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Renewing rights to "l'assurance maladie"


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I have received a letter and forms inviting me to renew my rights for the year 1st October to 30th September.  As this is the first time that I have completed the application, other than the initial application on expiry of E106, I would be grateful if anyone could tell me what document they use for the section that asks for "les documents attestant de la regularite de votre sejour (carte de sejour, recepisse en cours de validitie,convocation, rendez-vous en prefecture...) if they do not have a carte de sejour.  On the initial application EDF bills etc seemed to meet the requirement.  Thanks Hester.
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Can I enquire what you have been asked for previously.  Has is just been a declaration of income in order to be assessed on what your contribution might be?  As we were accepted on the criteria of residence at the end of February I cannot see why they should be asking once more for this type of proof.  I was just expecting to have to declare income ie copy of impot sur revenues. I hope that this is not going to be an excuse to exclude us from the CMU again.

If anyone can tell me that it is not normally the case to have to prove residency each year then I intend to go to the CPAM to discuss why they need this. Otherwise I shall probably just send the same documents as in the original application ie passport,copy of Carte Vitales and attestation, impot sur revenues, EDF bills.  Regards Hester

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Looks as if this is throughout France. I have today received the same letter from CPAM La Rochelle. Interesting in that the sheet headed Informations pratiques they ask for the usual ie passport EDF bill ans avis d'imposition. They ask for the "piéce justifiant(carte de sejour) "etc for non EU residents.

After the signature they raise 5 issues.

1.loi no 99-641 juilllet 1999 sur la couverture maladie universelle.

2.article R 115-6 du code la sécritie sociale intrduit par le décret no 2007-354 du mars 2003.l'imprime de demande de la CMU de base est ERRONE SUR CE POINT

4.article L 161-1-4 du code de la sécritié sociale

5 article L 161-15-4 du code de la sécuritié sociale

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[quote user="Jazzer"]They ask for the "piéce justifiant(carte de sejour) "etc for non EU residents.[/quote]

You therefore only need to provide the carte de sejour if you are from a non-EU country, non?  Is the request the same on all your letters?

Worth double checking?[8-)]

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This is only on the back of the standard form.  It is in the actual body of the letter that the carte de sejour is being requested. Perhaps it is just a standard phrase that has been added to meet the requirements for non EU residents. Could anyone tell me how the letter they received last year differs from this one.  Thanks Hester. 
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I received my letter today as well.

My wife gets her e121 next August , so will this be the last time we have to renew ?

a scan of the letter

Dans le cadre du renouvellement de vos droits a l'assturence- maladie, votre dossier-doit faire l'objet d'un nouvel examen par nos services.


Vos droits sont soumis a une condition de residence (1). Vous devez, en effet, justifier d'une residence stable (2) et reguliere Sur le territoire francais.


Par ailleurs, une etude de vos revenus est egalement necessaire pour determiner si vous etes; redevable d'une cotisation. Cette cotisation calculee pour la periode du 1 er octobre 2008 au 30 septembre 2009 est due si vos revenus sont superieurs A un plafond fixe reglementairement. Je souhaite attirer votre attention Sur le fait que cette regle est applicable meme si vous n'etes pas imposable (3).


Pour assurer la prolongation de vos droits, je vous invite a me retourner avant le 15 septembre 2008


les documents attestant de votre residence stable et effective en France : photocopie de I'avis d'imposition ou de non imposition ou, a defaut, tout autre document attestant du caractere permanent de la residence ou d'un sejour d'une duree sup6rieure A 6 mois. Si vous ne fournissez pas ces pieces, vous courez le risque d'une suspension du remboursement des soins (4),


les documents attestant de la regularite de votre sejour (carte de sejour, recepisse en cours de validite, convocation, rendez-vous en prefecture...),


l'imprime de declaration de revenus joint A la presente lettre,


-                                             les documents attestant de vos revenus : photocopie de I'avis d'imposition ou, A defaut, de toute autre piece justificative de vos revenus.


Je me permets d'insister Sur la necessite d'une r6ponse rapide A ce courrier.


par aiiieurs, je vous rappelle qu'en cas de transtert de votre residence a 1e-t—ranger, vous devez en informer votre caisse et restituer votre carte vitale (5). En cas de manquement A ces obligations, une penalite financiers pourra vous titre appliquee.


Je rests A votre disposition pour tout complement d'information et je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur, 1'expression de mss salutations distinguees.


Votre correspondant


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[quote user="krusty"]

I received my letter today as well.

My wife gets her e121 next August , so will this be the last time we have to renew ?




Mrs Benjamin has an E121. Apart from initially registering three years we haven't been asked for anything since.

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It's the same old, same old, bloody formula letters.  They've already got all this stuff on file from last time, apart from the latest declaration d'impots.  They're a pain in the arsse.  But to be on the safe side, I'll do what I did last time (around February this year we had the same letter, and sometime last year as well) and go to the Mairie when the CPAM rep does his/her weekly "clinic", get them to ring the CPAM office to find out what's going on and they'll confirm we don't need to do anything else.  Fingers crossed it's that easy.  [Www]

The CPAM is the biggest administrative pain we've had to deal with in our time here. [:@]

Lucky beggar if you have a competent CPAM. 

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If you are applying for CPAM through condition of residence, then you have to go through this procedure every year. But if you read the paperwork that comes with the request, it says if you don't have any revenue, or if you have given your revenue fiscal de reference, then just sign and date the form on page 3.

You may still need to produce the documentation for your proof of income from overseas.

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Does anyone happen to know if we declare income net or gross? Is it based on all income, including interest on savings?? There seems to be no indication of where to put different figures, will any box do?
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Roz, Boxes on what???

If you mean the CPAM form you enter your RFR and just provide a copy of your last tax return and tax bill which will be out soon.  From next year it should be done automatically when the tax and CPAM systems talk to each other and when those who don't do a tax return may have some awkward questions to answer.

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[quote user="Roz"]Does anyone happen to know if we declare income net or gross? Is it based on all income, including interest on savings?? There seems to be no indication of where to put different figures, will any box do?[/quote]

No any box will not do: if you align page 2 on the LHS and page 3 to the RHS of page 2 all will be revealed ...

All income should be gross.


Have edited my post to reflect SD's wise words below; as he is completely and utterly right. [:)]


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CMU is renewable every October and the same forms are used for new applicants as well as renewers.  That's why the form asks for all the bumpf each time.

Following the recent changes to the immigration regulations, this is the first time that all persons renewing their annual cover will have a current tax avis to submit.  On that basis, the tax avis satisfies both the proof of residency and the proof of income for the means tested calculation of contributions.  As all of your worldwide income is declarable for tax purposes in France, there should be no 'income from abroad' to enter on the CMU application form.

As previously mentioned, just enter your revenu fiscale de reference, sign the form and attach a copy of your tax avis.



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Although your reply is clear SD, as usual , why does it ask at the foot of the form, just after signature to "fournir les pièces indiquées page 4". Or to put it another way, where does it say you don't need to after the requirements are clearly spelt out in the covering letter and on page 4. To me it is pointless to send a copy of a carte vitale and attestation which emanate from CPAM anyway but for the last two years I've just sent it all off anyway with a gallic shrug! 
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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

CMU is renewable every October and the same forms are used for new applicants as well as renewers.  That's why the form asks for all the bumpf each time.


As previously mentioned, just enter your revenu fiscale de reference, sign the form and attach a copy of your tax avis.


Exactly - which is what we've ended up doing each time, just sending back our latest avis d'impôts.  So what's the point, as Brenda & Graham say, of asking for all the other crap when they already have it/don't need it?  Sending the same form to new applicants and to those already in the system is ridiculous.

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Whilst you may receive the 'standard' application form, the accompanying letter (as posted by Krusty) tells you exactly what you need to send in.

Pour assurer la prolongation de vos droits, je vous invite a me retourner avant le 15 septembre 2008 

les documents attestant de votre residence stable et effective en France : photocopie de I'avis d'imposition ou de non imposition ou, a defaut, tout autre document attestant du caractere permanent de la residence ou d'un sejour d'une duree sup6rieure A 6 mois. Si vous ne fournissez pas ces pieces, vous courez le risque d'une suspension du remboursement des soins (4),

photocopy of tax avis or other documents proving the continuing permanent nature of your residence

les documents attestant de la regularite de votre sejour (carte de sejour, recepisse en cours de validite, convocation, rendez-vous en prefecture...),

Only applicable to non-EU citizens 

l'imprime de declaration de revenus joint A la presente lettre, 

-  les documents attestant de vos revenus : photocopie de I'avis d'imposition ou, A defaut, de toute autre piece justificative de vos revenus.

Photocopy of tax avis....

So, by sending in the copy of your tax avis, then you've done exactly what the letter specifically asked you to do......[;-)]




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Thanks for all the help, I guess they need to check if your financial situation has changed from the previous year - it's thrown up an interesting point for me - I need new glasses!!! I didn't realise those little black arrows on page 3 had a number in them that corresponded to the ones on page 2 - thanks Sue! [geek]
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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

les documents attestant de la regularite de votre sejour (carte de sejour, recepisse en cours de validite, convocation, rendez-vous en prefecture...),

Only applicable to non-EU citizens


Could you contact them and ask them to add your rider (in red), SD?  [:)]

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Yes, on the form, but that's not what it says in the letter. [;-)]

And while I'm on the subject, on the back of the form it says that if you're already with the CPAM/ Social Security, you have to send a copy of your carte vitale and the attestation, which is ridiculous as they hold the records, plus if your are French or a member of the EC, it asks for a copy of your ID card, passport, or livret de famille.  Which they already have.  No mention of don't bother if you've sent these things before.

So efficient.  [Www]

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You really need to read the letter...

The application form is a standard form for applying for CMU de base.  It contains all the stuff you mention because first time applicants need to supply the necessary information so that the CPAM can process that application, eg, proof of identity, residence, income, etc. 

It's different in the case of renewals.  Notice how the CPAM have sent you a special letter asking you to send back the 'imprime de declaration de revenus joint a la present lettre' (that's the CMU application form) together with a copy of your tax avis - and (if you are an EU citizen) nothing else. 

If they wanted you to send everything mentioned on the back of the standard application form, they'd have said so.

Pretty efficient, if you ask me....[Www]



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