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Using EHIC in the UK


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My girlfriend ( a French national) and I will soon be taking a holiday in the UK, she has applied for and received her EHIC from CENAM I think?

My question is not regarding hospital treatment as they seem to be on the ball regading foreign nationals and especially UK ex-patriots, but rather for more mundane things like Doctors consultation, prescription and medecin charges etc.

Has anyone ever used one in the UK? If so did they have to pay up front to reclaim? And is ther any particular documentation that must be got to satisfy the Asssurance Maladie and Mutuelles?

Thanks in advance.

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The EHIC, like all E forms, entitles the holder to the same treatment that would be received by a normal resident of the country you are visiting. So you would not pay for a consultation with an NHS doctor, for medicines you would pay the standard prescription charge and for other treatment, such as dental, you would pay the same charges as any NHS patient. You will probably be asked to show the card and/or other identification such as a passport or driving licence to prove that you are a European resident. So if you have a British passport you should still get treatment, but you may have to explain that you are a bona-fide visitor rather than somebody trying to abuse the system. There have been a few difficulties with over-zealous staff on this point - I don't think this applies directly to you, but it may to British passport holders living abroad.

As you get the same deal as a British resident, then your French health provider or top-up company will probably not get involved, but you may need to keep receipts and other paperwork if you have travel insurance.


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