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Private Health Insurance


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I need to change my private health insurance provider (long story). I know that people can't post directly on here any providers but would anyone be willing to pm me with suggestions of a company that offers a good service. My husband and I have no major ongoing medical problems-so maybe on just providing hospital /critical illness cover would be ok. Any advice gratefully received.
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I'll give the same reply as I did in the other place:

You do realise that hospital only private insurance is very unlikely to

fulfill the requirements for legal residence and therefore time spent

inadequately covered will not count towards your 5 years ?


if you have had comprehensive cover up until now downgrading will break

the 5 year period meaning you will have to start all over again !

Here are a couple of links in support of the argument.



Unfortunately until next month nobody really knows how the rules will be applied in practice. One thing you can be sure of already though is that they will be applied differently by every CPAM office !

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Frankly sometimes we can get lost in the minutiae of this '5 year rule'

I know a family   who have never had any sort of insurance, have been in France for over 7 years,  who have benefited from treatment under the AME, are given help towards their rent, and have nearly 900ā‚¬ a month of allocations because the mother is seriously ill.

They have not been asked to leave, and one of the other members of the  family now has her carte vitale by virtue of working, even though she too was originally in this situation.

This is not hearsay. I have helped them with the paperwork as their French is rudimentary, so I have seen the documents.

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It doesn't give a recommendation for PHI, but neither does your post.

What it does show is that the so called 'five year rule' is sometimes completely disregard, and certainly I have never seem reference to a case where people have been asked to start again from scratch.

I am talking about practice on the ground, not what is argued by 'advisors'.

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No, not one. That is my point about 'on the ground' and why I cite the family I did.

I do know lots of British people living here who don't have proper cover, or who rely on an address in the UK (often of a family member) to get by on a EHIC. In fact of 6 people I know quite well I am the only one who has done things by the book, and three of them work here in various degrees of illegality.

I would never suggest or recommend that route, but I am aware it exists.

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[quote user="NormanH"]certainly I have never seem reference to a case where people have been asked to start again from scratch.[/quote]Why would you, although the rule predated the 2007 changes it has only really been brought into focus on the back of that and people who arrived after that and without the benefit of an S1 will only begin to be eligible to apply for health care next month at the earliest. Only then that we shall see how the dice tumble.

Again, unless they plan to try and get health cover after 5 years, which sounds unlikely, the sort of people you mention living under the radar and using EHICs etc. are irrelevant to the actual subject.

EDIT: For further info this is the EU directive embodying the 5 year rule.


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'The actual subject' is a request for a recommendation for  a Private Health Insurance provider.

That has nothing to with the so-called '5 year rule' which was in place long before 2007, certainly as long as I have been in France.

However it is interesting to note from your link

 "have sickness insurance to ensure that they do not become a burden on the

social services of the host Member State during their stay. The Member

States may not specify a minimum amount which they deem sufficient
, but

they must take account of personal circumstances"

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Nothing like a bit of selective quoting !

Here is the full passage:

or have sufficient resources

and sickness insurance to ensure that they do not become a burden on

the social services of the host Member State during their stay. The

Member States may not specify a minimum amount which they deem

sufficient, but they must take account of personal circumstances;

The only logical reading of that is that the emphasis is on the sufficient resources not sickness insurance. Since when was that measured in 'sufficiency' anyway ?

that they do not become a burden on

the social services of the host Member State

kind of trumps all anyway wouldn't you say ?

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Actually I think that ANO and I agree basically.

1) It is true that various offices will interpret things differently.

2) A strict interpretation of the regulations could mean that hospital-only PHI was not regarded as adequate.

I believe that was the warning he wanted to give.

I just doubt if in practice people with PHI will be  told either to leave France or start their 5 years over again

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