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Do you serve good vegetarian food or do you have a recommendation?

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We run a CdH in the Lot and although we are not "fully fledged" vegetarians we have a great love of vegetarian food, particularly if it is imaginative (think Cranks or similar) and not just the usual pizza/pasta option. We decided when we opened that we would share our enthusiasm by offering a proper vegetarian option for evening dinner.

We are increasingly being asked by guests if we have information about other similar CdH in France that do the same so that they can plan their holiday accordingly. We would like to have such info to hand and even have a page on our website that simply lists CdH, Hotels or Restaurants that our guests can consider – we will of course make it quite clear that we cannot give a personal recommendation, just suggestions!

So, do you serve good imaginative vegetarian food (yes. I know it is subjective) or can anyone recommend anywhere they have stayed? It doesn’t matter where in France and can either be wholly vegetarian or just as important offering a proper veggie option. I know there are websites out there already but many are purely vegetarian and we have quite a few guests where one partner is not of the "persuasion". Also, we would love to hear true recommendations.

To allay any fears this is not a money-making venture just responding to our guest’s requests.

I have posted this message in both B&B and Food and Drink to reach a wider audience.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Hi there

The only vegetarian place I have heard of anywhere near me is only a restauarnt (no accomadation) but it is supposed to be very good. It is called La Goutine and is in Limoux, near Carcassonne. I have never been there myself but it is an organic vegetarian restaurant. Maybe worth looking for some info on line.

Good luck


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I found this link and I believe that near La Rochelle there's a B&B / cookery school with vegetarian bias. I will try and find the link and will add it later.



For the record I have not visited and I am not involved with any of the above places.


(mother of Vegetarian daughter!)[:)]

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We kicked off our first winter season with a house full for Christmas which in itself would normally be a challenge. Our guests included two Veggies who would not eat anything with a head which also eliminated fish dishes. A lot of thought and late night pacing my my wife resulted in a highly successful week with an exciting and certainly highly presentable range of veggie dishes being delivered. Feedback from our guests was excellent with the ultimate accolade of not only the best holiday food they had received but also that they had put weight on which they would normally never do. 

Blowing our own trumpet - certainly, however the message is that veggie dishes need not be just bland pasta - there are some seriously good recipes out there.

Here in the Pyrenees there is not normally a great range of veggie options available - as they really do almost shoot everything that moves.

Please feel free to add our link to your site.





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Thanks Heidi, Blanche and Mike.

Have to say the cookery school does look yummy Blanche.  It's not too far from us, perhaps a treat for the wife (is cooking a holiday?)

Mike, I have added your site to our favourites and when I get it all together will put  a link to you on our site.

Any other takers?  Surely there must be lots of wonderful veggie cooks out there!

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Hi there,

You might want to take a look at the following:


We've received very good feedback from our guests about most of the places on this list.  If you want more info please PM me.

We're exclusively veggie, based in Burgundy (71).  Though I do say it myself our guests seem to like our food.  It's particularly gratifying when we get non-veggies eating with us and then coming back for more!



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  • 2 weeks later...

We are an English couple who are about to open a Chambre D'hote in the Carcassonne area of the Aude (11) I am a vegetarian, but my husband isn't, so will be offering a full range of veggie meals for our evening meals, and breakfasts.  Which I promise will be a very varied menu.  Also for non-vegetarians there will be a good standard menu as well. Our web site  is nearly finished although partly done on internet.  We hope to be open for business from May 07 onwards.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi - we run a CdH near La Reole, Gironde, and my wife is vegetarian. Most of our guests eat with us at least once and my wife does, she is told in our visitors book, cook with great flair and imagination. Most of the food she cooks is meat or fish-based, but she especially likes it when vegetarians come to stay, as she can put together great menus that she can also eat!

John Mitchell


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Myself and my fiance run a B&B in the Cantal department of the Auvergne.  I offer evening meals on a daily basis and always enquire as to whether my guests have any dietary requirements or absolute dislikes.  I therefore do come across several vegetarian requests.  I have an absolute love of food and an even bigger desire to please people with the food I produce, I therefore have a love of inventive menus be they for vegetarians or those who eat everything.  I would love to be involved in your search for vegetarian b&bs simply because the vegetarians who have stayed with me have told of such boring meals they regularly get in France, mainly omelette or avocado salad!

If you would like to look at our website, please visit www.la-fromental.com


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