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I agree, Cat. In utter frustration, I have once again written to Mme Gaillard

"Dear Mme Gaillard


I wrote to you some weeks ago, on behalf of our group, on the subject of the new French residency rules and their effects upon the healthcare provision for non-French EU citizens living here. You were kind enough on that occasion, to provide us with some useful information.


We have recently heard much speculative comment upon a new statement, which was due to be issued last Friday.  Since then, the UK minister for Europe, Mr Jim Murphy, has assured us that this statement will be issued shortly.  However, we have heard nothing from the French authority on this subject since.  We have many UK citizens in this country who are becoming increasingly worried about their futures here, particularly those who have been unable to find private health cover, due to their existing illnesses.


Many are beginning to ask us if they will be deported on 6th January, when their E106 cover expires, as they will be unable to comply with the new residency requirements.  Time is obviously getting very short for them, and they are unable to sell their houses, or even arrange to move home, within the limited timescales which have been granted them.


Are there any deportation processes in place to cope with them, and are you aware of whose responsibility they will become, once they are illegal aliens here?  Will they be granted any kind of moratorium in which to comply or will deportation begin immediately?  What is their situation under French law once they no longer comply with residency regulations? Are there penalties involved in such non-compliance, such as fines or imprisonment or will they simply be shipped back to the UK? What will happen to the property which they own here, if they are unable to sell it within the 5 weeks which is now left to them?


We are unsure as to whether the social security department, or any other French authority or government department, has even considered the implications of the legislation upon people in such a position.  Can you at least assure us that this is being considered and that the French and UK governments have made some provision for them in the short term, as regards their residency position?  One should bear in mind that many of these people are suffering from chronic conditions or are undergoing life-saving treatment, and such stresses only serve to damage their already fragile health even further, at a time during which they are least able to cope."


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Not to belittle your sterling efforts Coops for which I am as grateful as any despite the fact that the changes have relatively little effect on me but I wonder, if one is not a threat to law and order or national security, nor a drain on social resources, are there any grounds for deportation ?

Sarkozy made it qiute clear didn't he - "If you want to retire at 53 fine, but do not expect us (France) to pay for it" so he doesn't care if you continue to live in France even if for some it is under a possible death sentence [:-))]

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Ernie :Well he does because you will be breaking the law if you cannot prove that you have full private healthcare. That is the point - this is a residency regulation and anybody who cannot comply is - or shortly will be, by definition, an illegal immigrant.  Although I am certain that this was never the intention of the legislation, that is how it has ended up, if you follow it through to its logical conclusion.

S/D : This was certainly my intention - I am sure nobody has any intention of deporting us but it is difficult to see how one may be allowed to remain here if one does not comply isn't it?

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The fights not over yet but,

Thanks to everyone thats working so hard to help to sort this mess out

A special thanks to Coops & Cat.

You all really lift our spirits and make us proud to be British. ( Lucky enough, to live in France )

Warmest regards


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To ease the frustration while we wait for news, here's something to lighten the mood.

A Christmas wish for Santa

Santa Claus ya muppet
where's me CMU?
I've written lots of letters
but I haven't heard from you.
And I can't wait til Christmas
coz it's getting late you know,
and you can stuff yer flamin' turkey
and yer frippin' mistletoe!

And while we're on the subject
where's me carte vitale?
I returned it flamin' weeks ago
so Santa, be a pal
go find that madam Gaillard
and sit her upon yer knee
and ask her what she's done with it
cos she won't speak to me.

And here's somefink else you need to know
you bearded beered-up fool
if I have to tell 'em one more time
about the 5 year rule
there'll be blood shed on the tinsel
they won't believe their eyes
when I set fire to their chistmas tree
and poke out their mince pies

We want an feckin' answer now
me family's sick as parrots.
Or I'll set yer puffin' reindeer free
and kick Rudulph in the carrots
Me granny says she's got a pain
and I fink I've got one too
you worn out geriatric fart
I've got a wish for you!

So I don't want a new bike
or flamin' girlie pram
I'll give you flickin' yo ho ho
and so will me dad and mam.
All I want this Christmas is to know that we can stay
and that we won't get deported
and have to go away.
So if you get it sorted
my auntie swears that she
will come round to your grotto
and bounce upon your knee.




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Very funny, Cathy.

I have posted again to Jim Murphy's blog


I really believe it is high time we were all put out of our misery.  It is unimaginable what those undergoing treatment are going through at present.  Please contact everybody you can think of to urge them to make the announcement with the briefest possible delay before something tragic happens.

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Just finished reading the december issue of Connexion. The banner headline of "Healthcare ban will NOT be retrospective", together with the other articles concerning the same matter, 5 year rule and the Q & A section would appear to be very positive. Naturally not quite the same as getting a letter from the local CPAM, welcome back, and send us a new direct debit form, but better than nothing whilst we all wait for Santa to deliver !!!!!!!!!!!!!



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There is no point in writing to Mme Gaillard.

She is a spokesperson, press officer or the like. She does not control policy. She is not the decison maker.

The situation is under review by an 'etude juridique tres poussee' involving the Minister in charge of Social Security.  This study will conclude at a date 'non-fixee'.

Mme Gaillard will not know the outcome of this study and the political direction the Minister will take until it is finished, and evidently she does not know when this will be.

If you want to try to influence events and decisions you could write to the decison maker, the ministere herself rather than venting your spleen (and the rest) on Gaillard.

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Whilst I agree with you to a certain extent, Mme Gaillard has been our communication point (FHI's that is) and has been helpful in the past in that she does get the information pretty quickly when it is available.  Having been a "Mme Gaillard" equivalent in a past life myself, I know that as press liaison/spokesperson one is often party to a lot of information which is outside the public domain, and a press office can have quite a lot of influence upon the way in which such information is disseminated and its timing.  I would not advise a mass sending of mail to somebody like her and agree that if one is lobbying as an individual, a stronger line of attack is to approach the minister concerned or ones MPs and MEPs. 

However, for pressure groups it does not harm to let the press office know that one has ammunition in one's arsenal and an ability to use it, hence our own letter, which I quoted above.  We do continue along the other routes, as ever, in the meantime.

I am interested to know where you get the rest of your information from as the statements which have been issued thus far suggest that the study phase is over and that the statement was in fact signed by the minister over a week ago.  Its publication date is therefore all that is outstanding, pending clarification to CPAMs.

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I have been trying without success to get the email addresses of French ministers for lobbying purposes. Their postal addresses are freely available but time is fast running out for us (only 4 weeks left with Christmas/New Year in between!). I do not intend to vent my spleen on anyone - merely explain my position and ask what is being done about it.

Mme Gaillard was reported to have said that the circulars were sent for distribution to CPAMs on the 23rd November. I have asked her if this is the case and if so, why the information hasn't been announced. I cannot see why she has not at least acknowledged my email since it contained valid questions. I also do not see any problem with contacting the Head of Communication for Social Security when no one else seems available.  Encouraging others to do the same may, at the very least, convey the frustration that we all feel.

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Don't know if its any use but a bit of googling turns up :

Géraldine DALBAN-MOREYNAS – Conseillère pour la Communication et la Presse

01 40 56 40 14 – geraldine.dalban-moreynas@sante.gouv.fr

Shes listed as part of  the ministeres cabinet

address  corrrect in July

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Another one of me poems [:$]

Hello once more
madam Gaillard
we're all waiting
though we try hard
we're in suspension
there's still no news, have you gone into hibernation?

You made a promise
do you remember?
Back in October
now it's December!
I check my emails
but nothing I hear
there's still no news, are you off skiing in the Alps dear?

Talk to me, oh Madam Gaillard
and give me back my little green card
Don't tease me
Don't tease me, I could yet
catch something
nasty I'll regret

Those who already 
have "conditions"
are now forming
their own suspicions
can you hear them
please pick up your pen
there's still no news, perhaps you've broken both your arms then?

And all those with
an E106
are getting fractious
out in the French sticks
there's little time left
do you have no soul?
There's still no news, have you been sucked into a black hole?

Talk to me, oh Stephanie
I can't bear this, it's killing me
oh where are you
where can you be
perhaps you're gagged, and tied up to a tree?

For those that can say
"I've been here 5 years"
you should do something
to lessen their fears
they have their rights dear
please get it sorted
There's still no news, perhaps you'll wait til they're deported?

But if there's something
in the pipeline
don't keep it secret
throw us a lifeline
and we will all feel
so much better
Madam Gaillard please don't disregard this letter!


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Formal notification or statement or not, I have received  a letter from URSSAF today saying that they had received from CPAM confirmation of our continuation in the CMU on condition of residence.  We do not have 5 years residence yet, so it looks like they are keeping people in the CMU who have satisfied the continued residence criteria in September without having been here for five years.  Lets hope for everyone's sake that they apply the same criteria to those who are on E 106s
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We understand from a reliable source that the promised statement from the Social Security Department is being delayed due to an internal dispute between the ministry and the CPAMs.  The latter are delaying the implementation of the new rulings on the grounds that they are too complicated and possibly open to legal challenge.  I reckon we could have told them that!

What the implications of this latest news will be we do not know but will keep you updated.

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