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Deep Paddling Pools

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I think I've read most of the posts, but I can't see what I'm looking for.

Along with the rest of France who don't have a pool my husband and I just bought a pool the other day, from the supermarket. 

The water is 97cm deep with a blowup ring at the top, perhaps another 15 to 20cm.  We don't need a ladder to get in, 

Where do we stand with protecting children?  It has a floating cover, but that won't protect a child from sliding in.  All the other homeowners on the estate think I'm crackers...(probably am), but as it is above the ground aren't they covered by the same law as those set into the ground?

Any help would be really helpful, as I'm going on holiday soon, and don't know whether to empty the pool but 5000l is a lot of water to through  down the drain.

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No the above ground pools are not subject to the strict in-ground pool rules. They are sprouting like mushrooms round here even though we are five mins from the beach and we ourselves have bought an 18ft x 4ft one with a ladder to use in the garden. It took 14000 litres of water and took 15hours to fill and you need to keep it spotless clean with daily filtering for 5 hours, chlorine tablets, ph testing and hoovering the bottom but it should last a good 4/5 years if we are lucky and you can swim very well in it too.
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[quote user="Val_2"]you need to keep it spotless clean with daily filtering for 5 hours, chlorine tablets, ph testing and hoovering the bottom but it should last a good 4/5 years[/quote]

Is this a lot of work in practice?  It's the maintenance side that has always put me off the thought of having a pool - our friends with pools always seem to be having aggro, replacing pumps, testing this, that and the other, adding chemicals, cleaning them out, covering them over and the like.  Are these ones any easier to live with?

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From my limited observations, deep paddling pools seem harder to maintain the an in ground pool.

The pumps and filters never seem to be up to the job, I have also observed  that a lot of people think that because they are just big paddling pools then you do not have to worry so much about looking after the water quality. That is a very wrong assumption to make.

Call me paranoid, but I check the levels in my pool every day.

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We have one of those rubber ringed pools on the land while we are building our own proper inground pool and I have to agree with the poster who said the pumps etc cant really cope with the work that is needed.. I am forever cleaning the pool.... and the sand and grit that gets on the floor from the kids feet will never come out...

Look on the bright side though.... I have never been so in touch with the insect population of montagrier... shame they cant all swim!!!


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yes we have a very modest blow up pool; only myself and OH use it (cant swim in it).   Whatever i stuff in the stupid  thing the 3-way strips NEVER show the correct free chlorine etc etc levels.   Now call me slapdash and unhygienic but neither of us have died in the last few weeks from using it, so i dont worry too much.   it smells faintly  of chlorine and somehow that makes me feel better.   have to say however i would be totally 'by the book' if i had a pool which other people or children would be using.

however, it would be interesting to know what possible dire consequences of a slightly grubby, slightly too alkaline pool myself and OH might expect to get?   anyone know ?

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I have  recently filled a 12 foot one I took out  a couple of weeks ago and we were glad of it to cool off. .currently sold in Makro  UK   INTEX 12 foot   easy  up pool set  includes cover  filter pump and a DVD to show you how  to use it  £49.99 . Getting the clorine . and other chemicals balanced was no problem .We put a beach mat alongside to step on when getting into and out of  to keep the bits of grass and grit out  and a big bucket to wash our feet when we got in ...so I found it easy to keep clean........yes lots of flies found themselves in after being washed off the side walls but it takes seconds to skim the net over the top and lift them out...and the bottom sucker thing on the hose works very well....£9.99 for the pool cleaner kit   net and bottom  sucker .    I am delighted with it ......thunder storms helped fill it up !

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Ours in an Intex pool too and I must say it has been an easy thing to maintain although a little time consuming because hygiene in pools whatever size is very important. We have an old baby bath at the bottom of the steps so that feet are cleaned before entering and the fixed skimmer does work extremely well. These pools are very popular here and are a world wide concern with all their products in even the smaller supermarkets here in France.
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Margaret D, just a thought as you say you don't need a ladder to get in yours and you are thnking of leaving it full while you go away, is there some way on the inside of it that animals can climb out, not only pets, but all animals?  We put things in our horses' water for animals to be able to climb out as in the past we have found a rabbit, birds and lizards drowned in there.

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Yep, very good point.  But will they get in , or out again, if I have the floating cover on and then the big winter cover that tie off under the top ring?

By the way, having to get the cat hairs out of the pool.  Tim decided he wanted to sit on my knee, and I was in the pool. One soggy cat later we know he can swim - but he couldn't get out either...

To the others, I'm putting chlorine tabs in, once we realised that we had to (wondered why is was starting to get slippy), but the floating cover does keep most of the flies out.  Otherwise we just go around with the thing to get flies out.  We have a bucket and towel to clean feet before going in.  OH went in the first time with half the lawn mowings and dead tree life.  After cleaning it out he found a bucket and towel!

But it (the water) was 44C in the pool again today - Buckets of cold water were required.  It's the only problem withthe floating cover, it heats the water up!  But oh... so nice... and clean.... and private ... and.. words cannot express how pleased I am to be able to cool down a little.

I was watching a thirsty wasp drinking a bubble of water this afternoon.  It was delightful.  I put more water onto the edge, as I was the only other thing with droplets of water on me and I didn't want to get stung.  What would wasps rather drink in this hot weather, so I can provide for them in a suitable place, ie. not by the pool?  Any ideas?


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