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What do guests think of us?


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Well I know that us B&Bers use this space to let off steam - and it really can help when you get that worke up by some of the morons that you have to put up with.  But in general, as said on other threads 99% of guests are great - as with everything in life, we tend to moan about the bad ones, rather than praise the good ones.

I'd be interested to hear what B&B users think are good and bad points about B&B hosts.  I know that several look in on this forum because they have made comments in the past when we're all having a good old whinge, about how they wouldn't want to stay with us.  So what do guests hate in hosts?

I find that MOST people just want to talk to you but sometimes I find myself talking to people that aren't quite as talkative as most and I then wonder if they're thinking "oh God, I wish she'd shut up!" or as much as I sometimes wish I could run and hide when I see a car coming back up the drive earlier in the day than I expected, perhaps there are those that are thinking "How do we sneak back in without her seeing us".

I've also said in the past how I don't like to rush people through their evening meal and therefore we never get to bed particularly early.  I know that most Americans like to eat all 4 courses within the hour, but we have also had those that say how nice it is to eat leisurely, in the european manner.  What do guests think is a reasonable time to take over dinner?

Any other comments welcome!

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Personally I'd prefer my host to be unobtrusive, but then I've never stayed anywhere offering evening meals. As far as eating goes, I would expect to eat in a leisurely fashion at the same time and pace as was normal in the country being visited. I would have thought about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, with the opportunity to linger over coffee for a bit while the host starts clearing up in the kitchen. I'm sure you won't please everybody, though.
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St Amour - sometimes I DO run and hide if our guests come back during the day!!  Last year during the winter I built (yes that is right ME not him built) another terrace at the top of the garden.  As the garden is long and steep you cannot see it from the house and I often leg  it up there if someone comes back - either that or hide in the office until they get to their rooms!!!  In the summer I'll often prepare the vegetables outside on the terrace if I'm alone and the second I sit down someone arrives with 'You don't mind if I join you, do you?'

I suspect our guests think about us as we do about them - most like us and a few don't.  We get very positive feedback and lots of repeats and recommendations so must be doing something right.  Right at the moment I would like to sleep for a week and not see anyone ever again - but another French wedding party are arriving today.  They have ordered a meal and said they will all be here by 7.00 tonight but as most of them are coming from Paris I can almost bet that some will be late and it will be gone midnight again when I get to bed.  The bags under my eyes are turning into suitcases[:)]

Anyway I suspect that most of your guests think you are charming and want to be their best friend - which means that you are doing a great job even if sometimes you are privately gnashing your teeth.

We don't get as many Americans as you, but those we have comment that they like the leisurely meals.

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"How do we sneak back in without her seeing us".


Very funny.  If I thought I might feel that way, I would book at a hotel.

If I/we book at a B&B, I will take into account the purpose of my trip.  If I am traveling with kids, I will book what sounds like a family oriented B&B.  If it is just me and hubby, I will look for one that is more private - private room entrances, private bathroom, not too large a house (so not too many people to hear).  Not sure if you were even asking about this aspect...

As to conversation.  Well, I usually figure that the owners have talked with a million folks before me/us and are probably not too keen on talking, so I try to leave them in peace.  I know it is there home and I try to respect that.  If they come to talk with me/us, I am happy to do so as I like to chat now and then.  At least then I wouldn't feel like I am intruding on their privacy.  We also try to speak in a quiet voice while at a B&B so as not to disturb the other guests.

Dinner - we just go with the flow.  If we are the only ones to dine, we would probably go to a restaurant as I would feel bad having the owners cook just for us.  If there are others, we would do what the others are doing.  I wouldn't want to rush a meal, but again, if everyone else was, we'd just go with it. 

Not sure if this was the type of reply you were looking for.


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We hardly ever stay at B&Bs, mainly as most of our trips back to the UK are to visit/stay with family and I really like my privacy/anonimity (sp?) for a couple of nights.

However, we stayed in a super one in the Pyrennees when ski-ing. The owners had their own quarters but ate with the guests, were friendly and welcoming but unobtrusive, they had loads of information about the area and were easy to find if we needed them, but I didn't feel stifled or interrogated, which for me is a big thing! The rooms were huge, warm and comfortable but without all the frilly cushion, cuddly toy stuff which I hate and had to live with for a few days when holidaying in the Yorkshire Dales.

I think the worst one we have ever stayed in was in Hampshire. The bed leg was broken and propped up on a pile of books which all collapsed during the night. The owner's husband had run off with a neighbour a few days before so there was no breakfast as his wife just drank and cried. So sad.........but I definitely won't be going back.
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I reckon we must make it all look so darn easy to alot of people. When we have stayed in B&B's I have loved it when the lady gave us our key and left us to it. In our set up we maintain a 'low' presence' so people dont say we hover over them. But then, some say we are not visible enough!. We dont question people, we answer questions. When we stay somewhere we want to come and go as we please just as we allow our guests to do. 

Zeb, there should have been a leg on the bed, but, c'mon be honest, why did the books collapse?...

Hope you had a nice stay:))



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When we travel to france as a couple we always stay in B&Bs if we can.  On the whole we find the rooms larger and more comfortable (they often have chairs as well as beds to sit on) than small or large hotels and are much better priced.  We also like the personal touch that you often find. 

We always try to be inobtrusive and quiet, appreciating that we are in someones home and we would only ever ask about places to visit nearby and local restaurants.  If the owners expanded the conversation we always appreciate that .

We often revisit our favourite places, always try stay at least 2 nights, never tread on bedspeads, never pinch towels and have never asked to use the washing machines.

When we visit with friends we usually book Gites as they give us a communial sitting area, they are generally usually disappointing

Just another view,


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where are you ?

we are visiting from the 15 september for 10 days and I am needing bb for the 15 and 16th as our first choice is fully booked that weekend,  I have been searching the internet but only have negative replies so far.

do you find the age of guests has any effect on their behaviour? 



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Told you cassis,

See he was there in the background all the time, biding his time, he

would have been in the B&B, stamping his feeting, shouting gorrocks

loudly and frightening the kids and chickens. You get to learn in this

game, the scams that look innocent but have iffy

undertones..........................a kind of  connection there,

John Peel and Smithy !

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