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Many thanks, he had the dose on wednesday and is now feeling rough, it doesn't help that he is also coping with side effects of the radiotherapy which have now kicked in, a sunburn effect on his skin which I'm trying to ease with E45 cream. Hope he picks up like last time!
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I developed a bad urine infection with my first round of chemo so with every round after that within 24 hours I was given an injection of Neulasta which helps to build up all the right blood cells to fight infection.   It was only 4 years ago I was having this treatment but it is almost a distant memory now, so it will get better, promise.

If it is any help, I'm having radiotherapy at the moment for a second primary cancer(another 9 days to go from 25) and I've been advised to use only almond, or olive oil on my skin.   I can't understand how that will help but, I have to say where the radiotherapy is directed the skin is just a nice tanned colour and as yet not burning.

All the best to you both

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He had 10 seances, to treat remaining cancer cells after they had removed a brain tumour,( the chemo is for the primary,) the effects didn't show till he had finished the treatment but apparently the effects from radiotherapy can take a while to manifest themselves. Deep joy. Many thanks for your good wishes, he is bearing up well.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Could I bother you again for another question? OH has 6 doses of chemo that take him up to mid Nov, he is assuming that there will be more after that, while I realise everyone's case is different, is it possible that the 6 doses might be it? I should mention he is being monitored after every two doses so presumably they will amend the amounts if needed.
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In my case the original idea was 6, and that was supposed to be it. In fact, because of the white cell problem I mentioned I never had the 6th, and when I asked my oncologist about this she said that as my tests and scans were all clear there would be no need.

My 'protocol' had a name Folfox so I was able to look it up to understand it better


It is possible that Mr Jo's also has a name which you could search for, so it might be worth asking

However if I have a relapse or another secondary etc we would be back at square 1, so I still have my PAC.

This is just a precaution.

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  • 3 months later...
Well a bit further down the line, boy! what a journey!! He was taken off chemo to try a new therapy which would also help the cancer of the brain as well as addressing the bone and lung cancer, he was told it didn't have the same side effect as chemo, too right, much worse! He has had a terrible amount of pain which they have thrown painkillers at, that sent him do lally and he ended up being re-admitted at the start of this week. they have now got the pain under control, but he is very confused, I am hoping this is the medication, or possibly the ongoing effect of the radiotherapy which I was told would last till January, and not the start of a new tumour. Fingers crossed eh?
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Many thanks for your good wishes both of you, it means so much knowing I can come on here and talk to people who have been through the same thing. Thank you NormanH for your ever useful links you really are a mine of information, they seem to have got it under control at the moment, it's just the confusion that has us worried, hopefully scans due will give us some results.
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  • 1 month later...
I really am most terribly sorry to hear that. You  have my  deepest sympathy

 Please don't hesitate to ask if we can help with anything else. As you know there are other people who have also had very sad experiences and may be able to give practical advice.

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Jo, I was so sorry to read about your husband's passing it seems so quickly too which for you must be very hard to deal with.

Sincere condolences, I have a very good listening ear if you ever want to PM!

How are you coping, with all the practicalities of a death and surviving away from family can be difficult, there are many of us here you can rant to if need be.

So sorry!

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Many thanks for all the kind thoughts and words, poppy if you are going through the same thing my heart goes out to you.

It was quick mogs, he didn't die of the cancer, but of a stroke he had the day before. I'm pleased for him as it was the bone cancer that was spreading and I understand that is very painful, at least he was spared that. I still have my two sons out with me at the moment, they go back Sunday I'm sure it will feel pretty weird then, but I have some lovely friends.
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