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renting the house or the new extention?


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We have a 4 bedroom, 1 bathroom villa on 780m2 of land.  We are only 2 living in this house.  We are going to convert the garage 58m2 into a 2 bed + mezanine, plus 2 bathroom apartment. 

We've always thought of renting the new convertion out, OR the house out.  The house has had a new kitchen installed, renovated the bathroom, plus it has a 19.5m2 veranda in the style of the Haute Savoie installed to the south of the house. 

We are in the Drome, who could tell me how much money I could ask for our rentals?  What do you all think about this?  Thanks!

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One of the first problems, would be you need to have the 2 units on separate electrical counters.

Now if you have not done this, it is a little more complicated that you may think, since a new counter means that the electrical installation of that uni will need to be inspected. ( consuel ).

To rent, you willget a good idea of oocal rentals if you look on internet, and see the offers.



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Are you talking about renting out as a long-term let or renting it out as a gite?

The biggest factor in either case is "new neighbours". If you mean as a gite, are you certain you want a different bunch of randoms moving in every week? Loss of privacy, noise, irritating brat children, irritating brat parents....you experience it all. If its a long-term rental you mean, you still potentially have the above to contend with, but not just for a week - possibly for years!

Have a look in your local paper and on www.leboncoin.fr to see what similar places in your area charge.


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Hi there

I'm interested in starting a business, (SARL), with intention of providing tours of the area.  My business will come under the brakets <tourism>, it's going to be like a gite, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to contend with people + 3 meals a day + visiting areas 1hr+ away.  I do not know what this business comes under......I want, as every business, to maximise profit, but I do not want to shoot myself in the food neither. 

I'm trying to figure out if the best way to achieve my goal is just to rent the converted garage (easier to control the people coming in and out etc), or rent the house and move to the garage (which brings to question our "stuff" which are all over the house.  It would be easier just to rent the garage I imagine. 

Being a SARL business, working with tourists, do I have to comply to specific laws regarding letting my renovated property out?  Are there any pitfalls I should know about? 

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