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Attestation d'accueil for your visitors from the UK


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[quote user="idun"]
When I said to our rotten horrible conseiller at the CM that I was une etrangere, he said I was not, I was anglaise!  .................................................. [/quote]

It seems you're not even European now, according to the definition of European on this site


If you click on "PERSONNALISER", then the first option, then on "?", you get the definition


Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie,

Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande,

Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège,

Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République tchèque, Roumanie, Slovaquie,

Slovénie, Suède et Suisse.

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That is the crux of the matter.

Etranger has the meaning of 'foreigner' i.e. not French, but there is a  distinction between those who  are from countries in the EU (plus Suisse etc) and the rest of the world. The UK joined the non-EU group after Brexit, and some people are surprised at the consequences which are not the EU inventing new rules, simply of the old ones now being applied to the UK as well as the rest of the world.

There is also an unofficial usage of "étranger" that in practice becomes virtually racist.

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Tourists from non-EU countries need to convince the customs officer that it is OK to let them into the EU. There is no right to enter the EU. UK citizens lost that right.

Questions that will need to be answered and made plausible are:
-why do you want to enter the EU?
-what will you do?
-where will you stay?
-when are you going back?
-can you pay for your visit?

Showing a return ticket and proof of a pre-paid holiday reservation helps and so would an 'attestation d'accueil'.

Considering the UK is currently locking up EU citizens until they are deported back just because the UK customs officer suspects they might want to work, I somehow doubt EU customs officers will be in the mood to help UK citizens that cannot provide any proof.

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"Considering the UK is currently locking up EU citizens until they are deported back just because the UK customs officer suspects they might want to work,"

Any chance of a link to that as it looks interesting?

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Well B&B following your prompt, I did some research and yes it's true they are doing exactly what they should do. I'm glad to see my tax money is being used correctly it's a pity some other countries don't follow suit. It's only news because they are EU nationals. After all, being an EU national or resident doesn't give you any special treatment at most custom posts. I do recall Italy locks up people who don't have the correct paperwork and as for trying to enter the USA or Australia without papers, forget it.
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