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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]Yes they will be looking for your 2006 avisThe bad news is they will probably want a letter from Newcastle saying you are no longer entitled to health cover via E106 ,which you have until January.[/quote]

Yes ,I have the letter from Newcastle , put that in along with birth cert , passport, wedding cert, 25 yard crawl cert etc etc  [:)]

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To be clear on this, it is the Avis d'Impot de 2006, received in Septermber 2007 that you will need to take.  However, many of those on shorter E 106s may not have completed a tax return by the time their E 106 runs out and it is quite common for CPAMs to accept a signed attestation of income backed by P60s etc. Where the confusion has then arisen is when the CPAMs  tell the not good French speaker, it not necessary to have a tax return now, not meaning that they do not have to do one but that CPAM don't need one.  What I have never understood is as the tax system and CPAM/Social Security systems are linked why the tax offices never seem to pick up on people with CVs but no tax returns. When I first came here I had a friend who didn't have a clue about tax, he was taxed in the UK on a private pension which should have paid tax in France.  He went to CPAM when his E106 expired with his letter to be told he should have a tax advice, so he asked me to help him. We went to the Tax Office to put things right,  He was gobsmacked to see his name come up on the tax system.  Yet we still hear of people, mostly ex government employees who have never filled in a tax return in France, some for many years.
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We moved here in 2002 and our E106 was only valid for six month. After a discussion with our (English speaking) CPAM rep we submitted our P60 to prove income (he said that was all that was required + the usual electricity bill etc.) and were issued CV's. Because of my UK government pension I  have to pay tax in the UK and assumed that all we needed to produce each year was a P60, we were not told otherwise. We have completed tax returns here since day one but never submitted them to CPAM until last year when we had our forms returned with a covering letter asking for proof of my wife's income. The only proof we had was our joint french tax return which we sent off and it was accepted. I agree with your comments Ron and cannot see why CPAM cannot access individual tax returns, it certainly would make life a lot easier and those not properly "in the system" would be picked up.

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On it's way.....

According to a [url=http://www.securite-sociale.fr/institutions/fraudes/071029_com_woerth.pdf]bulletin[/url] issued by the Comité national de lutte contre les fraudes on 30 October 2007, the links between the fiscal authorities and the various social security organisations are being introduced and will be reflected in the provisions of the 2008 Social Security Finance Bill. 

The bulletin concludes by stating "Data exchange between the tax and social welfare services will make it possible to simplify the process for the users, by removing the declaration of resources for almost  8,5 million recipients of family allowances......"


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I think I have missed something as I have been waiting for an update which finalised the changes to the french health care, 2 days ago, but not able to find it.

I read on the FHI that a letter from that website re expiry of E106' s at the end of 2007 was reviewed by CPAM in Brittany an an extention was granted til march 08 when they would be allowed to join CMU.  As follows:-

The following item may well shortly be overtaken by the long-awaited government announcement. However, it does indicate that pursuing our arguments at local level may achieve positive results in at least some cases.

Some encouragement for E106 holders!

We have this morning received an email from E106 holders in Brittany who say they delivered by hand a copy of our E106 letter yesterday - and the officer's response was that the points were well argued. They were then advised that if they can produce written confirmation from the UK authorities that the E106 could not be extended then they could be admitted to the CMU until 30/3/08 and commence payments for that period.

This is the first 'crack' in the CPAM/CMU standard shrug and response of 'we are acting on instructions' that we have heard of, and we think it should give all E106 holders encouragement to go and try the same tack.

At the very least phone Newcastle if you have not already done so, (do not write because you will never get a response in time), argue for an E106 extension, (always worth a try!), but if you do not get one then ask for confirmation of rejection (in French) in writing.

This will not stop FHI arguing with Newcastle that it is them that should be currently extending all E106's to at least the end of March.

Good Luck - and please feed back to us immediately any more chinks of success!


I do not want to rock the boat for these lucky people but if this is true can any one tell me the name or branch that they visited as a reference.



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Don't want to put a dampener on this but it sounds like a CPAM official getting completely confused or the poster to FHI  was.  The official position today remains that those with E 106s expiring in January 2008 will be refused entry to the CMU and all those in the CMU base with or without 5 years residency will be expelled in March 2008.

Until there is an official announcement to the contrary from the British Government or Embassy or the French Government and one that does not claim to be an exclusive from a source such as the Connexion or from any Forum or property site,  any announcements such as that quoted above should be treated with the utmost caution.

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From the previous post


"Until there is an official announcement to the contrary from the British Government or Embassy or the French Government and one that does not claim to be an exclusive from a source such as The Connexion or from any Forum or property site,  any announcements such as that quoted above should be treated with the utmost caution."

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I fully agree with your comments, Ron, but another week has gone

by and still no real news for all the E106’ers, like me.

I try not to read anything into the rumours but we need to

know where we stand

There are some weird and fanciful “solutions” out there.

The latest I was advised to do was “ buy a few chickens and

call yourself a farmer”

“ you will even qualify for government grants”

If it weren’t so serious, it would be farcical

Sorry, it is farcical !


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If you believe that is all you need to do, then you have not asked the required authorties because that is nothing like you would be required to do, to be called a farmer. It's alright, I know you were just putting up a fanciful proposition, if only it were that simple.

Yes there are some weird and fanciful ideas being bandied about but has anyone actually seen one that has become a solution and the person actually getting by with it ?


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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

"Until there is an official announcement to the contrary from the British Government or Embassy or the French Government and one that does not claim to be an exclusive from a source such as The Connexion or from any Forum or property site,  any announcements such as that quoted above should be treated with the utmost caution."


In a magazine about France I regularly receive a 'specialist' has written an article this month which starts with "Now a new French law implemented by French president, Nicola Sarkozy.......". Well I was always led to believe that it was implemented by the previous president based on current EU law. If my understanding is correct then this statement is clearly wrong and begs the question of how much of the rest of the article is correct. Therefore I rather take Ron's point of view and wait for the 'fat Lady' to sing i.e. when I read it on a French government website then I know it to be true. At the moment I can't find anything that backs up the rumours and statements made in ex-pat newspapers here in France. Even the British Embassy website is being cautious with what it says. I also see the information on the UK French Embassy website is just the same as it's always been (click HERE for a link).

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as I said last week I applied for CMU they have replied

Objet Demande de Couverture Maladie Universelle de Base

Date 30 Novembre 2007


Vous avez déposé une demande de CMU de Base le 30/1 1/2007.


Je vous informe qu'en raison de l'évolution du droit communautaire, les conditions d'accès à la protection sociale des ressortissants communautaires ''inactifs'' ont été modifiées.


En effet, en application de la directive communautaire 2004/38 du 29 avril 2004, votre droit au séjour en France est soumis au respect de deux conditions :

 - avoir une assurance maladie préalable

 - et disposer de ressources suffisantes.


Cette directive vient d'être transposée en droit français par la loi sur l'immigration et l'intégration et par le décret n02007-371 du 21 mars 2007.


  En conséquence, je ne peux donner une suite favorable à votre demande de CMU de Base.


Si vous estimez devoir contester cette décision, il vous appartient de saisir, dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la date de réception de cette notification, la Commission de Recours Amiable compétente auprès de la Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie - 22 avenue Jean Gagnant - 87037 LIMOGES CEDEX.


Je reste à votre disposition et vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, l'expression de ma considération distinguée.


Le Conseiller de l'Assurance Maladie,


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A letter received today 3 December, from the Director of CPAM Lot and dated 28 November which helps set out what is acually going on.

For context we are 5+ years residents whose CVs will run out in March.

.......Je comprends l'émotion que cette mesure a suscitée non seulement chez vous mais également auprès de ressortissants de la Union européenne, dont certains demeurent dans notre pays depuis plusieurs années.

A défaut de pouvoir répondre favorablement à votre demand, je vous informe néamoins, qu'une étude juridique très poussée est en cours auprès de la Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie et du Ministère en charge de la Sécurité Sociale.

Des assouplissements sur lesquels je ne peux toutefois m'engager, devaient pouvoir être apportés en vue de corriger les difficultés d'application constatées.

Dans l'attente de la parution des textes réglementaires
à une date qui n'est pas fixée, je demande à mes services de conserver votre dossier afin de pouvoir vous faire éventuellement bénéficier des dispositions plus favourables qui pourraient être décidées.


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Do you mean CMU complementaire or CMU Base?  Those that pay get CMU base, complementaire is free and for those on low incomes and is basically a free mutuelle.  What does it mean?  It means one person has been granted a limited complementaire. The last CMU base I had did not have an end date.  I'n sorry if this sounds harsh, but please lets stop grasping at straws and wait for the official announcement, then everybody will know where they stand and not how someone who has found a CPAM official who hads been on leave for 6 months has been treated.
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Like many E106's who will be with out cover from january I am trying not to bury my head in the sand and I am clutching at straws.  However if you are one of the lucky ones who have had extentions have you got any unusual circumstances that make you different from the norm, or is it just luck of the draw. 

I will pop to see CPAM tomorrow so any scrap of information would be help full.


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It does appear to be the luck of the CPAM rather than the draw.  My own CPAM has granted an extension to one E106 expiree whom I know personally.  She is signed on for work but has not yet achieved the requisite number of hours per month.

Although I understand and agree with Ron, in that one must await the official announcement, there really does seem to be some autonomy at local level and there can be little harm in individuals doing their best to get the best outcome for themselves, especially the E106 expirees who appear to still be in the "grey area" and who may yet be severely affected.  It can surely do no harm to pursue every possible avenue on a personal level as one can. To sit back and hope it will all come out in the wash just is not an option, imo.

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Je comprends l'émotion que cette mesure a suscitée non seulement

chez vous mais également auprès de ressortissants de la Union europ
éenne, dont certains demeurent dans notre pays depuis plusieurs années.

Whether this person is eventually right or wrong what a change to see someone in authority stopping to think what stress all this dithering is causing those affected.

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[quote user="Caussenarde"]For context we are 5+ years residents whose CVs will run out in March.

.......Je comprends l'émotion que cette mesure a suscitée non seulement chez vous mais également auprès de ressortissants de la Union européenne, dont certains demeurent dans notre pays depuis plusieurs années.

A défaut de pouvoir répondre favorablement à votre demand, je vous informe néamoins, qu'une étude juridique très poussée est en cours auprès de la Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie et du Ministère en charge de la Sécurité Sociale.

Des assouplissements sur lesquels je ne peux toutefois m'engager, devaient pouvoir être apportés en vue de corriger les difficultés d'application constatées.

Dans l'attente de la parution des textes réglementaires
à une date qui n'est pas fixée, je demande à mes services de conserver votre dossier afin de pouvoir vous faire éventuellement bénéficier des dispositions plus favourables qui pourraient être décidées.


Gosh what a splendid CPAM (Director) you have there Caussenarde - I wish our lot were as helpful. Ours are polite and efficient at carrying out procedures but helpful they are not.



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From Jim Murphy Blog dated 3rd Dec 2007


Announcement expected from French Ministry of Health

Thank you to everyone who has written to me on this. I appreciate that the absence of new information is frustrating, however as I write we are still awaiting the official response from the French Health Ministry, which was expected at the end of last week. We have been informed today that full details on the French position and a Q&A factsheet will be issued this week. We have expressed our concern to the French authorities over the continuing delay. Until we have their final statement, I'm afraid that I can't comment any further, except to say that we will publish more information on the British Embassy website as soon as it becomes available, and I hope to be able to offer an update here shortly

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