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car crash


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We had a car crash in very late December in UK  ( not our fault )  I felt fine although very shook up after the accident but for the last five weeks or more I have been suffering with a very bad neck, shoulder and lower back.pain. Probably not related in any way  as I did hear that any symptoms would mainifest almost immediately.  Has anyone had similar symptoms after a car crash and will it go away on its own. My neck is so painful it stops me from sleeping properly and I find it difficult to turn my head at times. Probably old age  lol[:)]

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[quote user="valB"]We had a car crash in very late December in UK  ...  I felt fine although very shook up after the accident but for the last five weeks or more I have been suffering with a very bad neck, shoulder and lower back.pain.

Has anyone had similar symptoms after a car crash and will it go away on its own. My neck is so painful it stops me from sleeping properly and I find it difficult to turn my head at times. [/quote]

Some idiot succeeded in knocking my car from the road - completely destroying it in the process - totally not my fault - 20 years ago. I pooh-poohed the idea that there might be anything wrong with me when asked by the ambulanceman who took my daughter and I to hospital. She suffered whiplash, was monitored and wore a neck collar for some time. When I started, much, much later, to suffer neck and top-of-back pain I put it down to the arthritis I inherited from both of my parents. It was only when I had many comprehensive x-rays on moving to France that it was discovered that some of the vertebrae in my neck/top of spine must have been displaced in the accident, as I was told the injury was old. As I have the same symptoms as you in the neck, top-of-back area I sympathise as the pain can be awful at times and just plain annoying/limiting at others.

Moral of story: get help now. Don't think nothing is wrong, get it checked out.


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Not a medical expert by any means but it would seem a bit illogical for symptoms of a crash to lay dormant for 3 or 4 months.

That said I have a bit of a dodgy knee which my UK doctor diagnosed as mild arthritis resultant from a windsurfing accident nearly 20 years before.


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Thanks for the replies. I will probably have to get it checked out by my GP as it is so dibilitating and I hate being inactive. I am finding it difficult to do my gardening and also I am spending nights walking around the house as I cannot sleep properly. Ironically, this afternoon I met a friend and we were talking about aches and pains and she is going back to UK for yet another operation on her neck and back due to a car accident many years ago and her symptons developed a long time after the accident. I will probably get it checked out if it does not improve soon.   I know trauma can bring on Artritis in damaged areas so maybe it is that. Poor old me and i mean OLD me..[:)]

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Hi Val,

As someone who is rapidly becoming an expert in back problems [:D] (why else would I be up at 0600) here is something simple you can do to check yourself.

Stand naked in front of a full-length mirror and relax. Check the height of your shoulders to one another, are they level ?

With your arms down by your side check the gap between your arm and your trunk. Are they equal?

Place your hands on your hips and again, check that they are level.

Get a friend [Www] to look at your spine, it should be straight.

If any of the above is out of sync, you need to get help from a chiropractor.

Hope this helps.

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Bugsy says:

Stand naked in front of a full length mirror and relax.

Look, I'm not trying to belittle anyone's pains as you do all have my absolute sympathy.

However, if I did what Bugsy says, relaxing would be the last thing I could do.  I'd have a fit of the heeby-jeebies![:D]

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