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Piggybacking onto spouse's E121 based cover - advice pls.


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Will keep this as brief as poss

Current situation

Di as an OAP is covered by CPAM via an E121 whereas I run a small business and pay RAM


I retire and obtain my cover thanks to Di. I believe that I have to submit a Declaration de Radiation to URSSAF. When I receive a Certificat we toddle off to CPAM for the next step. But which other docs will we have to supply ? Presumably I will have to hand in my RAM CV but do not wish to be uncovered. Cardless for a while I could cope with.

I am sure that others of you have been down this route so TIA for any assistance that you can give.


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My belief is that if you run a business you must stay with RAM.  E121s are only for those not employed.  BUT I do not know this for sure (as the regs for the employed are something of a mystery to me!)  Maybe Will knows, he's normally a fount of wisdom on these things.  If you give up the business of course, things will be different.
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  • 2 months later...


Certificat de Radiation confirming my closure of the business arrived recently. Today I went down to CPAM to see what next expecting all sorts of complications caused by my limited French and Di being in Portugal but no problemo - existing cover through RAM/RSI  is in place until near Christmas 2010. I have to go back to CPAM in Nov 2010 for the next stage, whatever that may be.



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A couple of months before your cover expires, say october 2010, contact the DWP at Newcastle and ask them to supply your partner with a new E121 which includes you as a dependant.

You will need to take this to CPAM to get cover. Make several copies of this E121 as the impots will want one as well to prove you are not liable for social charges on your pension(s)


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[quote user="cooperlola"]...Maybe Will knows... [/quote]

Not being retired, I can't give an answer based on experience.

However, you can only piggy-back onto a spouse's (or 'official' partner's) health cover if you have no other rights or obligations for your own cover. I think you can work in France under an E121 as an autoentrepreneur.

If you are working then you have to register in your own right through an appropriate caisse, or if you have recently ceased working, then your own cover will continue for a period. Having paid into the system in France, it seems rather unlikely that piggy-backing will be automatically allowed after you cease paying, though no doubt some people will have achieved it.

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I pay cotisations to RSI. I have delayed my French pension in order to keep the business going a bit longer, but my UK state pension will come via RSI and I will not get an E121. I will keep my health cover from RSI for ever.

The forms from Newcastle are very clear and I phoned for clarification. Once you have paid social security contributions in France, then your record is here and you cannot claim your pension directly from the UK, you fill in the forms and RSI or whoever you are with, claim it for you. (I realise your question is just about health cover, but the two seem to be tied together).


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