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Water for swimming pool

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Hello, Does anyone know if there are any restrictions about using your mains water to fill your swimming pool?

I don't know how else you would fill it really but the last time we had to part refill our pool a few years back and we got our usual bill they said we should check out if we had a water leak! They must have seen the sudden increase and thought we had a burst pipe somewhere.

Anyway a few weeks back we had to do a partial refill and today the water people are outside with a metal detector and a pick axe going around the top of our driveway banging around on the road. They are very shadey about what they are doing apart from they suspect a leak!! They did not ask if we have used a large amount of water lately so we did not tell them.

Could we have a problem with the water company or not? I thought as long as no water restrictions were in place and you paid for it then whats the problem, Unless someone know's better.

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They will probably just thank you for the extra income but it nice of them to check if you had a leak. In our commune a partial refill will also cost the price of the waste water removal on top even if its by evaporation or used to water the garden [6]
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I filled my pool with a teacup full of tap water each day this stopped them realising I was using mains water for my pool. Ideally get a long hose pipe and fill from the neighbours outdoor tap...
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Whaddya mean I paid good money for that picture it was taken in Bognor Regis last year when I married my 5th wifelet. My moustache is longer now though... I thought I should change the moth I previously used as it was confusing being given the name of 'dog' by FF and having a moth as my avataar.

If you really don't like it I will find another picture - I have one of my mother soaping me in a washing up bowl outside an unusual tent in Rajastan in 1956 - it is the usual embarass the kid when older shot. But I am not sure full frontal shots of naked children are allowed these days.

Bloomin' cold here tonight my hand just got frozen to me beer glass - I am going to throw another yellow pages onto the fire...

I am in big trouble I somehow lost the coolbox on my trip to Normandy. I am not saying it was cold there but I saw a seal on the beach!

I also had an unfortunate incident with a very beautiful thirthy five year old alpha female Parisian that wanted my body but I had to make my excuses and run to my tent. I was stiff with fear all night.

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[quote user="Dog"]

I also had an unfortunate incident with a very beautiful thirthy five year old alpha female Parisian that wanted my body but I had to make my excuses and run to my tent. [/quote]

Sadly only for medical science [;-)]

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Thebiga, if the water company see anybody suddenly has vastly increased consumption they usually send a letter so the owner can check for hidden leaks, eg in the water meter 'hole' where one rarely goes. It's to help you, even though it brings them more income they don't want wasted water.

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In some areas where water is short and water tables low- it is quite possible that water for swimming pools may well be stopped or limited if there is a particularly hot and dry Summer. Does anybody know of areas where this has happened already in the past?

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Oh yes, Swissie, during la grande secheresse & canicule of 2003! There were serious restrictions in lots of French départements

The décrets come from the Préfectures, like the ones about not washing cars or watering lawns, and are commune-specific, so someone in village 'A' might not be restricted whereas next door one can't fill a pool. In 2003, some of the ones re pools were badly worded and it wasn't clear whether the bans applied to FILLING and/or TOPPING UP of pools. They were subsequently re-worded.

Local papers contain info., but the only sure way to know what the rules for your property are during a drought is to check at your Mairie.

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