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Disappearing act!


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Me and himself didn't bother to register with a doctor when we first moved over. Then one day a leaflet in our post box informed us of a brand spanking new practice opening locally so we went and registered there. Saw him a few times and all was well. The next time i needed a doc i turned up there to find.....nothing. No sign on the door, the plaque gone and all locked up.  So i was pretty miffed at not being notified, especially as i was awaiting test results from him. [:@] I went and found a different practice but himself didn't bother, but when we saw that the practice had reopened with a new doctor, he register again there, saw her a couple of times but only to have her disappear a few months later, without being told about it!

Today, I've just been to the dentist (different town) to an appointment which i made in person about a month ago. Only to be told that the dentist has gone. Again no phone call/ letter.(They have all my details.) Lets just say i was a wee bit annoyed! [:@]

For one medical professional to vanish is, i thought, rare. Maybe not so in France? Or have i been specially selected at random?


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