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Ah, the joys of getting old.


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I woke up this morning, suns shining, birds singing and me.......................

Stiff in virtually every joint, raging tennis elbow, left knee completely u/s and the icing on the cake, raging tinnitus. Apart from that, I'm fine.

Oh, the joys of getting old..................................[:(]

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[quote user="Iceni"]

Youth = 4 supple limbs + 1 stiff

Old age = 4 stiff + 1 supple





Glucosamine? Chondroitine? VitaminD?

Have you tried rattling instead of being stiff.




Should I be adding one more comprimé to that list.......... bleu peut-être[6]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you ever been to the doctor for advice with the raging tinnitus.As mine has gone beserk and kept me from sleeping for 4 nights now.I am slightly afraid of going to the doctor incase i get laughed out of the surgary asking for help on such a matter but it is starting to affect my balance I think.

Thanks in advance.


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[quote user="Tillergirl"]

Have you ever been to the doctor for advice with the raging tinnitus.As mine has gone beserk and kept me from sleeping for 4 nights now.I am slightly afraid of going to the doctor incase i get laughed out of the surgary asking for help on such a matter but it is starting to affect my balance I think.

Thanks in advance.




People have been known to kill themselves with tinnitus, so why on earth would a doctor take such a wearing complaint as something banal, it is far from that. There is something called vasterel that they usually prescribe.

Have you thought about hypnotherapy, it can help some people.

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[quote user="Tillergirl"]

Have you ever been to the doctor for advice with the raging tinnitus.As mine has gone beserk and kept me from sleeping for 4 nights now.I am slightly afraid of going to the doctor incase i get laughed out of the surgary asking for help on such a matter but it is starting to affect my balance I think.


I live with it all the time TG. Some days are better than others. If you are having trouble with balance get to the doctors. I've had every test known to man and am always told that there is no cure. For what its worth when mine's particularly bad I put the headphones on and listen to some music. Bose do some noise-cancelling kit that's supposed to work but it's not cheap to buy.

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Thanks for the advice, most of the time I'm fine, just 5 mins or so of ringing when I take my hearing aid out at night. This is the second flare up I've had in a year but have never been dizzy with it before i feel like i am permanently drunk[blink] (and no i have not been drinking).

I will make an appointment tommorow and see what the doc thinks.  I tried white noise last night radio tuned between stations and that seemed to dampen it slightly so will continue with that for now at least anyway.

Thanks again.


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Well went to the Doc and he was very nice about it, not too worried about Tinnitus for now more concerned with my dizziness so gave me a prescription and I am under strict instructions to sit on rear end for a week no cleaning no gardening nothing.  He has said if the tinnitus doesn't settle within a couple of weeks to go back and he will send me on to a specialist.  Nice to know I am in good hands.

Thanks for the advice and encouragement.


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I had frequent ringing in ears and on reflexion it always seemed worst after a visit to the hairdresser. Since then I have been careful to cover my ears when hair spray is being liberally squirted about my head. It seems to done the trick!. Maybe I really did not have genuine tinnitus after all!


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I have had tinnitus for a number of years now and I know how awful it can be. I think that mine came from working on large jet aircraft in the R.A.F.

I just found this site that may be of help http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/tinnitus/DS00365/DSECTION=1 . Have a look through it, it's quite interesting.

As for age? Now I know what everything is for it's either worn out or fallen off [:-))], but I just leep taking the pills or any other kind of 'neck oil' ([B]) I can find!!![Www]

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I bought a small noise machine a few years ago, on the recommendation of a specialist I'd been to for tinnitus, and it did eventually help after a few months.  I had to  leave it on low, all the time, in the place where the tinnitis had most impact, so I kept it in the bedroom.  I quite liked the option of the waves crashing on the shore, or the babbling brook, but the OH said it made him want to get up & go to the loo all night, so I kept it on the white noise.

The specialist told me that one of the causes is, (and this is somewhat over simplification) that if the brain can't hear anything, it's a primeval sign of danger, as in the calm before the storm, so it "invents" noise to fill the gap.

Recently though, the tinnitus has become intense enough to be added to the many factors whch disturb my sleep, so it's back to the machine. 

(how my subconscious brain can discount the sound of snoring emanating from the other side of the bed, baffles me.)

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I suffer from tinnitus and have so for about three years.  It just happened after a bad virus.  I have not had it investigated by a specialist as I have read many an article which says there is nothing you can do about it, and did not want to concentrate on it. Eventually I bought a tape machine which I wear at night when it is bad. I also leave the window open even when it is freezing as it is not pleasant mostly when it is absolutely silent.  I have a tape of birdsong and rain which varies. Let us know if you get the matter investigated by a specialist and what happens.  I would think that it is best to keep busy when you have it, sitting down makes you concentrate on the noise. I think the most frustrating thing is not understanding why it is louder some days than others. But I do not have dizziness with it. 

I suffered a bad bout of dizziness before I got the tinnitus (bed ridden for a week and could not open my eyes) for which I was prescribed Stemetil tablets. I would not wish it on anyone.  They worked within a short while. It might be worth mentioning that name to the doctor.  They are used to treat Menieres, (and he should obviously know all about this as the founder was French ha ha).  But I DID NOT HAVE THAT but a virus and was prescribed them.  http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/menieresdisease.htm.  Look it up the symptoms are similar. They are used to counteract dizziness and sickness associated with that. Thats assuming of course,  he can rule out anything more serious than that first.


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Well after a further week of little or no sleep and dizziness decideing to limited it self to just when i was walking. Husband suggested we try nice healthy measure if martini, hot bath and the bed to myself.

It worked wonders two nights of that both with proper amounts sleep and tinnitus is back to its normal levels and dizziness has gone.

Although my sudden drop in hearing on the right hand side has not improved I am hoping it just needs more time although not optimisitic I will admit.[8-)]

Menieres was something I was aware of and if it had continued I would have returned to the doctor to ask his opinion but for now I am just happy it was a temporary glitch.

Thanks for all your support and advice it was greatly appreciated.[:D]


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hi .i have tinnitus caused by sitting in front of a loud trombone section in the band i used to play in .or is it tinnitus ? i have had umpteen hearing tests and they have discovered that i have hyperacusis in fact my hearing is as good as a ten year old child i have been told .no loss of the mid range frequencies either i put this down to lots of ginkyo biloba, it doesn't help with spelling though!i i have learnt to live with hyperacusis and beaten it by over a period of time gradually  putting up with louder noises it has taken 6 months my tolerance levels are much better.as far as tinnitus is concerned i think that i have a blocked eustacion tube which is causing this HUM in my right ear .if i use beclometasone aquious spray i am able to get a good nights sleep so there,s a thought?  john[:D]
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