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Pool alarms


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Hendo - I thought it was very helpful. I think the way you have outlined it would be exactly the way the French government would describe it. Whether we like it or not, the law reads that the device (whatever it may be) must be certified by AFNOR. If the law reads that way, I don't see how we can get around it.

Also, if I bought my pool alarm from the U.S.A., will the guarantee hold up here? or am I SOL.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just taken delivery of a alarme (barriere type) for our pool through Smartpool. (www.smartpool.com).  It was 700euros and has an attestation number, and advertises itself as an 'afnor pool alarm'.  With all the assurances that it gives that it is up to the french standard I'd sue if it turns out it's not.  Best price by more than half that I've found.  Now all we've got to do is set it up!  Smartpool don't sell direct to the public, but their site will help if anyone is interested in getting one.  It now allows me to put up a fence that is economically and aesthetically to MY standards...



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Hi Fran

Sorry to be a bit picky, but are you sure its ANFOR complaint.

I only say because I observe from their website that:

  • The alarm must be removed when winterising the pool, otherwise this will void the warrantee.
  • The alarm has an On Off switch
  • I cannot see where the alarm is solidly fixed to the pool.

None of these features would be acceptable under the standard.

Unless I have got it wrong, or there are European versions where the have different features there it seems a little strange to me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Hendo

Yes, it is a european version and has only been available here since July 4th.

There is no on/off switch.  Only a code that you can use on the centrale to de-activate (for 45minutes while bathing) or stop it completely (only in the case of necessity).

The infra red posts are attached to only a solid wood or concrete terrace using bolts that are supplied.

With regard to 'hivernage'.  It simply says that snow may interfere with the infra red beams and must be cleared away or the alarm can be removed if another security system is in place.

The attestation is from CNPP, which seems to be connected somehow with AFNOR from their site.

Hope this helps your research.  The company who sell them here, online, is Piscineo.com.

Ours is now up and running and seems fine


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If we were to use one of these barriers it would have to run close to a 1 meter high hedge on one side of the pool, probably about a foot away, maybe a little more. Can anyone tell me if this would be legal? Also do the 'posts' have to be at 90 deg to each other? Only our setup would have to be other than that, not  by much though.

Another concideration, would it be possible to use more than 4 posts to cover an alkward area where there are trees and schrubs in the pool area?

Lodsa questions, any answers or ideas anyone. please!!!?


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HI John

I can answer one of your questions anyway.

According to the regulations from the manufacturers and therefore the ANFOR standard, there must be no physical thing with one meter of the top of the fence.

What that means is that: if you place a piece of string which is one meter long at any point along the fence it must not be able to touch any physical thing. The idea of this is that a child might be able to use that thing to climb on and get over the fence.

Hence, if you have a hedge close to a pool and there is not enough room to get 1 meter clear of the water and 1 meter clear of the hedge (at the top), then either the hedge must go or you cannot use a fence as a security system and must chose another sort, say a cover or an abri.

The other questions, are a bit of a puzzle. I think that you are saying that you would like to make a irregular shape with the fence rather than a regular rectangle. That is no problem, most of the fencing systems have the capacity to intersect at any angle not necessarily 90 degrees. SO as long as the above is honoured you can do what you like.

Hope that this is helpful.


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Hi Andrew, the type of barrier I am thinking of isn't the physical fence, but the infra-red type from Smartpool. I don't think we would manage the cost of one of the fences at the rip-off prices that we have seen so far. I can't remember any referance to distance, apart from the 1 meter from the pool edge, using this system.

The way our pool is situated I was wondering if it would be possible to put 4, or more, emmitter/sensor posts in place and that it would be a lot easier if they are not placed in a strict rectangle. I am waiting to see if I get a reply to an e-mail to Smartpool, but I only thought of the question of the angles afterwards. If it is an unknown to anyone on the forum then I will wait until I get a reply (if I do) from the States and then ask them the same question.

I am surprised that no-one has come up with one of these alarms that has a siren that you can carry with you, similar to the cordless door bells?

In the end there is still no better safety than supervision. Gates can be left or propet open, covers not put in place for a 5 min break and alarms not heard for numerous reasons.


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I've just spoken to the guy from Pisceneo.com and he has given me some answers.

The posts have to be set in a rectangle, but it can vary slightly, no angles available and I will only be able to use 4 posts.

Another question was does it have to be at least 1.1 meters away from anything else, as with a physical fence. The answer was no, it can be as close to anything you like as long as it does not interfere with the beams by waving in the wind, etc. or it will set off the alarm.

The only thing he said about distances was it should be at least a meter from the pool so it doesn't get inondated, the max distance between posts is 18.5 meters and the max cable run is 35 meters.

It certainly seems worth a good look at!!!


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[quote]I've just taken delivery of a alarme (barriere type) for our pool through Smartpool. ( www.smartpool.com ). It was 700euros and has an attestation number, and advertises itself as an 'afnor pool alar...[/quote]

Just a quickie!!  Bought our alarm from piscin-plus much cheaper then the price you quote and it meets all the specs required ( made in France by the way )

regards Les Favets ( Royston)



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Back in S. of France for the first time since last year and picking up on all the chat about pool alarms/fencing - can anyone tell me what the regulations are when applied to family owned property, let to friends/family only ( ie no charge made ) with a 5m x 8m pool built in 2003 ?



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The regulations apply equally to Private and commercial pools of any size. However these regulation are not applied in the same form to above ground pools.

According to the legislation you must fit and maintain a security device to you pool before Jan 1 2006. With either of the following options (any examples of which must carry the ANFOR standard NF P 90-309.vis

1. Alarm - either surface or perimiter

2. Cover - this does not mean your normal winter cover

3. Fence - this does not mean a standard fence or hedge


Failure to comply will attract a fine of 45,000 euro and possible prosecution or civil suit should any person drown in your pool.

If you need more specific information as how these regulations might apply to you then please feel free to email or PM me.



John I've sent you a PM.


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Hi Jonzjob - we had a perimeter alarm installed last summer for our main pool, of the type you are interested in having.  I think the make is Abeoray.  It has been great as so rarely gives any false alarm.  (Compared with the Aquasensor which we bought for the toddler pool which gave false alarms all the time and is still back with the manufacturers for repair/replacement.)  With the Abeoray we occasionally have a false alarm in the evening as pigeons settle in the pool area and interfere with the beam if they strut around - it does not seem to matter if birds fly through the beam, only if they settle.  Our pool is enclosed by a fence in any event and so we do not get dogs or cats going into the beam - they would certainly set the alsrm off if you have any with regular access to your pool area. - Julie

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