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a lot has happened since last winter


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I really tried hard not to answer Jons last post even sat on my hands for a while.

Nobody as far as I have seen has ever judged you cooking abilities. The only comment I have seen was about a fruit you mentioned. It was a general comment and not aimed at you in-particular.

I don't understand the website bit, first you said you employed somebody then you said you told them you are dyslexic. What has that to do with the price of fish. The website designer created the website (so you tell us) so the errors are theirs and you should make them correct the errors. I can't cook but if I ordered a steak off you and it was wrong I would make you fix it.

So you have been in many books and had loads of reviews, as a restaurant in the past. You are now in a different business, your description not mine. You have to start again I am afraid, you will be gauged, criticised, praised and abused by a totally different public group and the old reviews of past restaurants you owned do not count. This is a different line of business, its unique, well in France it is and reality comes home when you are scrapping the shite of the side of the toilet bowls and washing the sheets that somebody has spewed up over after too much red wine not to mention the things of yours they have broken and hidden in the wardrobe, chest of draws or under the bed. For many of us it's all part of the course, we get our head down and get on with it.

By the way, out of the 106 Michelin chefs in the UK, only two of them being three star, eleven twelve star and the rest only one star (there are only two women who have stars apparantly, one of then is award winning French Chef Anne-Sophie Pic who has three stars) which one is you or are you saying the resteraunt was given the grading and not the chef?

If you want to learn, and I assume you do, I think you should listen to the constructive, honest, criticism that others have given who have been doing this for many, many years. They may not be professional chefs like yourself but they clearly know a lot more about the hospitality business and in particular B&B's here in France. Two months trading does not an expert make.

As to insulting people, well I doubt anyone here has a professional coffee making machine from a professional restaurant, I suspect we all use filter machines or similar. To insult us by suggesting we are serving naff coffee, to mention just one thing, takes the biscuit. Never mind you get on with it, hope you make a success of things.

One final question, if I may, just to clear up a question I have been asked, are you male or female? If memory serves it's the latter but its a long time ago.

By the way my spelling (and grammar at times) is also atrocious but I use a spell checker, if you don't have one in your browser then copy and paste your post in to Word before you post and it will show you the errors and help you correct them.

Personally I think this and the other thread was an attempt at self advertising but unfortunately its gone a bit squiffy because of the comments of others and thats what has really hacked you off. Hope I am wrong.

That really is my last post on this issue.

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 "a lot has happened since last winter"

So I see Jon, do like the look of your place and the food you serve. All the very best with your venture - there is demand out there for your style and of course your skill in the kitchen.


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Quillan.....where do I begin.Really good coffee makes a great breakfast and an effresso machine is the only machine which produces good coffee.If that is an insult to anyone...welll you will have to live with it.I told everyone HERE that I was dyslexic....not my web-maker.Iwas under the impression that before the web went live that he would  put everything in perfect order.We had three AA Rosettes for any years under our restaurant name Chinon. and PERFUMED CONERVATORY.We were not "POSH" enough for a Michelin star...there is a need for a semaliar and a huge expense in every direction.We did not have a website.As for seasonal foods...well we have trees with cherries, plums,figs, nuts etc and we use everything...what we can not find we buy in the Ste Foy market.As for the cleaning aspect of B and B...well thats all part of earning the income...is it not.It is early days but I have no problems.If you feel that running a restaurant is easier......well forget it please.The hardest thing in the world is running a restaurant...sometimes the clients are horrid and difficult[without reason]the work is really intense and the staff to match.Thats UK not sure about here.It is also extreemly hard to make  money[will be harder now]Most chefs make their money on books and media related work.I promise you that I have first hand knowledge on this topic.Ok time to cook....I have guests
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Spot the difference...

[quote user="jon"]Really good coffee makes a great breakfast and an effresso machine is the only machine which produces good coffee.If that is an insult to anyone...welll you will have to live with it.[/quote]

[quote user="jon"]... it is sad that, even though you

are all good spellers and computor lierate some of you  do not choose

your words very carefully ....what does this tell you?A lot more than

you think.[/quote]

[quote user="jon"]... there is

A WAY TO  SAY things and some of you  are being rude ... If you are giving advise... firstly remeber how you would like to be

addresses and then put your ideas accross.After all you I am sure that

everyone knows that we all have different gifts in life and being kind

is one of them.[/quote]

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[quote]The hardest thing in the world is running a restaurant...sometimes the clients are horrid and difficult[without reason]the work is really intense [/quote]

Running a B&B is so much nicer. [:)]

If TV kitchens are anything to go by, anyway.  Never mind the customers - that Ramsay man - so brusque!  I like Jamie Oliver, though.  Awright, squire, man, dahlin', or whatever?

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Oh, God, Cass, I can't stand that Jamie O.  I think it was after Dame Edna Everidge said he had a tongue that was too big for his mouth!  After that, all I see is Jamie's tongue rolling all round his mouth and  his lips trying to keep everything in and I notice him lisping and trying to fit his tongue in his mouth!  LOL!! I am just so.........silly!

My favourite is Gary Rhodes; I can overlook his ridiculous coiffeuse because I just love looking at his clean hands with his immaculte fingernails and the way he handles the food........

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I like them all for different reasons, Ramsay - tell it like it is dont like it is - tough if you dont like it (gotta have (secured) his bank balance I'm a sucessful bar-steward.......... Oliver every mans man darling.......... White brill.........AWT disaster waiting to happen and not so beautiful looking :-) ........Martin same vein as darling with an everyman accent.............JCN now your talking.......... 

B&B running may be so nice, being an excellent acreddited chef would be 'so much nicer' non? Don't answer I am to another assignment and won't log in for.................................................................... longer than you moderators/members have time to disagree/slate the OP.

Keep on Jon dont let them get to you -:) 

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Oh, God, Cass, I can't stand that Jamie O.  I think it was after Dame Edna Everidge said he had a tongue that was too big for his mouth!  After that, all I see is Jamie's tongue rolling all round his mouth and  his lips trying to keep everything in and I notice him lisping and trying to fit his tongue in his mouth!  LOL!! I am just so.........silly!

My favourite is Gary Rhodes; I can overlook his ridiculous coiffeuse because I just love looking at his clean hands with his immaculte fingernails and the way he handles the food........


I hope you'll forgive my appalling evaluation - I haven't seen any of these chefs on telly since early 2004. 

I gather the Rhodes chap can't dance for toffee - what kind of chef is that, who can't dance!  Utter disgrace.

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[quote user="Apero"]

B&B running may be so nice, being an excellent acreddited chef would be 'so much nicer' non? Don't answer I am to another assignment and won't log in for.................................................................... longer than you moderators/members have time to disagree/slate the OP.

Keep on Jon dont let them get to you -:) 


I hope you don't mean me when you paraphrase part of my post and then talk about people disagreeing/slagging jon.

But I'm just a soss whose intentions are good. 

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.


You're going to make me cry again.  Sob, sniff.  [:(]

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Yes...thank you Russet House....however dyslexia is not just about spelling it is about a lack of co-ordination which affects grammar.What I find crazy is that some people act like preditors when they find affliction.I thought that the forum readers would be pleased to know that all was well here in France.Unfortunately not!To imagine that I was looking for advice or in their direction for gaining buisness is bazaar.I always make my own way and look to this forum  merely for  chitter-chatter.....not caty-natter.
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I'm starting to get the impression that there are some knicky-knacky-knoos in a right old twist here.  I don't think anyone had any bad intent initially but it's turned into a bit of a slanging match, hasn't it? 

That Gene Travolta, now he could dance.  "I'm putting on my top hat, tying up my white tie, brushing off my tails!  Marvellous, him and Ginger Newton Kelly.

Crap cook, though. [:(]

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Cass, you don't even have to try to make me laugh.

Jon, don't be so sensitive.  Some of them are only having a bit of a leg-pull with you.

You'll do great because you are offering something different and that, as they say, is your USP or Unique Selling Point.

No, don't ask me about all of that; it's just all advertising speak. You do what you do best and I don't think your dyslexia is all that bad actually.

Anyway, it's not all that bad if you could understand the following joke:


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Maricopa are you still busy with your weapons or is that your nature.Excuse me people just  have  try at being pleasant for a change Or maybe you are suffering from that problem which is possibly more serious than dyslexia.....it happens to "older people" they sometimes adopt childlike characteristics which does include making jokes at the expense of others feelings.
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jon, Generally I would say that one of the key requisites for getting the most out of this forum is a sense of humour and in addition, the ability to laugh at oneself a little bit. If you think people are having a go at you all the time, it is no fun - they are mostly just 'teasing'

Cats generally don't post much here[:)]

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