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Do the new regulations mean that, in a Chambre d'Hote, the price of breakfasts should be advertised on more than just a website, e.g. on the back of the bedroom door, in the welcome book, in the breakfast restaurant?

We have just been stung for 176 euros (8 euros for 5.5 people [one person was under 10] for 4 mornings) by a Chambre d'Hote owner, even though I agreed a complete price in advance with her.  She presented me with a bill on the last day of our stay and said that the price of breakfasts is extra.  The cost was nowhere to be seen but she said that it is on her website.

I paid up but feel that she was dishonest.  Am I right?


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Hi Cathy. Just advertising the rate on the website is not good enough - what if you had been a 'drive by' and had never seen the tariffs on said website?

Chambre d'Hote price MUST be inclusive of breakfast, and also the tariffs must be displayed 'on the back of the bedroom door'. Our inspectors always look for this feature. Tariffs must be on display for guests to see, that much is sure. I feel you were 'got at'.



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We are with Gites de France, and not only do we have to display our prices on the back of bedroom doors, but also outside, so people can see in advance - ours are on a notice by our front door.  Gites de France guides for tourists actually state that the price per room includes breakfast for all those in the room, so if this particular CdH was a Gites de France member, I think you should write to the regional GdF office and complain.


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[quote user="Lachouette"]We are with Gites de France, and not only do we have to display our prices on the back of bedroom doors, but also outside, so people can see in advance - ours are on a notice by our front door.  Gites de France guides for tourists actually state that the price per room includes breakfast for all those in the room, so if this particular CdH was a Gites de France member, I think you should write to the regional GdF office and complain.


Thats not just GDF, it's the law although many people don't seem to bother. This should change in the near future with inspections being carried out regardless of if you are a member of things like GDF etc.

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We are graded with clevacnces , the prices have to be in the room and also displayed outside either on the door or the gate.When we were inspected we were told that breakfast has to be included in the price and all our prices include breakfast. Having said that though we have a contract to send guests on this contract you have the option of stating if breakfast is included or not and if not the cost of the breakfast
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Thank you everyone.  I think that I am going to complain so that the owner doesn't 'sting' anyone else.  In the UK, my husband runs a B&B and so I have been loathe to do anything ("do unto others as you would be done by").


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Breakfasts must be included in the price of the accommodation.

As Quillan says, it's the law - this one:

Article D324-13

Créé par Décret n°2007-1173 du 3 août 2007 - art. 1 () JORF 4 août 2007

L'activité de location de chambres d'hôtes mentionnée à l'article L. 324-3 est la fourniture groupée de la nuitée et du petit déjeuner. Elle est limitée à un nombre maximal de cinq chambres pour une capacité maximale d'accueil de quinze personnes. L'accueil est assuré par l'habitant.

They can be fined for not complying. You could report them to the relevant Comité Départemental du Tourisme.

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