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Is the "cure" on prescription?

milkeybar kid

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Having been in the company of numerous retired French people this last week -topic of their conversation was when they are off for the "cure". I note some have gone for the last 5 years at least same place, same time.The majority were off to Claremont Ferrant (spelling could be dodgy! sorry)the waters for stomach conditions others off to another spa (could not try to even spell that name!) for the back - I think kidney problem.So I am curious - who pays for this - is it on prescription from the doctors and then they or the mutualle pays the 30%?It would just be another of one of life's little mysteries in France solved.Milkey
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Someone I know went for thlassotherapie after having broken her ankle. It was recommended by her doctor by ordonnance, but she had to pay for the "hotel" side of the cost. The actual treatment was covered by CPAM and topup.
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Our neighbours go for 2 weeks, and it is covered as Patf says. Apparently it's not covered if for any reason they leave early.

They stay in a self-catering place, and the car was so loaded up when they left! They took their cooking pans etc, plus microwave. They had loaned us their portable TV until they left, and just had room to fit it in when we took it out to their car! They were certainly on good form on their return!

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My holiday home is near Vichy which is one of the bigest spas.A lot of people visit for a 'cure' Although some of the waters are ok some are foul ,but, judging by the number of patients ,it must work.One thing I like is because a large number of elderly people take the cure I feel young when I go to town
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