going to write anymore because your ignorance shows no bounds on this and many other issues. I have only decided to post one more time because of "Yes, yes yes,.....but unless I got involved this thread would have achieved about 10 views....and died a horrible death.". It did make me laugh. Talk about people full of self importance, I think you must be either at the top of or very close to the top of the list. I wonder do you practice on your family and what do they think. Remember children don't get to choose their family.

Thanks for that it did make me laugh.
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Now then peeps, let us not discriminate on grounds of sexual preference. Blodwyn could be female or male, or could be on the way to becoming either or not sure or stalled in between or even Donald Trump on a bad hair day. Most likely ALBF is secretly called Blodwyn but in their hay day as a lorry driver, had to be called Bod as there were few Blodwyns driving council refuse trucks. So, shall be settle on Mr Blodwyna to please everyone?
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Idun - I think it is quite clear you are not European in any way form or means except in your DNA. You don't even understand what being European is. I just hope the UK survives after Brexit. Lets hope all the Brexiteers are right.

I am reminded of a TV program from way back. It was about where you come from by using DNA. One of the people was a guy called Ian Wright (a footballer if memory serves) and another a Lady something or another who assured everyone she was very, very British and that there was nobody more British than her. When the results came in it turned out she had just about every eastern European countries DNA in her and Ian Wright was far more British than her. Best to say she was not pleased and said that DNA testing was a confidence trick and that actually DNA did not exist, how could it because it said she wasn't British which she had been telling anyone who would listen she was for all her life.

There is actually no such thing as pure British, it does not exist. The highest (42%) can be found in Yorkshire. Basically British DNA is a melange of just about every ancient tribe of Europe (both North and South) because (if you include the invasion of the Channel Island in 1940) the UK has been invaded 10 times and we are all, one way or another, a mix of all those invaders DNA.

Actually if you wanted to really drill down and want to claim your are 100% British then you wouldn't be because that definition is classed as Anglo Saxon from the 5th century onwards which technically means your German from the Saxon tribes of northern Germany, Denmark and what is now called Belgium (strange how it's Belgium don't you think, coincidence or deliberate?). So in short we are all a bunch of bars tards.

Keeping in mind that most (but not all) passed through France the same could be said of France.
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I do not know whether this will let me say this, but I always told my french friends that we english were a b as tard race, with a b as tard language.

Europeans are not some single great tribe. How can you not have understood that, we were all from tribes and  in England, we were put in the blender and all mixed up especially with the industrial revolution.........and yet, we ended up white, even Francis Barbers descendants are white.

And I am sure that we all have some black blood in us, and that is fine by me. I have no illusions about my place in the scheme of things. So me, I am english and England geographically in Europe, boy oh boy, this reminds me of what I wrote on the inside page of my history book when I was 11 or 12........ Idun and DOB, and the town, county, then England, the British Isles, Europe, The Northern Hemisphere, Earth, The Solar System.

What the future holds and how climate changes will affect something like skin colour and even morphology, I would like to see, but helas will not be here to see such changes and yet I am sure that they will occur, otherwise, why did they happen in the first place?

AND NOW I shall ask,ask as I have done endless times before and really do not get any proper answers, why can you not enjoy these too and fro discussions with everyone disagreeing.

I have yet to meet anyone french who cannot do this all the time, arguing that black was white if so suited. And in my region, there were folk from all over France, and they all did it. Opinions on every last thing in great supply and once I stopped being worried about it all degenerating into some physical violence, such was the risk I considered would happen when I first got to France, that never happened and all bisous and hugs and the end of the night. It was just the richness of life in France.

ALBF has been in France a long time, that he taquines and will go for things that he knows darn well will wind people up feels perfectly normal to me. I mean, normal.

So why does no one ever mention this ever, I expect people to behave like him on the board, especially as so many have been in France for so long now, how has it not rubbed off?

And those especially who decided that they are now french, it is one of the frenchest things I can think of, apart from tailgating, boire un canon and eating copious qualities of cheese.

I am now in England and would be cautious about such discussions/happenings, because it isn't the same here, but in France, well, I have very very fond memories of being a table and the very very heated debates and so much nonsense being said[:D]

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Out of curiosity I was wondering if changing nationality would save you money i.e. passport cost? Based on getting a new passport or renewing an old one in the country is where it is issued I found that there are quite big differences.

The UK id £85.50 which is around 101€ as I type this. A German passport costs 59€ and a French one 86€.

It turns out that the UK passport is the most expensive. Strange when you think that technically everyone in the EU gets the same passport yet the price varies so much. Could it be calculated on quantity and thickness of the gold lettering on the front?
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Idun said..."ALBF has been in France a long time, that he taquines and will go for things that he knows darn well will wind people up feels perfectly normal to me. I mean, normal.

So why does no one ever mention this ever, I expect people to behave like him on the board, especially as so many have been in France for so long now, how has it not rubbed off?"

Well said Idun. Very good point.

ALBF is French...ish without the nationality.

Arguing the toss, is normal in France.

It is a cultural thing.

So if you don't understand or get that, what is the point of getting French nationality ? Or moving to France ?

The British get wound up so easily for nothing. Especially on French forums over such trivial things. Why ? Enjoy the debate.

A lot of British living in France (regardless of how long they have lived here) have not been exposed to French culture so they don't get it. They can't adapt.

The new unmentionable forum is a classic case. A day does not go by when someone does not get offended. And then they leave.

Where is Betty BTW ? I miss them.
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So in other words your not even French and yet you are saying others who are now French by nationality are not. I rather think the French government would disagree with you.

I am trying to think of a nationality that you might be because it clearly has to be one that hates the British with a vengeance or so your posts would imply.

You should be a politician because you have the full range of skill sets required.

You never cease to amaze I will give you that but not probably in the way you intended.
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Getting French nationality is just bureaucracy. Language test and a bit of history knowledge.

As we have just debated, for most it is just for the benefits. I very much doubt many get French citizenship because they want to be 'French'.

You know that Colin Firth got Italian citizenship because of his wife.

Then his wife has an affair and they split. Eek.

Does he still have his Italian passport I wonder ? LOL.
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Look CT, if you want to be a german, go for it, if you act like a good german it will not make you any more european, other than geographically, than other germans. And will not be some magic thing that will make you romanian, or portuguese or french, all quite different culturally and ofcourse have their own languages. Yes, geographically european, but that is geography for you.

And not just those afternoons or evenings of nonsense heavy chats..... a(accent grave) table (just of you wooly). When out with my female friends sometimes they have felt the need to tell me that they are just taquine'ing and not to take any of it seriously. I never ever did.

Where as, the cutting remarks from the last Maire's wife, well, all she said to me was always full of venom, as was all from her dear husband, a well matched malicious couple. Boy did we have some horrible, appalling Maires, but we had one good one, what a lovely man he was.

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