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Complete France Forum

Attestation Re-issued?


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Bit confused, not sure how many times I have posted that on this forum. We have been in the French health system for 3 and a half years via my wife's E121, and both have carte vitalles. Today we received a letter from CPAM issuing us with a new attestation and a covering letter stating our carte vitalles will follow and we have the choice of registering with a doctor of our choice, which if we register will mean our reimbursements from CPAm will be greater.

This is the same letter we received when we first registered with CPAM, and as we are already registered with a doctor and have our carte vitalles, I really do not know why we have received this letter. Could I ask if anybody else has received a similar letter after already being registered with CPAM. I know our carte vitalles have to be updated on a regular basis, but this seems something different we have not received before. The letter is dated the 27th February and I presented my CV on the 28th which was accepted without any trouble, so I am totally confused as to what is going on.

Any feedback greatly received.

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Thank you for your swift replies.

I have just dug out our previous attestation letters, and it would appear that CPAM, or at least our CPAM have changed the format of the attestation they now send out. Previously the attestation letter with the renewal dates came on a single sheet of paper, with three official stamps all over it, the one we have just received is as I said now on two sheets, one being the attestation and a separate covering letter. The wording is slightly different on the two versions, but basically as you have said Norman just a standard one size fits all letter. Also the new version does not have any official stamps on it, and is only valid for 6 months as previously the old one ran for 12 months.

Seems like another panic is over, for now at least!

Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply.
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