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Inter Departmental Travel


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[quote user="betise"]It is inter regional travel that is forbidden.[/quote]

I live in the south of Occitanie, and have only seen limitations based on distance, not on travel between regions, and don't know how I missed this.

The only reference I can see in the two current links to official information, below, is that travel between regions will be allowed after Dec 15th., nothing saying the contrary.

Could you please provide a link saying inter regional travel is currently forbidden?

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"I live in the south of Occitanie, and have only seen limitations

based on distance, not on travel between regions, and don't know how I

missed this.

The only reference I can see in the two current links to official information, below, is that travel between regions will be allowed after Dec 15th., nothing saying the contrary.

Could you please provide a link saying inter regional travel is currently forbidden?"

I think  that this is one of those  rumours that spread among a certain 'expat' population who don't read the French regulations but do read anglophone mis-information. It is not for nothing that there is a paper called "the Correction"[6]

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[quote user="CeeJay"]Thank you all, I shall gird my loins and hot foot it to my favourite place this afternoon!![/quote]

Ceejay, be careful, for if the gendarmes catch you with up girded loins you can be heavily fined. It has always been an offence de se promener avec les loins gridé(sic)!
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Norman, I DIDN't get my info from any English language publication.  I think I heard it on tv, probably BFM tv as it is rolling news and quick fire with "breaking news"

I didn't note the source because I had and have no plans to travel anywhere further than 20 kms.  I did go to the next department for a walk but it was only just across the border and takes less than 20 minutes by car.

OH has prepared a dinky little chart with the scale of 1cm to 1.5 km on a horizontal axis, and marked off on this line all the different places we like going to.  He took accurate measurements from a large scale map to prepare the chart and it's much easier to refer to it than to get out a map and look at it each time.  I know someone's provided an interactive map on which you can be shown the areas included in a circle showing your 20 km.  I didn't think the map of any use to us because only the biggest towns are named and shown; really not enough detail.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
"I live in the south of Occitanie, and have only seen limitations

based on distance, not on travel between regions, and don't know how I

missed this.

The only reference I can see in the two current links to official information, below, is that travel between regions will be allowed after Dec 15th., nothing saying the contrary.

Could you please provide a link saying inter regional travel is currently forbidden?"

I think  that this is one of those  rumours that spread among a certain 'expat' population who don't read the French regulations but do read anglophone mis-information. It is not for nothing that there is a paper called "the Correction"[6]


That's what I thought.

This Forum used to be a fairly reliable source of information. It now seems to have deteriorated into a rumour mill, like so many others.[:(]

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[quote user="betise"]Is Macron a good enough source, and BFMtv French enough?


No, I'm sorry, but it's not good enough. Those are newspaper reports. Not official instructions.

Whatever was reported, or what he said in that speech does not seem to be reflected in any legislation.

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That article is any case out of date. It refers to

"Ces déplacements pour « prendre l'air », pour promener son animal de

compagnie ou faire du sport par exemple, seront possibles dans un rayon

d'un kilomètre de chez soi et dans la limite d'une heure par jour"

That was replaced on the 28th November by

Déplacements en plein air ou vers un lieu de plein air, sans changement du lieu derésidence, dans la limite de trois heures quotidiennes et dans un rayon maximal de vingtkilomètres autour du domicile, liés soit à l’activité physique ou aux loisirs individuels, àl’exclusion de toute pratique sportive collective et de toute proximité avec d’autres personnes,soit à la promenade avec les seules personnes regroupées dans un même domicile, soit auxbesoins des animaux de compagnie

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Yes, but the article states what Macron said (and nothing has been said since that changes things for inter regional travel). Macron said that deplacements between regions were forbidden. Since the 28th November, thing have changed in as much as exercise is allowed for 3 hours etc. But even the government sites still say that after 12th December we will be able to travel between regions, theoretically meaning that at the moment we cannot. Although, following the logic of "we stay at at home unless we have a good reason to leave" any derogation that is allowed on the attestation is valid, even if in another departement or region, so confusing.

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Betise, thank goodness you are here to back up my understanding of this subject.  Thought I was going senile, hearing and reading things that were not actual[:-))]

Yes, I too am waiting for 15 dec to see what changes will apply.

Macron is due to speak but I think that might just be on the subject of the death of Giscard d'Estaing.

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[quote user="betise"]Yes, but the article states what Macron said (and nothing has been said since that changes things for inter regional travel). Macron said that deplacements between regions were forbidden. Since the 28th November, thing have changed in as much as exercise is allowed for 3 hours etc. But even the government sites still say that after 12th December we will be able to travel between regions, theoretically meaning that at the moment we cannot. Although, following the logic of "we stay at at home unless we have a good reason to leave" any derogation that is allowed on the attestation is valid, even if in another departement or region, so confusing.[/quote]

Yes, I agree, that's what I intended to point out in my first post on the subject.

I checked the last 6 Décrets, back to Oct 16th, published on the Aude (11) website, and could find no reference to travel between regions being forbidden.

Possibly it was part of the couvre-feu rules, which did not affect the Aude, and consequently were not published here.

But, my belief is that Macron's statements do not become law until they are ratified and published in a legal form, as I don't think France is currently governed by decree, whatever Macron might wish.

EDIT: Corrected "departements" to "regions".

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Travel between regions was never banned, it was another example of what the Boss said that did not make it into the décret or the successive one but everybody, the media especially believed it.


That said everybody should be confined to their homes except for the few "exceptions" permitted and aside from the distance for exercise there are no limitations on distance let alone limiting travel to within the region.


The soundbite of "people will once again be able to travel between régions" was a clumsy attempt at face saving.


l’article 5 de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen - "Tout ce qui n'est pas interdit est permis"

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Betise, are you there?  Did you hear Castex this evening and did you see the summary of what he said?

Guess what, WE were right all along, no inter regional travel until 15 December!  I guess some of the OTHERS need to go to the back of the class[:P]

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I read this
"La fin de la limite des 20 kilomètres. Les déplacements seront de nouveau autorisés «partout en France»

et à l'étranger à partir du 15 décembre. Il sera donc possible se

rendre d'une région à l'autre sans attestation dans la journée,
avant le


That's not quite the same thing, but I'll wait to see the official regulations

If one goes by journalists:

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