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EHIC's and CEAM's


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Without ploughing through all the old posts, I would like to know, when the system changed for EHIC's, how long did any of you have to wait for Newcastle to issue your new EHIC.


I was told today that our 13 month wait for CEAM's was tout a fait normale and that all new systems took a long time to 'get right'. In fact the year wait for an S1(E121) was also normale. And that I am unreasonable.


Has Newcastle made anyone wait a year, or anywhere near that?

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I have no idea about Newcastle but my CEAM takes about a week for the paper version and two for the plastic one.  Somebody is taking the p*ss. I apply on line each year through the Amelie website.


EDIT : As a CEAM is only valid for a year then 13 months just cannot be normale in any circumstances.

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We asked for our S1 in December in advance of my pension date in February.

We had it within a week from newcastle and CPAM in Limoges processed our application within a fortnight. We had our attestation within a week of my pension being paid for the first time and today got the final piece of paperwork to get our cartes vitales in plastic - four weeks later.

We've found it very efficient - sounds like someone out there has decided to pxxx you around, idun.
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 Yes truly in'competent' state. And the red hot poker treatment, love to, but they are saying this is our fault for have any sort of expectation of them doing their jobs in any sort of reasonable time frame.

The CEAM well, taken since Jan 2011 to get it. Good thing is that when it arrived in Feb 2012 it was valid from Feb 2012. Today I asked if I should ask for the next one now. There again this is just me being very unreasonable, but as it takes a year to get it, it seems I should....... the functionnaire assured me that they had now got to grips with the system........ which takes some believing as they still haven't got the S1 registered properly.

They pass things from one office to another to another.


For the retrait everything was applied for and signed up to four months in advance; to say that the CNAV is useless is a bit of an understatement.

Newcastle, well, sometimes a little slow, but well, nothing in comparison to our current waits.


Are you still on CEAM's Coops?

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If you are now back in the UK system, idun, would you not simply apply for the EHIC in the same way as other UK residents?

In which case, as long as you have NHS or NI number, you can follow this link to apply for a free one. 

When I got mine a few years back, it took just a few days to come.


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Sadly no, we are british residents but cannot be in the health service in the UK without having an S1(E121) from France and we have to have french EHICs too which are called CEAMs. And we were getting hassle from Newcastle to get our S1 from France.

And because we have to have the french S1, we have to pay the french authorities each month. So Peter is being paid to pay Paul, so it means we pay for the health service in the UK when on a pension.

Believe me, IF any system is ever devised whereby we could lose out, then we do.

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[quote user="idun"]

Sadly no, we are british residents but cannot be in the health service in the UK without having an S1(E121) from France and we have to have french EHICs too which are called CEAMs. And we were getting hassle from Newcastle to get our S1 from France.

And because we have to have the french S1, we have to pay the french authorities each month. So Peter is being paid to pay Paul, so it means we pay for the health service in the UK when on a pension.

Believe me, IF any system is ever devised whereby we could lose out, then we do.


Knowing you you are totally on top of this, but what is incomprehensible to people looking at it from outside the situation is the fact that as  residents you  aren't eligible for the NHS, given that it is a residence-based rather than a contribution-based entitlement.

In any case, if you have any pension from the UK, and you live there, surely the UK is your competent state, even though you get your main pension/income from France?

You must be fed up to the back teeth with this, so don't bother to answer if you have had enough. All I am explaining is why it looks odd to those of us not in the middle of it.

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In answer to your original question, Idun, when CPAM withdrew our French EHIC (effective 1 May 2010) they wrote asking us to return our cards and telling us to apply to Newcastle, which we duly did. The new cards came within a month.

It looks as though your situation is very much different. Have you tried phoning Newcastle? They're normally very helpful.

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[quote user="idun"]

Are you still on CEAM's Coops?

[/quote]Yes, I am, for a couple more years.  I guess I know the answer to this but cannot you access your account on line?  Then you can apply for the CEAM that way which might, just might, speed the process a little.  But I'm sure you'll have tried that.[:)]
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I shall try and get logged onto our old dept's ameli account, but won't hold my breath. Last time I did it, it told me to contact Rouen.

Now I am in touch with Rouen and Tours. And Rouen tell me that they call me and don't get through, and for the first time, she did yesterday, and told me that she had tried on many occassions, but the thing is that there is usually someone in, the odds of no one being in ever, when they call, is beyond me. And Tours only accept written communication.

I have a letter from the Dept of Health stating that all UK (legal) residents can just join the NHS. And I have a letter from Newcastle stating that we have to have an S1(E121) from France and the EU rule pertaining to that, and it is a pity that the Dept of Health don't seem to know about it really.

So for any of you who have had the odd hiccup with Newcastle, well it isn't so bad, it could be far far worse.

Newcastle cannot help with our CEAMs. And when the UK pension kicks in we won't need an S1 any more or CEAMs, but that is in a little while yet.


This is what you get when retiring from France to another EU country.

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