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Lead & lipstick!!


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I have just had an e-mail from my sister with some interesting and shocking info in it. It reads :

"This comes from Dr Nahid Neman who works in the Breast Cancer Unit at  Mt.Sinai  Hospital, in Toronto.

From: Dr. Nahid Neman


If there is a female you care anything about, share this with her. I did!!!!!

I am also sharing this with the males on my email list, because they need to tell females THEY care about as well!

Recently a lipstick brand called (see below for name) decreased their prices from $67.00 to $9.90. They contained lead.

Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.  The lipstick Brands that contain lead are:


Deleted.     6 brands are named. If you would like the names please PM me and I will send them.


The higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer. After doing a test on  lipsticks, it was found that the (see above for name) lipstick contained the highest of lead.

Watch out for those lipsticks which are supposed to stay longer. If your lipstick stays longer, it is because of the higher content of lead.

Here is the test you can do yourself:


1. Put some lipstick on your hand.

2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.

3. If the lipstick colour changes to black, then you know the lipstick contains lead.


Please send this information to all your girlfriends, wives and female family members. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre.

Remember:        Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer, especially breast cancer."


It amazes me that when you buy a house here the seller has to produce the result of a lead survey to make sure that there are no lead pipes or paint. If so then where they/it is, but these manufacturers can sell lead in products that you put on your lips!

I have never liked the stuff anyway. I work on the principle that if you need it then it probably won't make you look any better and if you don't then why bother anyway. You will almost certainly look better as nature intended and you will probably be safer as well! I realise that women use it because it helps with self confidence, but the only thing about that is the con in confidence. The only people it really helps are the ones who produce it?

Here endeth Jonz health and beauty lesson [:D].

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I hate to disillusion you, but if a lipstick stays on longer, it's nothing to do with lead, it's to do with the pigment used. I worked for a company that supplied dyestuffs to the cosmetics industry for 8 years, and I can assure you that the testing done on cosmetics far outweighs a lot of the testing done on other products. All dyes used in lipsticks have to be approved by the US FDA, and every batch of dye produced has to be sampled to them and tested before being issued with an FDA certificate, a copy of which then has to be furnished to the purchaser with every batch of that dye sold. Long lasting lipsticks (and especially those ones you used to be able to get which were a totally different colour on the stick from the colour produced on the lips) often use eosins which react with the skin to give a long-lasting and quite intense red colour.

What did use to make me titter a bit, at the height of the food additives scandals in the UK in the '80's was that all the same colours which were claimed to make your kids go loopy(tartrazine, sunset yellow, erythrosine, etc.) are used just as much in cosmetics as food, and probably at concentrations which are stronger. So mothers were busy eradicating these additives from their kids' diets while ingesting probably as much as the average child every time they applied a spot of lippy!

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