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For what it's worth

I find that it's important to have a "second bed in a separate room" refuge,  especially if (in my case) you-know-who is snoring.

So,  having taken refuge,  I find that putting the bedside light ON (daft though it seems)  nearly always works after 20 minutes.   Not shining direct into eyes,  but reflecting off the wall or ceiling.

Try a fan (a fan heater will do,   set to cold) running not too fast;  it generates random noise (akin to pink noise) which does seem to block the brain patterns.

Finally,  have any of you noticed how one can stay awake during a programme on the radio in which one has no interest,   but fall asleep as soon as the one one wants to hear actually starts?   And then wake up just as the closing announcements are running....?

Reading for half an hour before sleep also seems to help.

I do sympathise with you,   people who don't have problems have no idea how debilitating it can be.

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Martin, I like your post.  The thing with the radio happens to me everytime, I mean missing the programmes I want to listen to.

For years, we have had World Radio on.  Used to fall asleep to Book at Bedtime but haven't yet fixed up the leads in our bedroom for that here in France.

Fortunately for me, the OH also likes falling asleep to the radio.

Jen, don't forget, if we die before completing the Compostelle, we might not get to Heaven............therefore best do the pelerinage first and then think of dying afterwards?  I'm after the Plenary Indulgence after all....................!!!!!

Sleep well tonight; perhaps you should have one of those St Jacques shells under your pillow?[:)]

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You could try this. Just set up the mix and balance of sounds you like, the flute does it for me rather than the drums plus creek, birdsong and crickets, and record it to your cassette machine or whatever. I use a second computer running the free Audacity Recorder when creating CDs. http://www.soundsleeping.com/ ..............................JR

PS This one is a lot of fun (Atmosphere Lite) even if it does not help you sleep! http://3d2f.com/programs/33-723-atmosphere-lite-nature-sound-generator-download.shtml

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Martin, yes the radio works for me every time - like Sweets I listen to BBC world....... and then I wake up!  I try to stay awake on a Sunday night until 12.30am to listen to Mark Tulley and Something Understood which is a fabulous programme, only to discover when I wake that I missed it by fifteen minutes and am then awake until heaven knows what hour.  The only advantage of all this is that I have come across some great night time World Service Programmes - Outlook and Charlie Gillettes World of Music to name but two.

John Ross, I might just try soundsleeping.com - after all, I have nothing to lose.  Perhaps I should record the sound of a car motor combined with the voice of a whiney child repeating "are we nearly there yet?"[:D]

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Strange thing is that several sites suggest that "blue light reduces melatonin, the sleep hormone and that  increasing your body’s melatonin production can improve your sleep. Melatonin is produced normally only in darkness. Using artificial light, which contains blue elements, in the evening before going to bed shuts down melatonin production." and yet there are many sites selling these pulsing blue light sleep aids. Other sites sell filter glasses to block blue light. They cannot both be right....................................JR  see http://seniorjournal.com/NEWS/Aging/2007/7-11-13-OhioScientists.htm
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