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Fellow E106ers


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Well who are we?  Those of us who might not have cause to celebrate when the big announcement is made, in spite of the very best of efforts from fellow forum members. Are you coping with the stress of it all?  We will be cashing in a life assurance policy to fund PMI, rather ironic really.

Hester and OH, 58 and 57,one minor pre-exisiting medical condition which fortunately at the moment will only mean purchase of medicines.  E106 runs out Jan 08, been in France since July 05. Still sitting on the questionnaire from the CPAM.  Trying to cancel my current top-up at the end of this year.  Not done enough research yet on PM companys.

How many more out there?

(have you read the latest on the French Health Issues website re E106ers in Britanny)

Regards, Hester.


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Hester - we put that info on the French health issues website to encourage others to try the same at their local CPAM.  Have you tried?  I appreciate that good French lang is probably a pre-requisite, but if we found that several offices were agreeing to allow people to affilliate to CMU until the end of March that would be a distinct advantage for everyone.
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Whilst the E106 letter sets out a clear and forceful legal argument, I'd be surprised if a local CPAM decided to accept CMU applications from E106 holders who are not entitled to it under their current official procedures. 

Of course, it could be that the famous CPAM circular has arrived (but not yet officially 'live') and that it does actually provide for E106 holders to transfer to CMU?  If the Brittany CPAM are expecting the new ruling to be officially in place by the time the application is processed, then it would make sense for them to recommend that it be submitted....




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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]


Of course, it could be that the famous CPAM circular has arrived (but not yet officially 'live') and that it does actually provide for E106 holders to transfer to CMU?  If the Brittany CPAM are expecting the new ruling to be officially in place by the time the application is processed, then it would make sense for them to recommend that it be submitted....


How your positive postings keep me going Sunday Driver.  Not sure whether this one is "tongue in cheek" , but whatever.  Until we hear for sure I'm still hoping that there might be a chance for those of us resident before 30th Sept.  This way I can sleep nights - well for a while longer anyway.

Thanks for the info Sunshine2, useful to know what's happening elsewhere.  Regards Hester. 



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Unfortunately in our department, Carte Vitales appear not to be issued until the E106 expires,  However, encouraged by the recent developments in Britanny, we took our application to join the CMU de Base to the St Gaudens CPAM (Dept 31) today.  The lady behind the desk was not encouraging, saying she would put in our dossier but we would probably be refused.  I explained that I was inactif because my former job had a mandatory retirement age of 55 and that I was in receipt of a government pension, but it cut no ice.  I added a letter of appeal, courtesy of the French Healthcare Issues site, which we had modified to include reference to the ongoing etude juridique announced yesterday.  She read it carefully and seemed unimpressed but said she would add it anyway.  Then she discovered that while we had provided copies of our avis d'impots, we had foolishly ommitted a P60 as well so could we come back with completed questionnaires and a copy of my last P60.

We went back this afternoon with completed application forms and the P60 and talked to her colleague who was more sympathetic and agreed that something had to be done to sort this mess out, especially for those with ongoing medical problems.  While waiting I ran into a French friend who works in the CPAM.  He had heard that another announcement was due and said that he too had heard the rumours of an extension to March for E106 holders.  Unfortunately that was all he could tell me.

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[quote user="Ninthace"]

I added a letter of appeal, courtesy of the French Healthcare Issues site, which we had modified to include reference to the ongoing etude juridique announced yesterday.  [/quote]

Hi Ninthace,

I take it the letter of appeal you refer to is 'THE LETTER TO CPAM' for 106 holders (ours expires Jan) from the FHI website. We are going to Niort CPAM on Friday to hand in our Carte Vitale which we have been requested to do, so I will ask to join CMU and throw in the letter of appeal, if that is the correct one. As I am diabetic I was going to add that to the letter of appeal that I am unable to get private health insurance to cover for my diabetes.

Anybody out there got any ideas ?, sensible ones only please [:)]

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[quote user="krusty"]The Limousin area office just gave me the thumbs down , so it is appeal time for me.[/quote]

That's bad news Krusty, we are in the Limousin too.  I'm about to throw in the towel after a nasty experience at my mutuelle office yesterday.  Even if we get an extension until March it just means more weeks of stressing,  especially for those with medical problems already.  Just reading the small print in Private Medical Insurance terms and conditions adds to the worry; there are so many illnesses that would not be covered if they become chronic that it doesn't seem worthwhile trying to fund PM.

Regards, Hester. 


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And here is the Catch 22 of most PHI's

From a reputable insurer

Quote ' Benefits not payable for

Illnessses once they have been diagnosed as either chronic or terminal except where shown in the benefits scedule'

I am not cherry picking here but after having thoroughly read documents from PHI's it appears to me that once you have paid for 12 months PHI and during that time you are diagnosed with a chronic condition then the following year that condition will no longer be covered  under PHI and any further treatment will be at your own expense.

Quote ' Benefits Schedule

'The list of chronic conditions is defined as a sickness, illness, disease or injury which has one or more of the following characteristics 1.recurrant in nature...2.is without a generally known cure...3.not generally deemed not to respond well to treatment...4.requires pallitive treatment...5.requires prolonged supervision or monitoring...5.leads to permanent disability.'

So why bother paying PHI because it appears to be only valid for one year and if anything happens during that period of cover the following years you are on your own

I am going to look for work after the New year but who will want to employ a 56 year old ex Gov. worker...Think I will become an illegal and hide in the cellar...[Www]

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The problem with not having any PHI when your E106 expires is that the french authorities could argue that you are not residing in a legal manner. This could permit them to refuse entry to CMU when you qualify under the 5 year residency rules.

The regulations state that to qualify as a permanent resident after 5 years you must have resided in france in a Stable & Legal manner.

I think this is any important point that has been raised on other threads on the forum. 

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I have just telephoned my broker. Had previosly received by post some quotes, including one from Swiss sante who are my current top up providers. This was for hospital only cover. seemed to fit the bill for us, I am in good health, never visit the doctor, my wife has pre-existing condition. Prefer to pay as I go, could even buy drugs on internet/  Now told that whilst it is in order for Swiss Sante to sell such a policy, it will not satisfy the new Government requirements, and they could be fined for even discussing it!. Went on to say that they had spoken to CPAM who have been told that a circular wll be issued before this weekend which they understand will allow those with pre-existing conditions to join CPAM,.Advised me to await outcome before doing anything.
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While we wait for someone to put us out of our collective misery just a couple of points,

I,ve asked our Maire for help getting a "titre de Resident Permanent" from the Prefecture and he seemed concerned about the new law.

How many must be thinking their little empire of villages and residents may well get much smaller?

If you get a job and then lose it before you get your E121, I've read that because of your age ( over 50 ) you will not be expected to jump through hoops looking for work by the "French Job Centre" and may even not be required to sign on as often. Has anyone proved this by doing it ?


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