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Eye Laser Surgery in France?


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The only information I can give you is that I worked in a large London teaching hospital and talked one day to an Ophthalmologist about having laser eye surgery and he did not recommend it. He said there were not many doctors who would have it done as the cons outweighed the pros (How many doctors do you see who do not need either glasses or contact lenses, I wonder why if laser surgery is the answer?!). It is possible it will work well, but there is also a possibility that you can get side effects or even worse eyesight than before the procedure. Following our conversation I decided to leave well alone! 
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Second-hand experience through my 50-year-old neighbour, who had laser surgery on both eyes a year ago. He had it done (under a false pretext, to get it covered by CPAM) one eye at a time over a period of two weeks. He was prescribed some eye drops for a month or so afterwards.

He now only uses specs to read and, according to him, his long-distancs sight is better than it has ever been with his glasses.
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Thanks Clair.  Am intrigued by your neighbour's devious "one at a time" system, in order to be reimbursed!  Pretty sneaky.

In general, it would seem from asking around locally and searching on the Web that eye surgery here is very limited and seems to involve mainly the old manual "zap and flap" LASIK rather than newer techniques such as Interlase etc.  I think I'll have to enquire further afield.  For those who have expressed concerns, fear not, I am well aware of the risks involved and am FAR from comitted to the idea.

Thanks again

Chrissie (81)


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[quote user="Chrissie"]Thanks Clair.  Am intrigued by your neighbour's devious "one at a time" system, in order to be reimbursed!  Pretty sneaky. [/quote]

With the connivance of his eye specialist, he pretended to have detached retina in both eyes to qualify for reimbursement.

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Early last year my mother needed something 'doing' with her eyes - not sure of the problem (apart from eyesight being very bad with or without glasses) but could find out.  She was referred from the doctor to the specialist opthalmologist at the local hospital and he said that here (France) they don't tend to practice laser treatment (as in UK)  as he considered it only a temporary solution and she was recommended a simple op.  Had both eyes done in a two month period (according to her completely painless) and can now see things she didn't know existed across the valley from their house.

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I have one bad eye and went to see a consultant here with a view to paying privately.  He said they were very up to date with all the technology and would not recommend me having it done.  He said come back in three years when your other eye is worse.  I am going to England to have a second opinion.


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