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Should we all sign this ?


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Perhaps I'm wrong on this but my understanding was that the UK wasn't contributing towards the costs of health care for early retirees in France and other EU countries like for example Germany and Holland are for their citizens that live in other EU countries. If this is the case, shouldn't the petition be made to the UK government to pay for it's citizens rather than ask them to demand France to accept that they will not pay? 

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[quote user="WJT"]

Perhaps I'm wrong on this but my understanding was that the UK wasn't contributing towards the costs of health care for early retirees in France and other EU countries like for example Germany and Holland are for their citizens that live in other EU countries. If this is the case, shouldn't the petition be made to the UK government to pay for it's citizens rather than ask them to demand France to accept that they will not pay? 


Would everyone consider signing this petition so that more pressure can be applied from different directions, and asking friends and families to do the same.


There is enormous concern amongst British residents in France about

changes being introduced to the French state health system. Significant

changes are being applied retrospectively to British citizens who

diligently complied with the law in place at the time they arrived in

France. Even those currently receiving treatment for serious medical

problems will find themselves deprived of it

The French

government is implementing EU Directive 2004/38 by refusing newly

arriving EU citizens the right to join the French health scheme.

Non-working persons below state retirement age will be required to take

out private health insurance. Until now, those currently living in

France have been treated in the same way as French citizens, joining

the state CMU (Couverture Maladie Universelle) scheme and paying

contributions. Now, they have until 31 March 2008 when their paid membership

of CMU will cease.

Full private health insurance will now be

necessary even though it does not currently exist in France, where it

has been illegal. Those with an existing life-threatening condition,

such as cancer ,heart disease, or chronic illness will find private

companies exclude these from cover.

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[quote user="WJT"]

Perhaps I'm wrong on this but my understanding was that the UK wasn't contributing towards the costs of health care for early retirees in France and other EU countries like for example Germany and Holland are for their citizens that live in other EU countries. If this is the case, shouldn't the petition be made to the UK government to pay for it's citizens rather than ask them to demand France to accept that they will not pay? 


If you feel the petition is in the wrong direction why not start your own , the instruction's are on the site ,and I myself am unsure which direction we should be petitioning , your points seam valid to me ...... just wary of divide and conquer.

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This doesn't apply to me personally but I certainly signed it. My comments were just an observation. From what I have seen, it is not the French government that is at fault, it is the refusal of the UK government to pay for it early retirees outside of the UK like other EU countries do. However, I'm sure any sort of pressure is good.

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The petition was up to 260 a few minuets ago , I wonder how many Brits living in France are unaware of what is happening.

I met some yesterday and asked them if they knew and they replied "it is just for new arrivals it wont affect us".

For the French government to say they have given six months notice they should have written to all the people they expect to get private health care by now.

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