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a lot has happened since last winter


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I can confirm part of that regarding magazine articles.  We had a small article on us in Living France once and got a handful of people enquire in the following month as a result, but we were full anyway so got no extra bookings. Nothing else after that month.  The journalist didn't get a discount, though.  He was on a jaunt to the Sarthe for that month's "theme" and it was all paid for by the Comité Départementale de Tourisme.

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I have noted all which you mention...and I am sure that the financial side is of huge interest to the Sawday empire......indeed my n eighbour has six rooms and the revenue is around 1.200 euros a year from her and the next nearets place 6km away is  A British owned hotel which must bring in way in excess of  any B and B.Never the less we look like a reject in the publics eye...and those who are unaware  of the politcs will choose the other places without looking at what we have to offer.Yes....I  have been in touch with Living France etc.......I was advised to write my own editorial and submit it.I  am happy to offer a stay at Clos to get peoples attention.When I say attention......a chance to get the website noticed so that people can see what we are offering.Our heart and soul always go into what we do...always...when we were young and now that we are older.....money and politics get in the way.Being  judged without being viewed is annoying and this has happened on many occassions.I am not at all good with a computor.....and  maybe suffer with dixlexia .. hard to get a  website creator who was fairly near to our location.It is very hard to describe your style of cuisine and your background within the catering industry without sounding too proud.....so you look at other websites and you find an affinity with another advertiser........and you see your level.....as I did with someone based in  Loire.However we have a completely different property....different concepts...maybe a slightly different background and we are also able to make a smaller charge for our services.I do not require the glory which belongs to others.......I have my own credentials....I would like to unite a small group of B and B s with charme to make a special offer to those who might help us to have many full rooms in the season....we can together market our little group to journalists and media offering a very special package.....many minds speak lounder than 1.So Normandy/.....Loire or cote d azur we could unite to create something very interesting.Please pm  if you feel we have something to talk about.....thanks for reading this.

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Jon, have you thought about doing your cooking courses geared towards Chambre d'hote owners, I sure that would be a lot of interest even people are reasonable cooks it would be great to learn from a chef who understands the CDH business and how to produce and present food in a professional manner, well I would anyway[;-)]
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Not a bad idea.....however our whole idea is not only to offer the knowledge which we have gained over the years but to express ourselves through the fine dining experience relating to the eve.So our "PACKAGE"of 1600 euros is offering two people 5 days of learning,relaxation and luxury>Not sure if B and B owners will come to our area and spend ?Most of our contemparies are charging at least 100 percent more...for a better standard or with a higher PR bill to pay for.Yes everyone is welcome...but it has to be taking the deal.Many of the "cookery schools" rent their properties....a good idea but the fixed costs are very very high ....and of course you do pay extra for TV chefs.However....so far...so very good our guests of all ages have loved their stay here....and we have enjoyed almost every moment too.
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You could try an ad in The Lady. We did for a walking holiday in conjunction with another B&B, ran it for a week £120 each and were full, in fact over subscribed. We had thought we would have to run the ad for 6 to 8 weeks so were well chuffed (needless to say I didn't write the ad). That was just for one specialized event, the old middle class silver backs know how to spend a penny or two. You could also put ads in lifestyle magazines. Better than spend £800 with AS. [;-)] .

Re the website, once you have talked to a creator you shouldn't need to see them till almost the end of the job. Pictures of people actually doing things would be a good idea so that people can see how good and intimate your courses are. More pictures up front of the bedrooms for those staying B&B only. People like to see where they are going to sleep, its important when you stay in a "Bed" and Breakfast for you holiday.

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We have one for every bedroom with a description on our accommodation page plus more in the photo section for those that want to see more like different angles, view from the windows and the en-suite bathroom. I just thought from the couple of photos Jon already has which seem to be of only one room, if he took some more of each bedroom, people will be able to see just how nice the rooms are. If you got it (which Jon appears to) then flaunt it. It's a tool to attract guests.

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Quillan, I will just jump in here. Firstly, no way would we ever pay several hundred euros/pounds just for a few lines in a book! especially when you have had to 'court' the author with free accommodation and food to boot.

And especially a book which does not come cheap to those who buy it...

Now - taken - I fell hook, line and sinker for Ms BF ([Www]) and only because we though it would be fun to see ourselves in the paper. She got £140 worth of food and accommodation here out of us and even brought her bloke along for the ride on the premise he was a photographer - (which he is I understand) - but as Quillan stated, it turned out to be a nice 'wheeze' for them both.

We have been very tempted to send either Ms BF - or the Daily Express - a bill for services rendered. I agree with Quillan; these parasites eek out a nice living right now. With regards to Sawday and his prices - you would have to get a hell of a lot of bookings to recoup what you pay Mr Freebie to go in his book as well as what you outlay when you shelter and feed him for one night.


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Yoiu have no idea how much buisness comes to our area via Sawday and through one of my neighbours/Perhpas I will give you some figures one day and you can see.I am not, of course going in that guide....but I know another [which has sebt a representative here......as I was most interested to explore their concept]that was 3.000 pounds or so.I have plenty of ideas...so I will get going with other plans.Of course Quillan we will show off our linen frkillies,silk, satin,velvet and wooley abricscoverings.We have some interesting furnishings and fabrics.good night

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How do I k now/?I opened in Aug...everything was ready.....My clients have been referals/recomendations from someone not so far away.......when I cahted with the clients...French.Swiss.Britiah.Belgium....Durtch...German many of them mentioned AS......Next season I will be standing on my own feet....I am sure that the demand for holidays will be less encouraging.The problem is...as I have said that everything is money driven and not necessarily about the best....and this is predominantly a British thing......money is a huge pastime ...and I think that to get a review in a magazine or daily uk paper you will not only have to invite the jornalist to enjoy your hospitality....I think you will have yo go further.So maybe by collecting like minded people I can create my own guide....perhaps.Certainly may persue the prospects of my restaurant liscence.
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[quote user="Jura"]

We have been very tempted to send either Ms BF - or the Daily Express -

a bill for services rendered. I agree with Quillan; these parasites eek out a

nice living right now. With regards to Sawday and his prices - you would have

to get a hell of a lot of bookings to recoup what you pay Mr Freebie to go in

his book as well as what you outlay when you shelter and feed him for one



Sorry Jura, can't help it, who said "there is no such thing as a free meal

(and in some cases a free bed for the night as well)" [;-)]

Actually if you look on the NUJ site (I think thats where I found her) she is

freelance. She submits her articles to all the papers until one prints them.

You might like to do an article and submit it to the newspapers about reporters

scamming hard working, poor B&B owners in France.

Why do I think that even if you did the article it would never get printed [:D].

[quote user="jon"]

You have no idea how much buisness comes to our area via Sawday and through

one of my neighbours/Perhpas I will give you some figures one day and you can

see.I am not, of course going in that guide....but I know another [which has

sebt a representative here......as I was most interested to explore their

concept]that was 3.000 pounds or so.I have plenty of ideas...so I will get

going with other plans.Of course Quillan we will show off our linen

frkillies,silk, satin,velvet and wooley abricscoverings.We have some

interesting furnishings and fabrics.good night


I can't see one book, seldom bought at that (there are excellent guides out

there that cost less than £15 with properties that have been inspected),

bringing such a high percentage of guests to one area. IF AS was so good you

should not have thought twice about going in their guide, in fact if it really

was that good I would eat humble pie and ask them to come and inspect us.


Where people get their bookings from is normally a closely

guarded secret especially when talking to the ‘opposition’. It is not unheard

of for a competitor to actually point somebody in the wrong direction to keep

his/her sources secret. I wonder if your neighbour, who regardless of what

he/she may say to your face, is somewhat worried about you coming in to the

market place with such a wonderful looking establishment. Remember the story of

the bird that flies south for the winter?

I would like to know who charges £3,000 to be put in a guide, more to point

will they guarantee, at your prices from your website, a minimum of 34

nights just to get the £3k back. You should really be looking to get a minimum of

double your advertising fee back so you should get an absolute guarantee of 68

nights (that’s nearly 10 weeks of bookings). I personally don't know anyone who

would guarantee that apart from a chap who operates out of Switzerland

who makes some pretty good claims and charges a lot of money to be in his international

hotel directory. We often get letters from him but sadly can't afford him, not

the same chap by chance?

You need to check your website Jon, there is one picture of a bedroom taken

from a distance and another of a (nice looking) bed and thats it. I think you

might find that many would prefer some photo's of the other bedrooms or have

you only two rooms. Sorry to say I never really noticed any nice "linen

frillies, woolly satin, velvet and woolly fabric coverings" in the photos.

A couple of photo's of 'students' enjoying a cookery class wouldn't be such a

bad idea either. Lets possible punters get an idea of what they are letting

themselves in for.

You also need to get whoever did your website to register it with some search

engines, it is currently rated 0 out of 10 by Google which will not make it

easy for people to search and find you on the web. Around 60% of our

reservations come directly from our website which is why they are so important.

Just trying to help.


The thought of a sausage in silk frilly knickers………….[Www]

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Hi Quillan

Think you need to look at Jons website closer - there are a couple of galleries with 10+ pics which show pics of at least 3 bedrooms & bathrooms from different angles.  Sorry to pick holes in your postings as you are 1 of the most sensible & fair posters on this site, but in this case think you need to look closer.  Do agree though that the site needs to be managed better so people find you & while you are at it Jon get them to sort out all the dreadful spelling mistakes & grammatical errors - some of which remind me of publicity for some very interesting places we stayed in India 30 years ago (eg  the lounging area & the dinning...)

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Beautiful place Jon. I especially like the kitchen - makes me want to start cooking right now. But it takes some work to keep clean [blink]

By the way, what nationality are you Jon? Just wonering if that's why you have problems with english spelling, mind many other people do too.

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[quote user="betoulle"]Think you need to look at Jons website closer - [/quote]

And there lies the problem.

It took me several tries before I finally hit on the other bedroom pictures. If I was looking for somewhere to stay, the bedrooms are the first thing I want to see (or be able to find easily), along with the prices.

The house does look lovely, but the spelling/grammar mistakes on the website are appalling. Jon, you really need to get someone else to sort all the 'blurb' out.

As it stands I would be concerned about the lack of attention to detail in that respect.


PS: 'That' chair shouldn't have the prominence it does. You're obviously very proud of it but it looks like a torture device.

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For those who can't find the bedroom pics, here are a couple.  Beautiful.



If you don't like the pictures here, Jon, I'll remove them.

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The dreadful spelling and grammar is down to the fact that my web person has not completed the job to perfection.....I was told that the errors would be corrected.I am dexlexic, but of course that is not going to stop me from expressing myself!I am direct.....so I will say clearly that if the world was just suffering from dreadful spelling mistakes etc......then it would be a happier place for most people than it is now.There are enough pics on the website[and good ones too]to portray the true beauty of the rooms and the surrounding land...[which is natural and real]and it would be so much nicer if people would follow in the same style.

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The rooms are lovely Jon, but some of the photos are a little hard to find.  Can you not ask your web designer to correct the spelling and make the layout easier to follow?  For someone who prides himself in attention to detail, little things like these must surely let your standards down, and perhaps leave potential guests with the wrong impression? 
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Maybe I should get the webset rebuilt by someone else.It is very difficult to express ones requirements for a web....and it usually the best way is to direct the web creator towatds a site which has a layout which  is suitable for your product.....but tbhis got me off on  the wrong trail...because the web creator immediately assumed that I was plan ning to copy another  chambre d hote!We have ideas of our own, a style of our own and a completely different type of property to that of her client.So no more Forum web designers.
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Maybe I should get the webset rebuilt by someone else.It is very difficult to express ones requirements for a web....and it usually the best way is to direct the web creator towards a site which has a layout which  is suitable for your product.....but this got me off on  the wrong trail...because the web creator immediately assumed that I was plan ning to copy another  chambre d hote!We have ideas of our own, a sthyle of our own and a completely different type of property to that of her client.So no more Forum web designers.
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Jon it's very difficult to know what to say to you about this without sounding insulting

You promise 'attention to detail', but the fact that the errors begin with your address on page 1, and end on the final page 'How to contact us', with not a single page in between (and indeed, barely a single paragraph), free of errors lets you down so badly. Potential customers may doubt your promise of  'attention to detail' when faced with so many basic errors. You even misspell place names and menu items.[:'(]

Simply sitting down with a spell-checker and a dictionary would eliminate many of the spelling errors.

The grammatical errors are trickier to deal with, but I'm guessing you quite like your 'style' of writing and don't see much wrong with it. Can I remind you of the number of times people here have suggested they simply can't follow/don't understand what you're trying to say?  This is down to your writing style and frequent lazy typos and other errors, not a lack of willingness/friendliness on the part of forum members.

I repeat, your property looks lovely, but replicating the writing style you use here on your website is just bonkers!


ETA: I don't think your site needs a complete 'rebuild/redesign' though - just tweaking of the pictures etc.


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Thought I would say sorry to Jon.

I really couldn't find anymore photo's other than the ones Cassis has put up. I can assure you it is by complete coincidence that they are the same as the only ones I found.

Once your website is registered with the search engines you will find it will generate a lot of business for you, as I said 60% of my business comes through my website. Keeping that in mind it could be to your advantage that it's not currently registered because of the errors that others have mentioned. To be blunt if I were to see your website, irregardless of how wonderful the place looks I would be rather sceptical because of the spelling and grammar.

If you own the website you must have been shown how to get into it and change it. Why not get your wife/partner to go through and correct the mistakes for you. In fact if it were me I would take the website down until these errors have been corrected. Your website gives people a 'view' of your establishment and really needs to be correct, easy to use and navigate.

I think you need to make your photo's more easily to find. The clever gallery thing is all well and good but personally I would use the KIS principle (Keep it Simple).

You might consider a French version, I have one and do quite well out of it. You wouldn't just reach just the French  public but the Belgians also. I would like to add that its not all my own work, the French that is, I have a lot of help from a good French friend.

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