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Letter from CPAM today


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Had a letter today reminding me my    E106 runs out 5/1/08 suggesting I  apply for an extension to DWP (done that they said no)

then 3 choices , 1- affiliate to regime general as an active, 2- get an e121 , 3- fill in supplied questionnaire and return CV.

The questionnaire contains , are you working , are you a non salaried worker (eg b&b), etc.

No mention of having to get private health cover .....yet.

Just wondered if anyone else has had theirs yet ?

ps the paperwork if you whish to see it  one  two

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Here is another one to add to the collection, maybe we will find two the same one day[8-)]

L’Assurance Maladie


Date 13 novembre 2007

WSecu: *************************


Renouvellement de vos droits et

la CMU (couverture maladie universelle)

Madame, Monsieur,

Vous avez déposez une demande de renouvellement de CMU

le 10.09.2007

Je vous informe qu'en raison de I'évolution du droit

communautaire, les conditions d'accès a la protection sociale des

ressortissants communautaires « inactifs » ont été modifies.

En effet, en application de la directive communautaire

2004/38 du 29 avril 2004, votre droit au séjour en France est soumis au respect

de deux conditions:

-être déjà bénéficiaire d'une assurance maladie,

-et disposer de ressources suffisantes afin de ne pas

devenir une charge déraisonnable pour les finances de l'Etat d'accueil.

Cette directive vient d'être transposée en droit français

par la loi sur I'immigration et I'intégration et par le décret n02007-371 du 21

mars 2007.

En conséquence, vos droits a la CMU ne peuvent être renouvelés.

Toutefois, a titre dérogatoire, pour vous permettre de disposer du délai nécessaire

a la recherche d'une autre assurance maladie, vos droits a la CMU sont

prolonges jusqu'au 31 mars 2008.

Pour bénéficier de cette prolongation, je vous invite a mettre a jour votre

carte vitale dans une borne (CPAM, pharmacie, antenne, Hôpital, Mairie) dans

les meilleurs délais afin que le service compétent procède a I'enregistrement

des droits dans votre carte Vitale.


vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, I'expression de mes salutations distinguées.

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One of the challenges we can make in law is that the EU is obliged to publicise any changes to laws which affect your residency rights, fully and with a proper publicity campaign.  For many, this letter will be the first inkling they have had that anything is in the offing, due to the singular failure of the authorities here to do this.  So please keep proper evidence (as in the postmarked envelope) to hand.[I]

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Yes I too have received this letter.   They even rather kindly  (!) had enclosed a questionnaire in French and English for me !    The letter requests that I complete the questionnaire and return my carte vitale for updating (believe that if you will).   

However, it doesn't say by when I have to return my carte vitale, and I assume I don't have to do so until my E106 expires, do I?   As I have no expectation of receiving an updated carte vitale,  if I send it back now I am effectively without cover from that moment.   Aren't I?   Or am I confused (easily done these days).

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Your Carte Vitale is not proof of cover, your Attestation is.  They can easily stop your Carte Vitale from working remotely, so actually having it in your hand is no guarantee of cover.  It is just a convenience, if you like.  I'd be tempted to take it in to be "updated" if I were you but I don't believe that hanging on to it will in any way affect your entitlement.
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[quote user="Puzzled"]

It is so devious the way they are handling this,  when is anything formal here written in English for our benefit  ?  Return the cards for 'updating' !   My, they are just bending over backwards to help us aren't they ?[/quote]

The Cartes Vitales can be updated from any "borne", usually located in pharmacies, hospitals and even one tourist office I know of.

No need to send it back.

If your card is due for updating, it will be flagged next time you use

it and the doctor or pharmacist will update it, as it will not show the

required info.

As Cooperlola says above, the card itself is not the important piece. The attestation (letter) which accompanies the card has all the current information.

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A couple of weeks ago, I received the same letter as you, with instructions to visit my local CPAM to have the CV updated to reflect my ongoing rights.

My local office is a 45 minute drive away (and uncomfortably close to a big shopping area where Mrs Sunday can work the plastic), so on the basis that an announcement is due (favourable we hope), I just filed the letter. 

My CV is still active as at 4pm this afternoon when the girls in my local pharmacy did my usual prescription.


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[quote user="krusty"]

Clair , I think you are missing the point , those of us who have recieved the letter are being asked to send our card back.

I know they can be updated electronicly.


Krusty, based on the French text shown in the second post in this thread, it does not say "return your card", but "update your card".

Can you post the text of your letter?

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