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Malignant Melanoma


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There was a recent (Feb 2008) update on malignant melanoma on the HAS website (ALD30) I thought it worth mentioning in view of the recent study indicating that melanoma of the scalp and neck would seem to be more aggressive than melanoma presenting  on other areas of the body.
Now the sun has at last made an apppearance, time to put on the sun block and for those of you  going a bit thin on top (even some men apparently !!) time to knot those handkerchiefs.

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Having had Malignant Melanoma TWICE! Once in 1990 and second time in 2000, I can confirm that the ONLY way to definitely know if a suspect mole is malignant, is to have it removed and checked under a microscope.

NEVER wait to see what develops. ALWAYS get suspect moles removed and checked!

Malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive cancers if not caught early!

How early is early? Early means before the growth has reached a depth NOT greater than 0.7mm deep. ie not grown down through the epidermis into the blood stream.

Take care out there and as the Ozzies say.Slip, Slap, Slop!

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A good english friend of ours here has developed skin cancer on the outer edge of his ear and across his forehead at the age of 75 which came as a complete shock and only picked up because the skin on the ear was taking months to heal. He had an operation last year to remove the cancer and then upon a visit to the doctor at the end of last year it was found to have come back in another spot so an operation was arranged for January which was cancelled due to the strike here by surgeons etc.He had the op in Jan BUT the surgeon did not remove it properly and by mid February it had grown again and this time he was back in within five days and they literally cut off part of the ear and dug deep right into the back of the head behind the ear leaving a nasty wound which had to be dressed twice a day for several weeks until it was completely clear. The surgeon who did the last op was furious at the previous exercise and said there were two chances with skin cancer either it goes outwards towards the head or dives deep into the body and the lymph and other glands where it can become fatal. Moral; Get anything that does not heal up for a while checked and moles if they change or you are worried.
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