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Bank account savings interest rates in France


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I have looked in vain over the internet to find out what sort of tax paid return you can get on say a deposit of 250,000 euros, something that would provide some access but not immediate in a French bank , but unlike our banks in the UK French banks do not seem to advertise their rates , does anyone have some ball park figures of what one could expect, roughly of course.
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I thought that this post was about how much you pay in social charges or to the French Health system if yiu have savings interest but not so perhaps not a suitable question for the Health section then

Whatever you do with your money make sure you take it to the bank and not the chemist

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[quote]I have looked in vain over the internet to find out what sort of tax paid return you can get on say a deposit of 250,000 euros, something that would provide some access but not immediate in a French b...[/quote]

I'm not sure what we're doing in the Health section either so if you don't get much info from this you could try re-posting in the Finance section which is higher up the screen. French interest rates are not good, I think we get about 2.5% on our Livret A which is the equivalent of an instant access Building Society account and the amount you can put in it is very small, no where near the sum you have.  Many products are long term and I am guessing that you perhaps want to put money in and take it out reasonably quickly to  purchase a property.  ING sometimes get a mention, I'm not sure what they are paying at the moment.  If you do want something long term and are french resident there are products available that are said to be tax efficient but to get a better idea of these you are probably going to need a financial advisor that specialises in this market.   If you just want a Euro account you could look off-shore - see www.moneyfacts.co.uk for an idea of what is available. 

Liz (29)

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