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Alaister Sawday


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[quote user="capability brown"]Well here goes They apparently Do not want any british owned properties on their sight....OR LETS SAY take on any new ones....This was their announcement to us in 2009 but they made an appoointmment to inspect never the less because an ex inspector and Editor of the UK consumer association Good Food Guide saiid that we were perfect for the guide. 2 days before the inspection was due the inspector cancelled. why.....BECAUSE this guide is ruled by the art of making money not by providing the best info. I was blocked BY another B and B owner who is bigger. I have friends who have a small vineyard and chateau who have had the same problem. We also know a newly appointed inspector who is sent out to everything and anything and I know that they are accepting new Bristish owners Well people should be aware[/quote]

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[quote user="Claude"]

Does anybody know that it is the case that you can't get on Trip Advisor free anymore, at least with a gite?[/quote]

You can, but you have to live on site and have more than one letting unit. You then come under the category of Speciality Lodging, like my gites. If you don't come into this category (and TA check), then Flipkey is the (rather expensive) alternative.

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