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Live Longer


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Assuming you've got 3 score years and ten by default and you follow this does that mean you could make it to 106...!

Item 1 could be quite controversial whilst items 5 & 11 get a big [IMG]http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p123/biskitboyo/thumbsup.jpg[/IMG] from me [;-)]


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From what I remember, getting married increased the life expectancy of men, but decreased that of women.  Of course it's a generalisation, and there will always be exceptions, but it seemed that married men were happier than single ones, and that the reverse was true for women.  Could also explain why divorced men, in general,  remarry sooner than divorced women.

Perhaps married man are more relaxed (read less stressed) than their wives [Www]




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I shouldn't really laugh at your comment but I couldn't help myself.  Makes me think of the woman who was given 6 months to live and was advised by her doctor to marry a banjo player.  When she asked the doctor whether that would make her live longer, she was told "no, but it would feel like it!"

So, touche!

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Meditation is a wonderful wine produced at our favorite organic wine chataux close to here. Chataux du Brau. That is about as good as you can get and good for you according to all the blurb you read on red wine!

What more could you wish for, living in the biggest vineyard in the world and enjoying the best wines of the world, bar NON!

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Oh dear 5e, such a shame. I tend to be very fussy what I drink, 1st it has to be liquid and 2nd it has to be inkoholik (hic!).

I stear clear of water, I've seen what fish do in it. They don't get out when they want a wee you know!!![:-))] Or when they want to make more [6]fish either!!!

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[quote user="5-element"]

According to this, SEX is so much better  for longevity than MEDITATION!


So, to get the best oout of this, you should THINK about SEX ?

A good excuse for studying a well-turned ankle as a young filly passes by.  'No dear, I wasn't gawping, I'm just trying to live longer!' [:D]


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[quote user="5-element"]Or the real answer is to follow the tantric path of meditation. Achieving enlightenment through a variety of longwinded sexual practices [:D] ???[/quote]

Ummmmmmmmmm? [8-)][8-)] My brain 'urts now! I don't suppose that you could enlighten us?

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