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Loopy Lou

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I've just learned that the very nasty people whose gite business I was on the point of buying in Deux Sevres have sold the property over my head two days ago without doing me the courtesy of informing me that there was another interested party. I have booked plane ticket and hire car to travel over next week for 5 days unpaid leave to meet them at the property, stay there, and sign the compromis at the notaire's. They have not contacted me - I phoned the notaire today to ask where the compromis was and he told me the lovely news. I am utterly livid.

I'm still coming over because the car and travel are paid for, so I need a place to stay from 14th to 20th (6 nights) somewhere near Poitiers. Can anyone help? I'll be gite hunting!


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Sorry but if you had been serious, the first thing anyone you, or

anyone must do, is put down a deposit ASAP. The vendors may have felt

you were not serious enough, as you had not sent money over to hold the


As there is little to go on, that is all I can really suggest why they

decided to sell to another buyer. The danger for some sellers is that

occasionally, buyers will "promise" a few they are more than interested

in their property, come over, check out a few more, decide which one

they want or don't want, and the losers are left just to twiddle their

thumbs again.

Sorry if that sounds unjust but having been involved in a few sales of

our own, it can make one a little cynical on these matters. A kind of

first past the post mentality takes over. hope you find something else,

it is fate anyway !

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Hi Loopy. Now, I reckon no-one will agree with what I have to suggest but I think you deserve to enjoy some sort of payback.  This is what I would do. Send these cretins a card, thanking them for their willingness, but not  committment, to do 'business'. DONT sign your signature. As this is France, and anything 'doggy' is welcome here, simply attach a fingerprint dipped in 'whatever' you feel you can bring yourself to do. Me, myself, I have a baby and can avail myself of certain 'matter' whenever I change a nappy. THIS is what my fingerprint would bear on the bottom of that card.  Send similar to your trusty Notaire. And, let me tell you this, I'm being polite here!.
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So sorry to hear things have gone pear shaped, but I must take issue with Miki's advice.

DON'T send any deposit until a compromis is signed and you have had your 7 day cooling off period. If you pay before that and things go wrong, you may never see your deposit again.

Chin up girl, somethings are meant to be. Will email you this weekend to chat.


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[quote user="Judie"]


So sorry to hear things have gone pear shaped, but I must take issue with Miki's advice.

DON'T send any deposit until a compromis is signed and you have had

your 7 day cooling off period. If you pay before that and things go

wrong, you may never see your deposit again.

Chin up girl, somethings are meant to be. Will email you this weekend to chat.



Yes, I forgot about this "new" 7 day cooling off regulation. I worded

it somewhat wrongly I guess. My first thoughts whenever I have wanted a

place was to get in to the notaires and get things sorted and we have

left deposits in a couple of ways and more or less tied the deal on the

spot and if the seller is able to be there, so much the better, sealed

and delivered . So I really ought to have explained it properly but my

point was, if you really want something, then you do have to go that

extra mile and get it done ASAP before something like this can happen.

I would have thought, that you Judie, would know exactly what I mean,

when so many clients are specific in their want of a certain type of

house, in a certain area and buy something completely different and not

in the designated area either and you have spent numerous hours which

have ended up total waste of ones time. Then you get those that want to buy a

specific place and then hold out for ages for one reason or another,

leaving agent and clients totally in limbo. I am not suggesting this is

the case in this instance but there was only one side to go on and

there was another possibility on the other side.

I have spent many a happy hour lending an ear to some one

from an  immo or two and the stories of "blasted non arrivals,

messers" and every other term offered about some of  their

prospective cients [;-)]

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[quote user="wen"]Hi Loopy. Now, I reckon no-one will agree with what I have to suggest but I think you deserve to enjoy some sort of payback.  This is what I would do. Send these cretins a card, thanking them for their willingness, but not  committment, to do 'business'. DONT sign your signature. As this is France, and anything 'doggy' is welcome here, simply attach a fingerprint dipped in 'whatever' you feel you can bring yourself to do. Me, myself, I have a baby and can avail myself of certain 'matter' whenever I change a nappy. THIS is what my fingerprint would bear on the bottom of that card.  Send similar to your trusty Notaire. And, let me tell you this, I'm being polite here!.[/quote]

What an utterly bizarre suggestion. [+o(] And you are sure the only people who will touch your homemade biological hazard are the business people concerned because...?

Elsewhere you have asked why sites attract drongos?

Black. Pot. Kettle.


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Hi.. Catalpa.

Bizarre yes. Serious, no.

Sense. Of. Humour. One. Get.


But. With.. Name like that. Already have. One.

Signed, Drongo. But Not a 'banned'  Drongo!.

GO MIKI !!.  I've  always liked your style. And, yes, after a while, guests are a pain. Some I never want to see again!.Regardless.

Loopy, very nasty indeed, as you said. They deserve the best. Give it to them. Throw PC out the window.

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So I'm correct!. Actually, I picked up my sense of humour, cheap, in the UK. Where, apparently, they are throwing them out in droves. Senses of humour that is.  None left there I'm afraid.   Unfortunately, what's left is being brought over here. Thank god I didnt trade my Aussie point of view in at the same time!.  Just look at the BBC. British kids all stabbing each other. And, no, I DONT run a B&B.  Thats an English thing. Much more than that.And  its amazing how the guests warm to you when you tell them you are not English!. Just a note, its not just the Germans who can not  laugh at themselves!.  And one last thing, why are Brits STILL buying Gites over here?. You've all killed the market I'm afraid.
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Oh I see - Wen is Australian. All a**e and no trousers, as my mother used to say.

I love the idea that when you make an offensive post you just blame the readers for not having a sense of humour when they don't laugh. The usual Australian degree of self-awareness, too.

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I was talking today to my brother in law who works at a mail sorting office in England. He was marvelling at how much excrement and similar matter gets sent through the post, especially at Christmas. Surely Australians can't be responsible for all of it?

This is all really helpful to Lou, isn't it. I'd say it's maybe a blessing in disguise. I was reading elsewhere about why is it always the 'undiscovered' Limousin? (as in why people are always 'heavily' pregnant, as if there could be any other form?). It's been discovered to death now, not least by every TV property/lifestyle programme. Probably better to stick with the traditionally popular tourist areas of France, particularly as all the TV crews are now sniffing round places like Bulgaria and Serbia..

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Right here's a good one to ponder over.

Can anyone tell me why these undiscovered places were not discovered

until around 1999 or so ?  and why didn't the French discover them


There's a lotissement near us, that has come to realise, that it was

what the Brits are seeking are now going to publicise it as an

undiscoved lotissement with places ranging from T3 [:D]

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Cat - I can't help but agree.


Nooooo! Don't do that! [:P] In return I'll have to send a note to the CF Suggestion Box requesting you become a moderator. [:D][:D]

(Wot really scares me is the thought of what Wen's Nutella might contain if her guests inadvertently offend her... [6])

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Goodness knows how many potential clients Wen may have lost from her 'much more' than a B& B but I know we would never stay there...in case she spits in the soup ! [:)]

Actually Wen, I think what you suggest is illegal - watch out !

Dick - my mother used the expession 'Red hat and no draws' or 'all hair grease and no socks'

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