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When is a pool not a pool


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Just a silly thought. Is it only private owners and Gite owners/hotels/campsites etc that have to have some form of security for their pools.Does it not apply to swimming pool suppliers who have a demonstration pool in their grounds with small examples of the different forms of security available but with a less than 3 metre high chain link fence around their property. Maybe if the pool is not used for swimming,it becomes a pond.

Just a thought

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If the child of a potential client fell in and drowned while they were on the premises but - say - distracted by an enthusiastic salesman,  I suspect the law would  have little difficulty in ascribing responsibility to the proprietor of the shop in exactly the same way they would with, for example, the manager of an hotel.

The clients would be 'guests' with permission to be on the premises in exactly the same situation as the examples you gave. And as such the owner of the premises/site/Gite/etc all have the same 'duty of care'


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We have a pool shop/supplier on the edge of Carsassonne with one of these demo pools right along the side of the main road. The perimeter fence is not very high and there is a section of wall each side of the gate. The pool MAY have an alarm, but nothing else. There is a lotisment (housing estate) just behing the establishment. What would be the outcome if some of the young children from the lotisment climbed over the fence/wall and into the pool and had an accident. It's a question I have been meaning to put for a while and would love to know the answer. Would the pool owners be liable in this situation and if they are supposed to be included in the regulations the same as the rest of us then why do the local 'nik niks' not go and have a quiet word. It's only a short way from the Cousuel General for the Aude too and on very full display????


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