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Rang for an appointment with the Ophthalmologiste we have used since 1994 here yesterday and was told the earliest vacancy would be end of August 2012.What? I asked, what about all the people who need tests? Oh you will have to go elsewhere she said and put the phone down although she was almost in tears. We phoned the only two other cabinets in our local town to be told by both that they are not taking on any new clients for the forseeable future. Unfortunately in France if your last test was more than three years old, then you must have an Ophthal re-examine you for your prescription, it is an insurance problem but if you have a recent prescription you may now have the dispensing Opticien give you a valid eye test, my OH has an appointment with our local shop next tuesday. So,unless we can find a cabinet to take us in the city where my son lives or a nearby town, we and everyone else who needs a test will be stuffed and god knows how many more accidents there will be on the road if people cannot get their eyes tested quick. By the way an Ophthal who is also an eye surgeon has to study for 11 years, hence why there is such a shortage of people taking up the profession and why France needs to get its act together and allow Opticiens carte blanche to do eye tests but not be prosecuted if they miss diagnosing a serious problem etc.
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Hi Val_2 - sounds a bit odd and certainly not my experience!

I wear contact lenses (ordered from internet for past 12 years) and sometimes glasses (if I really have to!). Last month I went into my local Krys opticians and asked if they could check my CL prescription. They did so there and then and charged me just 10€.

I asked about the prescription for my glasses and she told me to take my contacts out for at least 24 hours and come back in with my glasses. Again she verified / adjusted my prescription and charged me another 20€. I also ordered my new glasses via the internet as I refuse to pay the rip-off prices opticians charge (here and in the UK!).

As far as my eye 'health' is concerned - I take it very seriously and do a day trip return flight to the UK and go to a Boots Opticians near Gatwick Airport once every 2 years for a full MOT on my eyes. Can normally get an appointment straight away and my last day return flight cost me 42€ - pretty cheap for peace of mind. Just a question of shopping around if you have a handy local airport.

Hope you don't think I'm 'jumping on you'!


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I wear lenses too but glasses for the days off to give eyes a needed rest. Unfortunately we only have about three cabinets here in the local town and as both our last tests were done in 2007 we have to go to one to have a new prescription exam done as is the rule in France. Our local airport is Brest but no cheap airlines only to rest of France. Even Jersey is too far really with a good two hours to St.Malo and then Condor plus that cost is just not viable. The nearest really would be Plymouth as we are only across the bay from Roscoff but getting there and back in one day is not possible considering you spend 14hrs on the sea and they don't sail every day now. I think a letter may be in order to the government dept dealing with health matters in France at the highest level, not the CPAM/RSI etc and highlight the need for reform.
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Ahhh - sounds complicated for you Val_2!

Whilst you're writing a letter could you add a 'simple' request to allow tabac's / newsagents, service stations, supermarkets, corner shops (!) - and just about anyone else - sell Doliprane etc! The protectionism of pharmacies and drug companies is almost sinister!

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Yes, agreed NormanH - so, if she simply needs an updated prescription shecan just pop into a local 'high street'optician like I did (Krys)?

If she can't do that then it's probably best to go 'outside' the 'French system'. Don't know about you but I for one would certainly not be restricted by any 'system' when it come to my sight! France is only one of many countries in Europe after all....

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Phone the hospital, tell them you have noticed a sudden dimunition of visual acuity (3 years is sudden for some) and/or are suffering irritation and/or see bright lights shooting across your field of vision, they will see you straight away, give you a full check up including a new prescription.

An accurate way to describe the light phenomenon is that it is like a shooting star or the launch of a patriot missile on a dark night across your eye.

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Thanks for that advice,might try the CHU later, not the clinic as they are very expensive. As I said going to the UK is not an option at all,money is tight and we pay into the system here so want something back from it. I still reckon many of these road accidents are caused by bad eyesight and people with cataracts who just cannot get seen for such a long time.My mother drove once over 20years ago with bad cataracts as she had no choice and would not take any notice of us telling her off, she could not see anything to either side of her and often mowed down lines of bollards where roadworks were in progress.
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Val, this might be no help at all, but just in case: could you try an ophthalmologue further afield, just make a few phone calls? Unless it is your whole region which has the same scarcity, as seems to be the case in many regions.

I can't figure out why but here where I live (Hérault, small town) one can make an appointment with the local ophthalmologue,  five minutes' walk from my house, for a week or so later. There also a new one in the next village (5kms from here), in the medical centre. And one in the next town, all being very accessible - the longest one has to wait is about three weeks. What is even more puzzling is that on the other hand, we DO have a shortage of GPs, and of dentists.

But by being persistent in ringing around, perhaps you would find an alternative venue (although my area might be a little too far for you?).

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Thank you, still working on it. I think its to do with location and where the professionals wish to live and work end of the day. Failing here to find anywhere within reasonable driving distance, might have to take the TGV or Easyjet from Brest and go to Paris, luckily we have several friends in the city who have given us open invites to stay anytime.
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[quote user="Val_2"]Thank you, still working on it. I think its to do with location and where the professionals wish to live and work end of the day. [/quote]

That is so strange ... as we live not that far from you and have no problem with ophtalmo appointments in our small town - the wait is usually of the order of 2 to 3 weeks. We have just the one eye doctor locally, though I suppose people do go further afield too as we are not too far from Vannes.


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[quote user="Val_2"]I think its to do with location and where the professionals wish to live and work end of the day.[/quote]Could be.  Although I've been to the hospital for an emergency check up, I still use my opthalmo' in England (since I go twice a year so just fit her in at the same time at no extra expense.)  She is... you've guessed it.... French!
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