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Depression without medication


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My husband has suffered with depression for many years and for the last five years taken medication for it.

This has dulled his senses and he doesn't like the other side effects they cause.

What I want to know is if there is anyone that has controlled depression with diet and different vitamins.

I have read up on the internet that folic acid, b6, b12, zinc and magnesium all help as do a diet high in omega oil.

All positive replies will be much appreciated.
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I have no personal experience, but St John's Wort is recognized as having similar effect to many anti-depressants. Only side-effect, as far as I know, is sensitivity to the sun, so sunbathing need to limited and sunglasses worn in strong sunshine. I would however say that if he has been on medication for diagnosed depression for some time, any tinkering can have serious effect and should never be attempted without specialist medical advice. Bonne chance.

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Please forgive me if I am talking rubbish or if my advice is not relevant to your husband.

I have heard that walking (and I mean for at least a couple of hours a day) can have a most beneficial effect on people with depression.

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I agree with the exercise theory.

I go to the gym most days.

On the way there I often feel grumpy (but then I am not really a morning person and take ages to get going).

On the way back I always feel great.

I walk at twice the speed and seem to "walk tall".

Not sure it would work instead of medication but might mean that it could be reduced perhaps.

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One word of advice about reducing or stopping medication for depression, is that this should really only be undertaken with the help of a GP or Consultant. The effects of withdrawal can often be far worse than the depression and needs to be done very gradually over a long period.


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Definitely seek GP's advice before cutting down medication, side effects of withdrawal can be bad if not controlled properly.  Also agree whole heartedly with the recommendation of exercise.  Great for the Seratonin (is that spelt right??).  Good luck and very best wishes.


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Hello louis,

Before we bought our house in France I was a community mental health nurse.

I agree that any reduction or removal of anti-depressant medication should be done under the guidance of an appropriate health professional as withdrawal can be a problem if not done correctly.

I had patients in the past that did this very succesfully and found that the advice of people (above), of exercise, daylight,(light boxes in the winter) fresh air, and the taking of St Johns Wort helped a lot.

I wish your husband the best of luck in whatever decision he makes.

Kind regards Mel.
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I am in accord excercise, sunshine, a varied veggie diet plus good music, laughter and beer should help. perhaps buy a powerful motorcycle and learn to wheelie. If none of these work send him to me I will sort him out with a strict regime of the above plus some Hatha yoga and kite flying. Good luck and keep boggering on...
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Dog your narrow minded patronising obsession with vegetarianism is tiring.

What research I have done has revealed no conclusive evidence that a vegetarian diet is beneficial to depression sufferers and in fact on balance actually leans to the contrary.

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Whether your husband can manage without medication will also depend on the type of depression. Only a specialist can give proper advice.

2 members of my close family have sufferred from this. One was able to wean off medication, the other tried, but had to resume.

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[quote user="AnOther"]Dog your narrow minded patronising obsession with vegetarianism is tiring.

What research I have done has revealed no conclusive evidence that a vegetarian diet is beneficial to depression sufferers and in fact on balance actually leans to the contrary.


I do enjoy a good giggle - nay laugh - the only way you will find out is to try a healthy diet - the weight of the world will fall off your shoulders you will have more energy and a positive outlook on life.

No goodcomes from eating death. Cheer up eat some beans!

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I would strongly recommend that your husband does not make any changes to his current medical regime, without the involvement of a suitably qualified medical practioner. With certain types of depression such as Bipolar disoder, St John's Wort is dangerous as it is known to make the illness worse.

Unfortunately, a lot of mental illness is genetic and often results from a chemical imbalance in the brain and therefore excercise and diet on its own is unlikely to be curative.
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Something that came up several years ago for me but if you google it, there seems to be quite a bit of stuff depending on which site you would trust.

Have a look at this one specifically about St John's Wort but lots of the contraceptive pill sites mention it as well.


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