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G&B : The CPAMs we know of, who continue to deny the existence of the latest statement are, as of 12.00 today (the last 10 or so were visited this week):

Agen, Beauvais, Auch, Fougeres, Cahors, Albi, Nogaro, Pau, Manche, St Lo, Vannes, Gueret, Thiviers, Avranches, La Roche sur Yon, Niort, Loudon, Saintes, Tours, Narbonne and Carcasonne.

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One of our members of Charente Limousine Exchange www.charente-limousine-exchange.com has recieved the following information from Larry Fulton of Exclusive Healthcare :

I’ve just been talking to Larry Fulton at Exclusive Healthcare.


  1. Some CPAM offices are now accepting CMU and E106 people back but most are not. Exclusive Healthcare has a policy that gives health cover which will run until the individuals get into CMU. Then you get your money back pro-rata on the time you have needed cover. As it looks more and more likely that the March 31st deadline will arrive before CPAM gets its act together then this may be useful.

Do you think that this is just a punt from exclusive to sell policies or will we need PHI if our CPAM's have not confirmed our CMU affiliation by 31st March.

Does anyone have any information about the CPAM's for Angouleme, Poitiers & Limoges as these are the offices that deal with our members.

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received today from Rodez(12)  : ' notification d'affiliation sous critere de residence cmu de base avec cotisations' [:)]

Our local office is Villefranche de Rouergue but letter from HQ, headed Assurance Maladie Aveyron

NB. We have never  received a 'chucking out' letter from the CMU (one  from URSSAF when they hadn' t received documentation from CPAM and quickly rescinded as an error) Todays  letter confirms affiliation as from 2003 and details cotisations until 30/9/2008. Just a normal letter 4 months late.

If we hadn't been reading the forums we would probably  have just thought that they were behind with their paperwork and that wouldn't have been unususal!!!!


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I have spoken to Larry a couple of times myself.

Although FHI would not want to be associated with any commercial organisation, Larry does have a point.  As long as this situation drags on (and although there are signs that things are getting better in some places - it is not universal by any means) then it's probably not a bad idea to invest in this type of policy.  The advantage of the Exclusive one is that it can, literally, be started and stopped on a daily basis, but there may be others.  Anybody with no cover at all would be well advised to think about something of the sort, in case the worst happens, imo.

The list above contains all the CPAMs we know of, who were still not acknowledging the existance of any concessions - between 12th Feb and lunchtime today.

Please keep the feedback coming.

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Coops can you clarify that.  Is this the list of CPAMs who are refusing to accept that existing members of the CMU who complied with proof of the residency requirements will be allowed to continue in it? If so that is a nonsense.

Or is the list of the CPAMs who are not affilating new people coming off E 106's?

Things are sorting themselves out,  Helen got her letter yesterday, I got mine in November and we are in the same department so there is no consistency in how its being done, but before FHI starts blacklisting CPAMs  it woulkd be nice to know which groups are being denied membership, how many people have been denied and more importantly what reasons are being given, people could be refused because they have not a birth certificate or utility bill.

Like others I suspect, I got an E mail the other day from No 10 reponding to the petition we signed.  The response from No 10 refers to the concession for existing members but does not contain any mention of a concession for E 106 holders coming off their forms.

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Sorry, Ron, done in a bit of a hurry! It's split about 50/50 between existing CMU ers and E106 expirees.  Obviously, it depends on who has bothered to tell us - so it's just a brief overview.  All cases we reported were legitimate and in total compliance with the regs - including full tax returns etc.  I have to say, we have not reported cases where the applicant was at fault - I don't feel it's our business to feed back those cases to the Embassy!

Yes, the petition response was woefully out of date (it no doubt had to be approved by lots of people before it was posted) and gave a few people a bit of a start, no doubt.

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I have just received this from the Embassy:

"I've already highlighted to the French Health authorities the specific regions you helpfully identified and asked that they resolve those cases as soon as possible. But of course any new cases you learn of would be equally useful to know next week,"


So please keep them coming so I can report back on a weekly basis.  Thanks.
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[quote user="Graham Brenda"]



Thanks for the update - just back after 2 days away.



[/quote]You're welcome.  Pau can come off now, as they are now accepting applications (as of today). 

Ron: I forgot to say : This is absolutely NOT a "black list" - simply a tally of where things are happening and where they are not, so that the Embassy can ask the ministry to chase up those who have not caught on yet.

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We were at Gueret on the 19th Feb to enquire what was happening to our dossier.  E106 expired Jan 08, applied for CMU cover end Dec and received a refusal, sent appeal letter, received acknowledgement.  Sent another application 31st January attaching letter from the Health Minister hoping that this might generate a "fresh" application.

We waited to see an adviser who, from previous experience, seems to be more senior and up-to-date with regulations.  She said that they had only just received the new ruling for E106ers and appeared to accept it, she informed us that our dossier was already complete other than needing yet another copy of the tax reference for 2006 (this had already been sent off twice with both applications).  It appeared to be quite straighforward, she inputted something into her computer, printed a form off and stapled the tax reference sheet to the form.  "That's it" she said.  However, when I asked re: contributions she said that we will receive something in the post within the next two weeks informing us how much we have to pay. 

Having read what has happened to Ninthace and the fact that Gueret is on the list of CPAMs not complying I'm not sure whether it's gone quite as well as I thought. It looks as though we should have received an attestation, in fact we didn't come away with anything to confirm that we are now affilicated to CMUb. 

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Westland, worry not.  Several of the CPAMs on our list have complied since.  A couple have even stated that this was after a phone call received this week instructing them to do so.  Whether or not this can be linked directly back to the Embassy's having passed the list on to the ministry, or whether it simply is a case of CNAMTS having finally sent out the instructions, we do not know.  Certainly, my list is now well out of date as it comprises those whom we knew were not complying during the seven day period in which it was compiled.  Also, it relies on feedback sent in from people whose situations may well have changed since.  In fact, I think we can probably now put Gueret on the plus side.  Please let us know when your attestations come through - I'd be tempted to phone her again and ask her if you can have one asap, myself, just to be sure.
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I am just bumping this up as I'm compiling this week's report to the Embassy.  The list of positive CPAMs has grown a lot in the past week, but is anybody still having problems (apart from me - can't imagine what I've done!)?

As before, please provide the location and department number of your CPAM, and details as to your own circumstances (E106/existing CMU subscriber etc).  Thanks.  Hopefully, it is very few now....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this up again prior to my weekly report to the Embassy.  Some people have still been reporting problems in departments 06, 47, 50 and 71.  If anybody has had any POSITIVE or NEGATIVE responses from CPAMs in these depts recently, please pm me.


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My E106 expired in Jan 2008 and my Carte Vital was taken by the CPAM Office. I was advised to get a letter from Newcastle stating that my E106 had expired and that and the UK would no longer cover me. Together with this letter and a form of consent by my partner, who has a valid E121, to piggy back onto her E121. We did this and returned the forms to the CPAM office, together with a copy of my French Tax return. We were told this was satisfactory and would be processed in one to two weeks. As six weeks has passed, we visited the CPAM today (17.03.2008) and were told that I had no cover at present as they still required an E121 dependant form from Newcastle, they had applied for one in February but have had no reply, we were asked to phone Newcastle and request this form. On contacting Newcastle, I was told I could not apply, as they require an E107 request form from the French CMU. We phoned CPAM again and were told until this was sorted I have no cover and was refused a replacement Carte Europeenne d' Assurance Maladie as I am visiting the UK early April. The English helpline have been very helpful, but all the above requirements have to be met according to them. The CPAM office is at Flers (Orne 61), We have been permanent residents since June 2006, also, does not being married to my partner have any bearing on this situation?
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Peterman, your situation is odd - as you appear to have done all the right things!  In theory at least, not being married shouldn't affect you, but you may need to be in an official civil partnership here - does anybody out there know?  I'll try to find out in the meantime.

However, whatever you do, if you incur any medical expenses in the interim, keep all your bills and feuilles de soin as once the situation is sorted, you should be able to claim in retrospect.

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You cannot just piggyback onto another person's E form as we could all do that and pay no CMU or have to find private health care insurance when E forms expire.  Unless the relationship is "legal" there is no reason for UK W&P or CPAM to accept a piggybacking.

You will have to legalise your relationship or risk having to take out PHI when your E 106 expires.

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But I believe Ron, that one does not have to marry to legalise the relationship - is that not so?  I think there is a kind of civil pact you can enter into.  The EU law makes it quite clear, that marriage is not the basis for granting dependency status. I'll try to find it... back shortly.

EDIT - Here:

In order to maintain the unity of the family in a broader

sense and without prejudice to the prohibition of discrimination

on grounds of nationality, the situation of

those persons who are not included in the definition of

family members under this Directive, and who therefore

do not enjoy an automatic right of entry and residence

in the host Member State, should be examined by the

host Member State on the basis of its own national legislation,

in order to decide whether entry and residence

could be granted to such persons, taking into consideration

their relationship with the Union citizen or any

other circumstances, such as their financial or physical

dependence on the Union citizen.


Thus it appears that it's subject to a review by the authorities here, but the chances are probably good if you can prove a long-term relationship.  Otherwise, Ron, the law would discriminate against same sex and unmarried couples.

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Coops wrote "But I believe Ron, that one does not have to marry to legalise the relationship"

I don't think I mentioned marriage Coops, just that the relationship has to be legal, ie. marriage or a civil partnership. If not, I'm off to find a 60 year old widow with an E 121,  save me a fortune[;-)]

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Depends, I don't know how it works for UK E forms, but for a partner to benefit from the health cover provided for independent artisans registered with RSI, the couple do not need to be married or PACSed.  They just have to sign a statement to say that they live together maritalement under the same roof.  I don't think the words "en concubinage" are used in the forms, but it amounts to the same thing.
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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

Coops wrote "But I believe Ron, that one does not have to marry to legalise the relationship"

I don't think I mentioned marriage Coops, just that the relationship has to be legal, ie. marriage or a civil partnership. If not, I'm off to find a 60 year old widow with an E 121,  save me a fortune[;-)]

[/quote]This thought crossed my mind when the problems started - but I would have had to trade my current o/h in for an older model -not what I'd have wished for, really!
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