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Should the UK now bar non-British EU residents from free NHS treatment?


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I expect that MRSA & other super bugs are all over the world, but in the UK,   a first world country, where the (useless) government is spending billions on the NHS there are more than there should be.

In fact, more people are dying unnecessarily from these bugs - dozens of thousands,  far, far more than are killed in the war in the middle east.  And presumably fewer in France?

Sadly, we are forced to join the NHS debacle whether we like it or not.  Using private medical care is an expensive extra which should not be necessary, but it is for many.     I have been let down by the NHS & had to turn to private care twice- reluctantly.   The cost of the NHS comes from direct tax on employees & their employers whose percentage has increased massively since 1997.    The only people who do well out of this mess are the 'won't work'   types- many claiming to be unfit to work, but could & don't because they can get away with it in the UK.    Foreigners paying tax & working in the UK have a right to the NHS,  not so others who see the UK as a soft touch & even arrive for AIDS treatment etc.  

Sad to say Gordon has run up huge debts & his spending of  £1,229,100,000,000 (over a trillion)  = £50,000 per family.  Lots also taken from ordinary familes in stealth taxes.  I can't imagine how this mess is to sorted & even wonder why anyone would want to take over as the next  UK government either!


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[quote user="Judith"][quote user="powerdesal"]My wife cant prove her contribution history because she cannot quote her NI number.  .......

Her employer went out of business many years ago and we cannot find such documents as P45 etc due to having lost / misplaced such personal paperwork during many house moves over the years, ........


I can hardly believe this.  No-one can work without an NI number (at least they are not supposed to be able to), and the reason given (many house moves) seems to indicate a lackadaisical approach to keeping important paperwork.  I've moved many times also (jobs and houses), but not lost the important pieces of information needed.  Surely these should always be carried personally and not trusted to a removal van??


Having just been going back over various threads I noticed the comment above.

I seriously applaud your personal organisational ability Judith, and I would recommend that everyone take the same care of their NI number. I believe it now comes on a plastic card, in my day it was a simple piece of folded cardboard.

As for carrying them personnally......we have since discovered that the actual card was most likely left in the "family" home for safe keeping when we moved overseas. That family home and total contents were destroyed by a fire which gutted the building. Hence no "hard" copy.

HMRC can not trace any record in their archives or data bases hence my wife does 'not exist in terms of pension entitlement' (their words), hence no E121 entitlement either.

I imagine Judith that you carry yours with you at all times, if not, don't pre-judge.

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