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Optic Neuritis


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Has anyone else suffered from this horrible malady please?

Been hospitalised twice, had every conceivable test, four MRIs, lumbar puncture, cortisone drip and prednisone tablets. Thousands of Euros later [we cancelled our Mutuelle to "hospitalisation only" last September grrrrrrrrrr], there is very little improvement. New spectacles, numerous visits to two respected opthalmologists - am at my proverbial wits end to know what to do next.

If anyone has any experience and/or suggestions, I should be so grateful for your input, for which many thanks in advance

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Many thanks for the sympathetic responses and the private message.

Yes, it seems that every avenue has been thoroughly investigated and

the reason why no effective treatment has worked is because the cause

cannot be found, ergo no specific method of cure can be embarked upon.

The specialist equipment can definitely see that the optic nerve is very

inflamed, but why leaves everyone shrugging their shoulders.

Oh well, we soldier on - another visit to the opthalmologist on 25/02 but

meanwhile "keep taking the prednisone" which I don't really like, and hope

that this eventually does some good.

However, if anyone has any other suggestions other than those posted,

I should be very, very grateful for help.

Thank goodness it is apparently not MS - I am too old!!!! 69! Only time

recently that I have had THAT good news!

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Thank you - but we have only just reduced the very expensive Mutuelle to hospitalisation only in September.

Don't think they would like it if we suddenly increased it upwards again. Besides which, we have paid out thousands in the last three months, but hope that this will now diminsh

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I am so sorry to hear about this.

We never know what the future holds, and I always reckoned that it was better in France to pay up, just in case, rather than have huge bills.

I found this, that may help you decide on a new mutuelle, but I would always check that this 'rule' still works.

Les mutuelles régies par le code de la mutualité ne font pas de sélection médicale, leur code l'interdit

Par contre, les mutuelles régies par le code des assurances (banques,

assurances...) peuvent effectivement avoir ce critère de sélection

En conclusion, pour rechercher une mutuelle, taper code de la mutualité

dans le moteur de recherche internet...ce sera un premier critère de


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