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I've never tried the no-poo option - interesting thought. However, I've been concerned for many yrs about the chemicals in shampoo etc. I've been using Green People's organic stuff for years now, and find it excellent. It seems quite pricey, but you only need a little each time you shampoo.  Maybe that's an option for those who don't fancy the no-poo option and want to get away from laurel sulphate etc.

My husband has had scalp problems for years, and it certainly has helped his condition. He went through the whole process of medics, hospitals etc, but it's mosly fine now, rather than red and inflamed. G People (& others) also do conditioners, soap etc.


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I have not used any shampoo for the last month.

My hair is very healthy looking: shiny bouncy curls, no frizz at all (yeah!!), no smell (my personal dread) and no itchy scalp.

I simply rinse with water it under the shower and wrap my head in a towel to dry it and that's it.

No going back for me either![:D]

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="JayJay"]..........but Clair said it calmed down frizz!!![:-))][/quote]
That was a before picture!
Look at him after: http://www.pbase.com/kmnorton/image/30790535

Swipe me Clair, it didn't do that to me. I mean what happened to cause the petalz to grow. Weedon, you had better see someone about that growth or you will be attacked by the dreaded humming bird hawk moth kamakassies. Not sure about the lunnettes either?

P.S. This is supposed to be a serious thread and I am not impressed with it being hijacked with all this hilarity. Onthe lead up to the presidential elections we should all be serious and no laughter. Then we can laugh like hell afterwards? In the dark if Ms Royal gets in peut etra?[8-)][:-))]

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I've been inspired by the comments to give 'no shampoo' a try. The first time I washed my hair it was very lank and greasy looking, but already after only one week it's looking better, it's not at all frizzy and it's much easier to comb when wet - previously it was a matter of teasing the comb through as it was so knotted.

Will chlorinated pool water affect it? What about if your hair got actually dirty (oil, cement dust etc)?

I'm impressed so far!


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Reading the "no-poo" sites at the start of the thread, I'm keping the 'conditioner option' up my sleeve, should I need to use something to clean my hair with, rather than simply rinsing it.

I would suggest the same after a dip in chlorinated water or if standing in front of the BBQ! [:D]

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If you are going into the pool and the chlor is at the proper level, i.e. about 2 to 3 ppm then there is no problem at all. If it's much higher than that I wouldn't advise going in it anyway??? Cement dust will rinse out as long as it hasn't set [:D]! If you were to get a head full of dirty oil then even I would resort to a soap, probably savon de Marseillai made from olive oil.

Normally if I am doing a dusty job I wear a train driver type hat that I was issued with when I was in the R.A.F. Keeps my curls nice and clean. I forgot it today and left it too late to rinse this evening so it's in the shower first thing and rinse it then. the job? Changing both the wash basins in our bathroom, water turned off, so no chance of a shower then!!!

Claire, you should not need conditioner because you aren't stripping the oils from your hair. Conditioner may well make it greasy, not sure but it is meant to replace the natural oils that the s/poo strips out with wonderful man made chemical stuff...

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[quote user="cheryla"]

What about if your hair got actually dirty (oil, cement dust etc)?




Over the last month my hair has been assaulted by cement and general building dust on an everyday basis, not to mention mopping up the overused deisel oil during a vidange. So far I have resisted using shampoo or soap, my hair does not look or feel dirty but I have noticed 2 things:

On a damp humid day my hair seems to absorb the humidity and go lank.

If it gets rained on I smell like a wet labrador!

It is the final one that may make me use shampoo once in a blue moon, the smell reminds me of when I picked up a hitch-hiker in France (he turned out to be Canadian), he looked quite respectable but on closer inspection turned out to have been sleeping rough.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]you should not need conditioner because you aren't stripping the oils from your hair. Conditioner may well make it greasy, not sure but it is meant to replace the natural oils that the s/poo strips out with wonderful man made chemical stuff...[/quote]

I don't use shampoo, but I reserve the right to use conditioner should I feel my hair needs it (which has not been the case since the start of the experiment) [:)]

See here: http://motowngirl.com/

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I don't know if I fancy the wet labrador aroma! I went out in the drizzle today and my hair went frizzy, although it did comb back to a reasonable(ish!) state - probably the greasiness stuck it back down!

On the positive side, my husband said it looks as if it's got much more body and that it doesn't look at all dirty.


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[quote user="J.R."][quote user="cheryla"]

What about if your hair got actually dirty (oil, cement dust etc)?



If it gets rained on I smell like a wet labrador!


Nowt wrong with wet labradorz, especially chokkie ones. Just as long as ours is not in the car for tooooo long. But she is lovely really!! And ahe don't use s/poo either, just a splash about in any muddy puddle she can find.

That Motown thingie? I haven't used anything but water now for over 17 years and I haven't got any build up of any kind not even after cutting tiles in situe to fit our new wash basins yesterday. There was dust everywhere then. I feel tyred now, wheelie [8-)]?

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  • 4 months later...

Just a quick revive to see how the 'no-poo' season is going??

18 years for us now and there's nnnnnoooooooowwwwwwttttt rroonngg wiv me bonce?

I found this today too. It's worth the read through. Very interesting. Won't effect most blokes, not sure about Chris H though [6]?


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