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HEAT again...


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Unbearable here today, after about mid-day.

But the wind is supposed to move more to the NNW this evening , bringing cooler weather. I hope!

I'm melting here , even inside our cool house. And I haven't seen Cat all day .

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We're accustomed to it being 'quite warm' down here, but this Summer has been exceptional.

It was 41C mid-afternoon today and as I write this at 21.40, its still 34C.

The problem is that plants are simply dyeing unless you flout the rules and give them some water - which of course everybody does. Just the minimum of course!

Oh for a bloody good thunderstorm!

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We're accustomed to it being 'quite warm' down here, but this Summer has been exceptional.

It was 41C mid-afternoon today and as I write this at 21.40, its still 34C.

The problem is that plants are simply dyeing unless you flout the rules and give them some water - which of course everybody does. Just the minimum of course!

Oh for a bloody good thunderstorm!

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I hate sitting inside a house with shutters closed, windows closed and still the only way to keep cool enough is to have a fan trained on you.  We do not (yet) have air con. And still cannot convince hubby that closing everything is the only way .... and yes, last night was incredibly hot, even with doors and windows open all night, still needed no covering on the bed.  Been most odd this year though, as we have had periods of intense heat all year, interspersed with cooler, even cold weather. 

What happened to the mediterranean climate I learnt about at school - cool wet winters and hot dry summers?  We seem to have had wet warm  winters and wet - dry - hot - cold alternating summers for some time now.  Weird.

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We have had the aircon on continuously since the heatwave began, since 2003 it's usually only been used in winter for heating, so goodness knows what the electricity bill will look like for this year!

Fortunately, in a former life, I supplied and fixed AC&R systems, so don't have to call in expensive artisans when something needs attention[:)]

Tomorrow morning we're heading for the Pyrenees via the Garonne valley, to stay in Bossost, and hopefully experience some damper and cooler weather for a couple of days before we return via Figueras.

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