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No longer entitled to CMU?


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Hi I turned 60 recently (mid September) and took my E121 (with my

husband as dependent) to CPAM.

Today we received a letter stating that

my husband is no longer entitled to CMU since 30/6/09.

I realise that

there are changes when one submits an E121 but am uncertain as to what

exactly should happen. Is this letter 'normal'? Is the fact that the

date stated is some 2 months ahead of what might be expected unusual?


believe that it may take several months before the UK side of things

gets sorted out so what happens in the interim if the CMU has turfed us


Can someone who has been through this please help me understand

how the process unfolds and if we should be concerned and need to visit


many thanks

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Kitty ..............

I strongly suspect that the 2 events are unrelated.  By that I mean that your husband's exclusion letter relates to another (and superceded) element of your circumstances.

If you have submitted an E121, with an additional one naming your husband as a dependent, then it would normally be 'plain sailing'. It might take a few weeks for the paperwork to get enacted, with the next thing to arrive being the carte vitale photo form.

Might be a good idea to go in to your CPAM though and get some reassurance.  

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Gardian is spot on with what happened for us . My wife got her E121 and an extra one that listed me as dependent , we sent them to our local CPAM and in a few days the photo forms arrived for each of us. We sent the the forms off and within 2 weeks we received our shinny new carte vitale`s.
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I suspect you were registered for CMU under your husband's name as it was probably his E106 which originally gained you entry into the system.  Now that they have processed your E121 and transferred you to the general insurance sector (with you as the main person and your husband as your beneficiary), his old CMU registration has been cancelled. 

The cancellation letter mentions 30 June because that's the end of the previous billing period for URSSAF, so you probably won't receive a bill for the July/August/September contributions.


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What SD says could be about to happen to me too .My wife got her E121 in August and we have had and paid the bill for the 3rd quarter.

I have just had a letter asking for our old cards back , so they might be getting around to canceling my old CMU.

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SD was spot on - I was on my husband's E106 so now understand why my husband's CMU has been cancelled. But what happens next? We already have Carte Vitale's. Can we still use them as before?

Unfortunately we have already paid the latest URSSAF bill. What do I have to do to get the money back?

Thanks for everyone's help with this


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We went to CPAM this morning and were advised that owing to my E121 we were now changing regimes and that was why the CMU base was cancelled for my husband.

However we were assured that we can continue to use our CV's in the meantime so it seems that our worries were unnecessary.

We were advised to contact URSSAF re the refund due to us so I have e-mailed them and will wait patiently now for the money to be refunded.

Thanks to all for their help and advice


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  • 2 months later...

I had a letter from URSSAF today , I put it through a translator but can not make much sense of it.

Can anyone please tell me do I need to do anything ?........thank you.

"suite aux informations fournies , votre compte au regime general de securite

sociale sous condition de residence (cmu) est radie avec effet du 30/06/09 

si cette radiation a ete prononcee a tort , je vous serais oblige de bien

vouloir me le faire connaitre dans les meilleurs delais

veuillez agree l`expression de mes salutations distinguees

la presente notification ne fait pas echec au recouvremant des sommes

eventellement dues , sans prejudice de verifications ulterieures "

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[quote user="krusty"]"suite aux informations fournies , votre compte au regime general de securite sociale sous condition de residence (cmu) est radie avec effet du 30/06/09 

si cette radiation a ete prononcee a tort , je vous serais oblige de bien vouloir me le faire connaitre dans les meilleurs delais

veuillez agree l`expression de mes salutations distinguees

la presente notification ne fait pas echec au recouvremant des sommes eventellement dues , sans prejudice de verifications ulterieures "


Further to the info provided, your social security cover under the condition of residency is cancelled as of 30/06/09.

If this cancellation is an error, pls contact me asap.


this letter does not cancel any recovery of sums potentially owed after further checks.

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