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Epi-pens for Anaphalaxis


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We live out in the sticks - or as my Canadian brother would say, "out in the Boonies".

A couple of weekends ago we were having supper with some friends nearby; sitting in the garden , eating the 1st course, and enjoying the last of the evening sun. When we retired to the house for the 2nd course, we collected up the plates and glasses and - as you do - I swigged back the bottom of my glass of wine, not noticing it contained a cross and insufficiently inebriated wasp, who duely stung me on the tip of the tongue. To add insult to injury, as I spat out the wine and the wasp the damn thing flew away before I could stamp on it!

Now this was very painful, but that's all.  One of my fellow guests remarked that it was a good job it wasn't he who had been stung as he is extremely allergic, and could quite possibly have gone into anaphalactic shock.  We were, at the time, something like 35 minutes drive to the nearest urgence, and no idea where the nearest Dr might have been. It turned out that  yes - they have an epi-pen but not where it might have done some good like in the glove box of the car, of his wife's handbag, because it needs to be kept cool, apparently.

I shall feel happier in future if there is an Epi-pen sitting in the door of my fridge, that way Sod's Law will dictate that nobody will ever get stung again.

Does anyone know if they are available over the counter, or only with an ordnance ?

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