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Loopy Lou

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[quote user="Miki"]Right here's a good one to ponder over.

Can anyone tell me why these undiscovered places were not discovered until around 1999 or so ?  and why didn't the French discover them ?

There's a lotissement near us, that has come to realise, that it was what the Brits are seeking are now going to publicise it as an undiscoved lotissement with places ranging from T3 [:D]


Its a bit like if Columbus discovered America, what the hell were the Indians doing there?[8-|]

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Hey, you're still talking about me...great!!! Dear KKK, I think, AVIV, KKK is refering to the time I mentioned the word' vibrator' and I think she still hasn't recovered from that. Embarrassing ones  countrymen? I thought that was what the British did in places like Ibiza and Bondi. Oh well, thats what happens when you miss church.

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 Embarrassing ones  countrymen? I thought that was what the British did in places like Ibiza and Bondi. (Wen)

Tut, tut Wen.  Please don't make sweeping statements !  Be a love and put the word 'some' in front of British - 'cause I've never been to Ibiza or Bondi !!

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Oh for goodness sake, will you get a grip and stop hurling abuse at each other.  It just reminds me why I left this forum for a while.  It's hardly helpful to me or on the subject that I started.  If you intend to be tongue in cheek, make it clear - the rest of you, THINK before you post, and for goodness sake ignore the idiots who say nothing helpful.  How many times have I said this before?

To those who have been helpful and encouraging, thank you so much, I do appreciate it.

I was totally up-front with the vendors of the property, informing them that I would not sign anything until I had exchanged contracts on my house in the UK.  That left them the right to continue to market the property but on the understanding that they would let me know if they received any other offers.  I had booked my ticket and hire car for Wednesday this week to go over and sign the compromis with them, as I thought, and that would have been the first time that I would have met them in person.  However, another party has signed a compromis and I wasn't informed in advance.  I was not happy, as you can imagine.  So I have walked away - I'm not prepared to be in some sort of bidding war.  That's why I didn't sign and had not paid a deposit in case I couldn't complete on the sale.  The object of the exercise is to arrive in France completely debt free, so I wasn't about to put myself into any sort of financially dicey situation.

Anyway, it's all academic now.  Thanks to the kindness of many people, I have found somewhere to stay and another potential property to buy that looks infinitely better than the last, so they have done me a favour, I hope.  I'll go and see it and with any luck take the owners to the notaire and sign on the spot!  If is it suitable.

Now, everyone, kiss and make up and let's all be friends.

Lou  :)

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No way am I going to kiss that monkey [:)]

Seriously though, I can now see why the people sold to another

interested party. You have given the golden clue.You had not sold and

sadly perhaps, that is what many Immos detest hearing. There are so

many folks that come over to find their dream but have yet to sell

their own place. They all think their place will be sold quickly, some

(not you) have not even marketed their place in the UK and are making

offers on places in France.

The one thing they did do wrong, was of course not notifying you, my

hunch is that they were waiting to get the signature on the dotted line

and the 7 day clause out of the way. It is a two way thing, many

potential buyers can be tarred with the same brush and folks who

haven't even sold in the UK are among those. Perhaps your case was different

in so much you were serious but the seller surely has to do what is good for

them. If you then also walked away, what then for the seller, if he had

turned the others away ?

Good luck as I said before and yes, nail the sellers to the floor if

necessary and bung some money at the notaire (subject to the

regulations of course !) ASAP !!

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I was going over to sign the compromis this week as my house is now sold.  I kept the owners in the picture all along.  We discussed completion dates.  It was all agreed in principle.  All they had to do was discuss with me the new offer.  But I am glad it's happened now.  I don't think I would have been able to trust them anyway. 

I am now in a strong position to buy as I am a bona fide cash buyer who doesn't require a mortgage.

On va voir.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, mes amis, I am back and I have had my offer for the property I stayed at accepted.  I have to wait for the compromis to get to me so that I can sign it and tie this purchase down and then I will tell you all about it.  I feel rather superstitious now about letting too much information out before I have it secured, but I am very excited.  Very nice people indeed who will let me stay and store my household while the sale process goes through.  This will give me the opportunity to learn all about the property and how to run machinery, etc., while I am waiting for it to be all mine.

Fingers crossed that this time all goes well.

A bientot,


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Miki - we know all about the people you describe in your contribution of the 12th. Bane of our life, total time wasters, but they don't seem to realise that they are wasting their own time and money too by viewing places when they are not in a position to buy and/or won't put finance in place. Of course, we know that doesn't apply to Lou.

What machinery would that be in a gite complex though Lou? It brings the Monty Python sketch (architect sketch?) about the rotating knives to mind. [:D] Can't wait to hear the full story, sounds much more promising than the last one.

Edit - yes it was the architect sketch - this is the one http://www.jumpstation.ca/recroom/comedy/python/arch.html (not to be viewed if you are easily offended or about to eat your dinner).

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Hi Will,

I wish it were as funny as that - no, I just meant things like the ride-on mower (fierce clutch, I'm told, so I have visions of being catapulted off and the machine careering into the farmer's wheat!) and the swimming-pool and the chickens (yes, I know they aren't machinery), and all the other things that comprise the nuts and bolts of a property.

Just about to book the chunnel for Rocky and me - can't believe it's really happening!  So scary and exciting.  I'll let you know all when I have signed the compromis.  Whooohooo  :D


PS is your signature saying something about Greeks bearing gifts!!!???

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Lou - I hope this one goes well for you, you deserve it after the many attempts to live your dream.

No, my signature is actually Cyrillic (Russian) script, after a bit of a vogue for such - it translates as 'I was a moderator, but I'm better now' something else that did once have relevance here but has rather been superseded by events at another forum, which I am not allowed to mention, and from which I have been banned anyway for siding with Miki and Dick.

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................but has rather been superseded by events at

another forum, which I am not allowed to mention, and from which I have

been banned anyway for siding with Miki and Dick.


And I thought I was banned for siding with TU, Dick, You and.............
..Charlie McGrew (who's he ?) .[;-)]

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[quote user="Will "]

No, my signature is actually Cyrillic (Russian) script, after a bit of a vogue for such - it translates as 'I was a moderator, but I'm better now' SNIP.


And I thought it was Jamaican written in Russina as it actually translates as "I was regulator, but I is better now" just need to add man at the end [:D] (you don't live in Slough by chance and know Mr Cohen). Mind you the best one which has now gone was something about 4 and a sausage which I never got at all.

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And I thought everyone knew that juswundrin...............................

Will and Dick, it seems like head, right, ones and over are brought to mind [;-)]

Oh and Cohen is from a Staines Ghetto, 36 Cherry Blossom Close to be exact.

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[quote user="Juswundrin"]"And I thought everyone knew that juswundrin"

Realised just after posting that I've now corrected two of the m*derators... is there a prize for the set? :D[/quote]

Yep, a month on the fo*um that must not be mentioned !!

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[quote user="Juswundrin"]At the risk of getting into trouble again :D "it actually translates as "I was regulator, but I is better now" Will's signature is correct; Russian doesn't use indefinite articles or the auxiliary verb ('am'). I'll get me (fur) coat...[/quote]

I thought it should have been модератором and not регулятором but I could be wrong.

Stains, Slough, all the same really starts with a S and is in middlesex if memory serves [:D] .

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