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How do you go about getting an ALD diagnosed in France?  My husband suffers from ulcerative colitis and had a blue badge in the UK which is about to expire.  He also suffered a stroke last year and sometimes has trouble with remembering words but that isn't too noticeable to people who don't know him that well.

Many thanks!


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It's done through your doctor. He/she will perform a diagnose and apply for ALD if appropriate.

But if you are already with a French doctor, as I presume you must be with the medical history you mention, I don't understand why you are having to ask this question [8-)]

Incidentally, one of our posters took the trouble last year to post a comprehensive translated list of all qualifying ALD's

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[quote user="Clair"]The ALD status has to be confirmed by a CPAM doctor.


Sorry Clair but that's not a pre-condition. It may happen but then again CPAM may just accept the ptotocole de soins completed by your own doctor.

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[quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="Clair"]The ALD status has to be confirmed by a CPAM doctor.[/quote]

Sorry Clair but that's not a pre-condition. It may happen but then again CPAM may just accept the ptotocole de soins completed by your own doctor.[/quote]

http://www.ameli.fr/assures/... les-a.l.d.-avec-protocole-de-soins/l-8217-etablissement-du-protocole-de-soins.php

  • le protocole de soins est établi par votre médecin traitant en

    concertation avec vous et avec le ou les autres médecins correspondants

    qui interviennent dans le suivi de votre maladie ;
  • il est

    ensuite étudié par le médecin conseil de l'Assurance Maladie qui donne

    son accord pour la prise en charge à 100 % d'une partie ou de la

    totalité des soins et des traitements liés à votre maladie
  • votre

    médecin traitant vous remet ensuite, lors d'une prochaine consultation,

    le volet du protocole de soins qui vous est destiné, en vous apportant

    toutes les informations utiles ; vous le signerez avec lui.
the care protocol is determined by your doctor [...] it

is then reviewed by the medical officer of the health authority who gives his agreement to cover
part or all of the care and

treatment related to your disease
at 100%.

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I'm not sure, reading the original post, if the question is about the 100% reimbursement or the blue badge (macaron)?  If you need the latter, then the social security people can help, although a justification from your doc' is needed.  Well, at least that's the route which I have just taken.  I had a chat with the social security assistant (who is based at my hospital but I understand they also make regular visits to mairies) and she filled in the forms for me, and made sure I'd provided all the other bits of paper which are needed.  Very slick and quick, I have to say (although I still await the verdict about the macaron itself.)
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Yes Clair [:D] but there's a difference in your two postings between confirmed by a CPAM doctor and reviewed by the medical officer.

I made my posting in case SS2002, or anyone else for that matter, thinks that an examination by a CPAM doctor is necessary in every case.

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Yes, to the date that the médecin traitant made the initial request.

"Si des soins et des traitements liés à votre maladie vous ont été prescrits entre la demande de votre médecin traitant et l’accord du médecin conseil de l’Assurance Maladie, ils seront pris en charge rétroactivement à 100 %, sur votre demande."  Taken from this LEAFLET

"If treatments allied to your illness are prescribed between the doctor's request and the agreement of the CPAM doctor, they will be reimbursed at 100%, upon request."

I think it's important to note 'upon request.'


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