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Presciptions / Ordonnances

Mr Wiggy

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Last week I for some reason caught a cold, this is bad news for me as I suffer with a respiratory problems . Some time ago the specialist at the hospital gave me a prescription for a course of nebuliser treatment which was of great help, but when I caught this cold I asked my doctor if it was possible to write a prescription for this same course I had from the specialist but wasn’t able to prescribe this medication. In the mean time I’m struggling with the clogged tubes which has reduced my activities to more or less zero. Is this the norm throughout France?
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* Les médicaments à prescription réservée à des médecins spécialistes

(PRS) ne peuvent être prescrits que par certains médecins spécialistes.

Cette restriction peut être limitée à la seule prescription initiale.

Dans ce cas, après la première prescription établie par le spécialiste,

le renouvellement peut avoir effectué par tout

médecin après avoir vérifié le délai de validité de l'ordonnance. La

prescription de renouvellement établie en ville doit être identique à la

prescription initiale. Toutefois, en cas de nécessité la posologie ou

la durée de traitement peuvent être modifiées, après avoir vérifié le

délai de validité de l'ordonnance initiale hospitalière fixé par A.M.M.

(Art. R 5121-90 à 92 du code de la Santé Publique).

Looks like it could be possible.

Take your copy of your original prescription to your GP and ask, as is said, this is an ongoing thing and you should have a copy of this at home as mentioned here.

Les papiers à conserver

Certains papiers plus précieux que d'autres devront nous suivre tout au long de la vie :

Tout ce qui concerne la santé : carte de groupe sanguin, carnet de

santé, certificat de vaccinations, carte de sécurité sociale, dossiers

médicaux (radiographies, analyses,...) certaines ordonnances 

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Thanks idun.

Yes I do still have the original prescription from the specialist for the nebuliser medication, so will contact the doctor tomorrow. Fortunately I did have a couple of the two vials of medications, that was yesterday, so shall endeavour to go and see the doctor.

Thanks again.
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I really cannot see why they would not re-issue once they see that the specialist has already given it to you. And if they are in doubt, I would hope that they would ring the specialist and check...... would seem the most logical course of action.

good luck

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A friend took the original prescription to the doctor but for some reason the doctor wasn't sure about one of the two medications, this might be due to the fact that doctors hand writing is often illegible. So intend to phone the specialist this morning and ask to contact my doctor to confirmed the medications. Hopefully then might get some much needed relief.

Thanks for your input.
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