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How long does it take?


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I went to the CPAM offices in Carcassonne almost two months ago with my form S1 and all the documents I needed. Everything was in order but, nothing since, not a word, rien! Am I being unreasonable to expect that I might have received something from them by now?

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Not unreasonable, but not unusual.

Crucially, did they give you an Attestation? In case you're not aware, this is the document which says "This person is covered".

If they didn't, then you have to ensure that you get an invoice (feuille de soins) for any consultation or treatment that you receive and pay for. Thus when your situation is 'approved', you can claim reimbursement.

Make sure that you keep copies of any documents such as invoices that you subsequently send off.
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If by any chance you were born outside of Europe, this can add months to the delay.......  They will get there in the end. In the meantime, as Gardian said, as long as you have a paper attestation then you are able to get reimbursements, but it is just more fiddly.

Chrissie (81)

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Unfortunately it can take an age.


In my case 5 months to get an attestation - which was only valid for 6 months from the date of submitting the information and somehow never got renewed although CPAM did honour the brown forms submitted.  In the end after 20 months (and to be fair 2 changes of situation - different providers/ situation for the provider for the costs) I eventually received the carte vitale. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
My husband was on my CV till last year when he had his 65th birthday. We started the application process for him in August..... Stupid delays like 'we need the photocopy of your birth certificate on A3 paper' even though all the info was visible on A4 and the image was the same size.

Recently my husband had to have X-Rays and we found he was no longer covered by my card. I rang CPAM and explained and was told 'it takes 3 months'. If you are lucky. Meanwhile we got a snotty letter from the hospital saying he would have to pay for the X-Rays (even though he is still on 100% and we showed them the attestation).
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 I would say that once

he is no longer piggy backed onto your health care, as his 100% has to be linked to someone in french healthcare,

then his 100% sort

of disappears, if you see what I mean. That along with all his rights until it is sorted out. 

IF that is how it works, then maybe he will have to reapply for his 100% too, although I would hope that it would just go through automatically.

Whatever, you will have to pay up, so just keep the forms, fill them in and hand them in when he gets his attestation.

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